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Global Sourcebook for International Data Management
by Graham Rhind
Explanation of the terms endonym and exonym here . Return to exonyms summary page here
For technical reasons, all alternative place name versions in the lists below have been labelled as "exonyms", even though it may be a local-language alternative form.
Note: many of the postal code ranges shown below originate from Wikipedia and may not be complete – caution is advised when using them.
Alternate place name forms/postal code tables can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/settlements.htm
Other language place name data can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/otherlanguageplace.htm
Postal code | Chinese → Dutch | For more information about this place: |
100000–102629 | Beijing or 北京市 → Peking |
Beijing - Wikipedia |
510000 | Guangzhou or 广州市 → Kanton |
Guangzhou - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Chinese → English | For more information about this place: |
510000 | Guangzhou or 广州市 → Canton |
Guangzhou - Wikipedia |
210000-211300 | Nanjing or 南京 → Nanking |
Nanjing - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Chinese → French | For more information about this place: |
530000 | Baise or 百色 → Bose |
Baise - Wikipedia |
100000–102629 | Beijing or 北京市 → Pékin |
Beijing - Wikipedia |
510000 | Guangzhou or 广州市 → Canton |
Guangzhou - Wikipedia |
010000 | Hohhot or 呼和浩特 or ᠬᠥᠬᠡᠬᠣᠲᠠ → Houhehot |
Hohhot - Wikipedia |
844000 | Kashgar or 喀什市 → Kachgar |
Kashgar - Wikipedia |
850000 | Lhasa or 拉萨 or ལྷ་ས། → Lhassa |
Lhasa - Wikipedia |
210000-211300 | Nanjing or 南京 → Nankin |
Nanjing - Wikipedia |
830000 | Urumqi or 乌鲁木齐市 → Ouroumtsi |
Ürümqi - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Chinese → German | For more information about this place: |
100000–102629 | Beijing or 北京市 → Peking |
Beijing - Wikipedia |
510000 | Guangzhou or 广州市 → Kanton or Guangzhou |
Guangzhou - Wikipedia |
Jiaozhou or 胶州市 → Kiautschou |
Jiaozhou City - Wikipedia | |
210000-211300 | Nanjing or 南京 → Nanking |
Nanjing - Wikipedia |
266000 | Qingdao or 青岛市 → Tsingtau |
Qingdao - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Chinese → Icelandic | For more information about this place: |
100000–102629 | Beijing or 北京市 → Peking |
Beijing - Wikipedia |
510000 | Guangzhou or 广州市 → Kanton |
Guangzhou - Wikipedia |
Guilen → Kweilen | ||
210000-211300 | Nanjing or 南京 → Nanking |
Nanjing - Wikipedia |
266000 | Qingdao or 青岛市 → Tsingtao |
Qingdao - Wikipedia |
2000-2021 | Shanghai or 上海市 → Sjanghæ |
Shanghai - Wikipedia |
3000-3019 | Tianjin or 天津 → Tientsin |
Tianjin - Wikipedia |
361000 | Xiamen or 厦门市 → Amoy |
Xiamen - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Chinese → Irish | For more information about this place: |
100000–102629 | Beijing or 北京市 → Béising |
Beijing - Wikipedia |
2000-2021 | Shanghai or 上海市 → Seanghái |
Shanghai - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Chinese → Italian | For more information about this place: |
100000–102629 | Beijing or 北京市 → Pechino |
Beijing - Wikipedia |
510000 | Guangzhou or 广州市 → Canton |
Guangzhou - Wikipedia |
210000-211300 | Nanjing or 南京 → Nanchino |
Nanjing - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Chinese → Maltese | For more information about this place: |
100000–102629 | Beijing or 北京市 → Pekin |
Beijing - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Chinese → Russian | For more information about this place: |
100000–102629 | Beijing or 北京市 → Бэйцзин or Beytszyn |
Beijing - Wikipedia |
210000-211300 | Nanjing or 南京 → Наньцзин or Nan’tzin |
Nanjing - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Chinese → Serbian | For more information about this place: |
100000–102629 | Beijing or 北京市 → Пекинг or Peking |
Beijing - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Chinese → Slovakian | For more information about this place: |
100000–102629 | Beijing or 北京市 → Peking |
Beijing - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Chinese → Spanish | For more information about this place: |
100000–102629 | Beijing or 北京市 → Pekin |
Beijing - Wikipedia |
510000 | Guangzhou or 广州市 → Cantón |
Guangzhou - Wikipedia |
150000 | Harbin or 哈尔滨市 → Jarbín |
Harbin - Wikipedia |
010000 | Hohhot or 呼和浩特市 → Huhehot |
Hohhot - Wikipedia |
3000-3019 | Tianjin or 天津 → Tientsín |
Tianjin - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Chinese → Swedish | For more information about this place: |
100000–102629 | Beijing or 北京市 → Beijing or Peking |
Beijing - Wikipedia |
510000 | Guangzhou or 广州市 → Kanton |
Guangzhou - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Chinese → Vietnamese | For more information about this place: |
100000–102629 | Beijing or 北京市 → Bắc Kinh |
Beijing - Wikipedia |
610000-611944 | Chengdu or 成都市 → Thành Đô |
Chengdu - Wikipedia |
400000-409900 | Chongqing or 重庆市 → Trùng Khánh |
Chongqing - Wikipedia |
510000 | Guangzhou or 广州市 → Quảng Châu |
Guangzhou - Wikipedia |
850000 | Lhasa or 拉萨 or ལྷ་ས། → Lạp Tát |
Lhasa - Wikipedia |
210000-211300 | Nanjing or 南京 → Nam Kinh |
Nanjing - Wikipedia |
2000-2021 | Shanghai or 上海市 → Thượng Hải |
Shanghai - Wikipedia |
518000 | Shenzhen or 圳市 → Thẩm Quyến |
Shenzhen - Wikipedia |
Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact the author.
All information copyright Graham Rhind 2025. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.