Country codes
GRC Data Intelligence has always maintained its own list of
country codes. Country codes and lists from other sources have
proved unsuitable for managing international name and address
data - they are created with political influences and are not
updated fast enough (or at all) as the world changes.
Our list is created on a pragmatic (non political) basis and we are
now making it available for free download. Countries and
territories ("entities") are included on the basis of:
Having an ISO-3166 code. Though the “logic” behind giving
ISO 3166 codes to uninhabited rocks escapes me, I have
provided a code for each one so that users can match the
ISO3166 codes to our code.
Otherwise, the inclusion is based on:
Being populated. Unpopulated entities are not included in
the list.
Geographical imperative: a territory may be part of another
country, but its geographical isolation from that country
requires it to be treated separately.
Examples: Guadeloupe, Bonaire
De facto control by an alternative entity (usually resulting in
address, postal and telephone number differences)
Examples: Abkhazia, Transdniestria, Nagorno-Karabakh
Address/Postal imperative: a country or territory uses a
different address system and/or postal code; and/or mail is
routed through a different country.
Examples: Hong Kong, Macao, Åland Islands
Telephone imperative: a different international access code is
required to dial in to the country/territory.
Examples:Northern Cyprus
Currency imperative: the entity uses a different currency.
Examples: Saba
Political imperative: in a small number of cases, where
control is split or disputed, a country or territory is included
Examples: Western Sahara
Legacy: entities which no longer exist are sometimes
included for legacy reasons while changes on the ground are
not finalised.
Examples: Netherlands Antilles
This means that the list contains entities which are politically part
of another country (e.g. Guadeloupe, Bonaire) and entities which
have limited or no international political recognition (e.g. Kosovo,
Transdniestria, Puntland) but not some of those with a wider
measure of political independence (Scotland, Catalonia). Where
useful, the reasons for inclusions have been given within the file.
Though the list has been created without a political agenda, your
use of it, and the country names in the list, may need to be used
with political and cultural sensitivity. The country names are
given in English according to common English use. However,
these are for identification purposes only. You would not, for
example, use "Falkland Islands" in Argentina, or "Taiwan" in
China. Lists need to be created with your own needs and
customers in mind.
DOWNLOAD the file (Excel (xls) format, version 29th
April 2020) here
If you would like to be informed as this file is updated, send your
e-mail address to
We welcome your input and comments on this file. Please
contact us here
These country codes are
now included as a data
store in the free data
profiling and cleansing tool
If you have any questions about any of our products, or would like
to order them, please contact us.
© GRC Database Information 2025
GRC Data Intelligence
Expertise in Global Data