Free stuff
Here are some links to free stuff we offer to help you on your way
with international name and address data management.
Books, maps and documents:
The highly respected Global Sourcebook for International
Data Management is now free to download and use.
Our popular e-book Better data quality from your web form -
Effective international name and address Internet data
collection is free to download and use.
Our Map of postal code lengths throughout the world
(including punctuation and spacing required) (October 2023
edition) can be downloaded here. For country and regional
maps and information, including regex expressions for
validating postal codes by country, see the Global
Sourcebook for International Data Management.
Download and use a wide variety of white papers and articles
about international data quality and name and address data
Download Venn diagrams showing relationships between
political entities. Available for Channel Islands, France,
Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States of America.
Our sister website Practical International Data Management
(mobile phone friendly layout here) contains many tips and
examples for better understanding differences in international
data and how to deal with them.
Our sister website Data Quality Glossary contains definitions
from several sources for words and phrases relating to Big
Data, Business Intelligence, Data Cleansing, Data
Governance, Data Quality, Data Security, Data Warehousing,
Database Management, Direct Marketing, Geospatial,
Information Management, Information Quality,
Localisation/Localization, Postal Addressing, Quality and
Quality Assurance
Reference data:
Our own internal reference table of country names and codes,
especially built for international name and address data
management and updated faster than other code sources.
© GRC Database Information 2025
GRC Data Intelligence
Expertise in Global Data
If you have any questions about any of our products, or would like
to order them, please contact us.
If these, or any
other of our
free products,
have been
useful to you,
please feel
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