This is the online manual of GRCTools, personal name and address management software.  Click here for details.




Summary of the modules

GRCTools manual | Index

GRC ToolsTMworks on standardising names and addresses on a modular basis. Below is a summary of the modules, in the order in which they should be run for optimal quality, and the type of data upon which they work:

Data processing

Process Field contents
Invalid strings - move field contents Any alpha-numeric field
Field - split string Any alpha-numeric field
Field - trim leading spaces Any alpha-numeric field
Field - trim final string Any alpha-numeric field
Non-numeric characters - remove Any alpha-numeric field
Punctuation - remove Any alpha-numeric field
Double spaces - remove Any alpha-numeric field
Telephone numbers - burst Any alpha-numeric field
Postal code country code - remove Postal code
Thoroughfare types - parse Any alpha-numeric field
Postal code - Format Postal code
Postal codes - assess validity Postal code
Postal codes - write corrected Postal code
Postal codes - locate Postal code, any alpha-numeric field likely to contain a stray postal code
Postal codes (incl. format) - locate Postal code, any alpha-numeric field likely to contain a stray postal code
Postal codes - write located Postal code
Language regions - assign Uses postal code and street address data
Accents - remove Any alpha-numeric field
Quotation marks - remove Any alpha-numeric field
Apostrophes (French) - add Any alpha-numeric field
Casing - to upper case Any alpha-numeric field
Casing - to mixed case Any alpha-numeric field
Casing - to mixed case - address Street address data
Casing - to mixed case - other Any alpha-numeric field, not street address
Articles - move or parse Company name
"And" strings - standardise Company name
Abbreviations - standardise Company name
Abbreviations in personal names - standardise Personal name
Company types - standardise Company name
Sub-building information - parse & standardise Any alpha-numeric field
Post office box numbers - parse Any alpha-numeric field which could contain stray post office box numbers, usually street address fields
Thoroughfare strings - standardise Street address data
Building numbers - move or parse Street address data
Building number suffix - parse House number data
Commas - add or remove Street address data
Building number/letter - format House number/street address data
Sorting code - parse & standardise Any alpha-numeric field which could contain stray sorting codes, usually postal town fields
Place names - parse & standardise Any alpha-numeric address field likely to contain a settlement name
Place names - standardise Settlement name
Provinces - parse/assign Any alpha-numeric field which could contain stray province names
Provinces/regions - assign Uses postal code data
Regions - assign Uses postal code data
University strings - parse Any alpha-numeric field
Attention strings - move field contents Any alpha-numeric field
Department strings - move field contents Any alpha-numeric field
Department strings - move field contents Any alpha-numeric field
Department strings - standardise Any alpha-numeric field
Personal name prefixes - parse & standardise Any alpha-numeric field which could contain stray forms of address data, usually personal name fields
Personal name middle name(s)/initial(s) - parse Any alpha-numeric field
Job titles - standardise Job title

imageIMPORTANT: Address data should not normally be stored in numeric fields and GRC ToolsTM will give an error if asked to process a numeric field. Please ensure that all fields being processed are of character/alphanumeric type.