Information resources, books, printed resources and
documents providing information on global data,
including about personal names, addresses and postal
Together with a variety of consultancy and training services, GRC
Data Intelligence offers a number of printed products to help you
to manage your international data.
The Global Source Book for International Data
Management - Now a free resource!
This guide, the standard reference work in its genre, contains
over 2500 pages of data pertaining to over 245 countries and
territories. This guide in intended to help you to populate and
utilise your international database in the most effective and
accurate way; to ensure that you can put your data to its best
use and to maintain your advantage, without causing any
unnecessary irritation to those people within your database.
It not only allows you not to irritate you customers, it can also
help you to impress them with your knowledge and concern
for accuracy and localized marketing norms. This is the most
complete reference work of its type available. We have spent
more than 25 years in research to bring you this data, so that
you do not need to spend years doing the same. Read more
about it here.
Practical International Data Management -
a guide to working with global names and addresses
Published: October 2001
New data collection methods, such as the Internet; the
globalization of economies and improving computer
hardware and software are allowing companies to collect
information about their customers and prospects in ever
greater quantities and from increasingly further afield.
Managing this data brings with it a whole raft of practical
issues which most companies are unaware of and which, if
ignored, are expensive and time-consuming to correct. This
book details the problems that a company collecting and
managing international names and addresses are likely to
encounter, and suggests, where available, solutions and
ways of preventing the problems arising. Topics tackled
include database structure and data format, data cleaning
and standardisation, language issues, personal name and
address component management and de-duplication. Read more
about it here.
Better data quality from your web form -
Effective international name and address
Internet data collection
Published: April 2009
Web forms are a source of immense and continuous frustration
for many people as the forms almost universally fail to take any
account of variations in personal name and addressing
conventions used throughout the world, so that customers have
to struggle to clear the hurdles placed in their way by the forms.
Reports suggest that almost 9 out of 10 customers have
problems when attempting to carry out online transactions, and
the result is a huge loss of income from lost custom paired with
the collection of very poor quality data.
This e-book (in Acrobat pdf format), which is free to download
and use, attempts to fill the gap left by most works about usability
by concentrating on the experience that your international
customers have with your form, and how it affects them, their
relationship with you and your data quality.
This has been done using many examples and without going into
too much depth about the idiosyncrasies of international personal
names and addresses, and avoids technical discussions – links
to get more information are provided where appropriate in the
text. Read more about it here.
If you have any questions about any of our products, please
contact us.
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GRC Data Intelligence
Expertise in Global Data