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Global Sourcebook for International Data Management
by Graham Rhind
Explanation of the terms endonym and exonym here . Return to exonyms summary page here
For technical reasons, all alternative place name versions in the lists below have been labelled as "exonyms", even though it may be a local-language alternative form.
Note: many of the postal code ranges shown below originate from Wikipedia and may not be complete – caution is advised when using them.
Alternate place name forms/postal code tables can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/settlements.htm
Other language place name data can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/otherlanguageplace.htm
There are Albanian communities in Attica and along the border with Albania. They have their own names for certain settlements:
Postal code | Greek → Albanian | For more information about this place: |
136 | Aharne or Αχαρνές → Menidi |
Acharnes - Wikipedia |
145 | Ayios Stefanos or Άγιος Στέφανος → Boyat or Boyati |
Agios Stefanos Attica - Wikipedia |
Filiates or Φιλιάτες → Filat |
Filiates - Wikipedia | |
461 00 | Ighumenitsa or Ηγουμενίτσα → Gumenica |
Igoumenitsa - Wikipedia |
480 60 | Pargha or Πάργα → Parga |
Parga - Wikipedia |
481 00 | Preveza or Πρέβεζα → Prevezi |
Preveza - Wikipedia |
46 | Thesprotia or Θεσπρωτία → Chameria |
The following lists give foreign language equivalents of Greek place names:
Postal code | Greek → Dutch | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Athene |
Athens - Wikipedia |
490 83-84, 491 00 | Kérkira or Κέρκυρα → Corfoe or Korfoe or Corfu |
Corfu - Wikipedia |
185 | Piraiévs or Πειραιεύς → Piraeus |
Piraeus - Wikipedia |
851 00 | Ródos or Ρόδος → Rhodos |
Rhodes (city) - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Thessalonica |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → English | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Athens |
Athens - Wikipedia |
70-72 | Iráklion or Ηράκλειο → Candia |
Heraklion - Wikipedia |
490 83-84, 491 00 | Kérkira or Κέρκυρα → Corfu |
Corfu - Wikipedia |
341 00 | Khalkís or Χαλκίς → Chalcis |
Chalcis - Wikipedia |
731 00 | Khaniá or Χανιά → Canea |
Chania - Wikipedia |
201 00 | Kórinthos or Κόρινθος → Corinth |
Corinth - Wikipedia |
26 | Patrai or Πάτρα → Patrae |
Patras - Wikipedia |
185 | Piraiévs or Πειραιεύς → Piræus |
Piraeus - Wikipedia |
851 00 | Ródos or Ρόδος → Rhodes |
Rhodes (city) - Wikipedia |
231 00 | Sparti or Σπάρτη → Sparta |
Sparta (modern) - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Salonica |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → German | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Athen |
Athens - Wikipedia |
70-72 | Iráklion or Ηράκλειο → Heraklion |
Heraklion - Wikipedia |
490 83-84, 491 00 | Kérkira or Κέρκυρα → Korfu |
Corfu - Wikipedia |
731 00 | Khaniá or Χανιά → Chania |
Chania - Wikipedia |
201 00 | Kórinthos or Κόρινθος → Korinth |
Corinth - Wikipedia |
26 | Patrai or Πάτρα → Patras |
Patras - Wikipedia |
185 | Piraiévs or Πειραιεύς → Piräus |
Piraeus - Wikipedia |
851 00 | Ródos or Ρόδος → Rhodos |
Rhodes (city) - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Saloniki |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
322 00 | Thiva or Θῆβαι → Theben |
Thebes Greece - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Hungarian | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Athén |
Athens - Wikipedia |
490 83-84, 491 00 | Kérkira or Κέρκυρα → Korfu |
Corfu - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Tesszaloniki |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Icelandic | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Aþena |
Athens - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Thessalónika |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Irish | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → An Aithin |
Athens - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Salonaic |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Latvian | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Atēnas |
Athens - Wikipedia |
Macedonian is spoken by some 180 000 inhabitants of the province of Macedonia, around Thessaloníki. Some settlements have both Greek and Macedonian names, though the Greek authorities heavily discourage the use of the Macedonian versions:
Postal code | Greek → Macedonian | For more information about this place: |
582 00 | Édhessa or Έδεσσα → Voden |
Edessa Greece - Wikipedia |
531 00 | Flórina or Φλώρινα → Lerin |
Florina - Wikipedia |
521 00 | Kastoría or Καστοριά → Kostur |
Kastoria - Wikipedia |
611 00 | Kilkís or Κιλκίς → Kukuš |
Kilkis - Wikipedia |
Polípotamos → Nered | ||
621 | Sérrai or Σέρρες → Serres |
Serres - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Solun |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
591 31-591 32 | Véroia or Βέροια or Βέρροια → Бер or Ber |
Veria - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Maltese | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Ateni |
Athens - Wikipedia |
490 83-84, 491 00 | Kérkira or Κέρκυρα → Korfù |
Corfu - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Salonka |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Norwegian | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Athen or Aten |
Athens - Wikipedia |
490 83-84, 491 00 | Kérkira or Κέρκυρα → Korfu |
Corfu - Wikipedia |
201 00 | Kórinthos or Κόρινθος → Korint or Korinth |
Corinth - Wikipedia |
185 | Piraiévs or Πειραιεύς → Pireus |
Piraeus - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Polish | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Ateny |
Athens - Wikipedia |
45 | Ioannina or Ιωάννινα → Janina |
Ioannina - Wikipedia |
201 00 | Kórinthos or Κόρινθος → Korynt |
Corinth - Wikipedia |
190 07 | Marathonas or Μαραθώνας → Maraton |
Marathon Greece - Wikipedia |
26 | Patrai or Πάτρα → Patras |
Patras - Wikipedia |
185 | Piraiévs or Πειραιάς → Pireus |
Piraeus - Wikipedia |
231 00 | Sparti or Σπάρτη → Sparta |
Sparta (modern) - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Saloniki | |
32 200 | Thiva or Θήβα → Teby |
Thebes Greece - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Portuguese | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Atenas |
Athens - Wikipedia |
201 00 | Kórinthos or Κόρινθος → Corinto |
Corinth - Wikipedia |
190 07 | Marathonas or Μαραθώνας → Maratona |
Marathon Greece - Wikipedia |
303 | Nafpaktos or Ναύπακτος → Lepanto |
Nafpaktos - Wikipedia |
185 | Piraiévs or Πειραιεύς → Pireu |
Piraeus - Wikipedia |
680 02 | Samothraki or Σαμοθράκη → Samotrácia |
Samothrace - Wikipedia |
231 00 | Sparti or Σπάρτη → Esparta |
Sparta (modern) - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Salónica or Tessalónica (Portugal); Salônica or Tessalônica (Brazil) |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
322 00 | Thiva or Θῆβαι → Tebas |
Thebes Greece - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Romanian | For more information about this place: |
Almopia or Αλμωπία → Nânta |
Almopia - Wikipedia | |
Archangelos → Oşani | ||
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Atena |
Athens - Wikipedia |
45 | Ioannina or Ιωάννινα → Ianina |
Ioannina - Wikipedia |
Karpi → Ţărnareca | ||
Koupa → Cupa | ||
220 03 | Lagkadia or Λαγκάδια → Lugunţa |
Langadia Arcadia - Wikipedia |
442 00 | Metsovo or Μέτσοβο → Aminciu |
Metsovo - Wikipedia |
Perikleia → Birislav | ||
185 | Piraiévs or Πειραιάς → Pireu |
Piraeus - Wikipedia |
Skra → Liumniţa | ||
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Salonic or Sărună |
Postal code | Greek → Russian | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai → Афины or Afiny |
Athens - Wikipedia |
45 | Ioannina → Янина or Yanina |
Ioannina - Wikipedia |
201 00 | Kórinthos → Коринф or Korinf |
Corinth - Wikipedia |
185 | Piraiévs → Пирей or Pirey |
Piraeus - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki → Салоники or Saloniki |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
32 200 | Thiva → Фивы or Fivy |
Thebes Greece - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Serbian | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Атина or Atina |
Athens - Wikipedia |
582 00 | Edessa or Έδεσσα → Воден or Voden |
Edessa Greece - Wikipedia |
531 00 | Florina or Φλώρινα → Лерин or Lerin |
Florina - Wikipedia |
490 83-84, 491 00 | Kérkira or Κέρκυρα → Крф or Krf |
Corfu - Wikipedia |
201 00 | Kórinthos or Κόρινθος → Коринт or Korint |
Corinth - Wikipedia |
501 00 | Kozani or Κοζάνη → Кожани or Kožani |
Kozani - Wikipedia |
621 | Sérres or Σέρρες → Cep or Ser |
Serres - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Солун or Solun |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Slovakian | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Atény |
Athens - Wikipedia |
45 | Ioannina or Ιωάννινα → Janina |
Ioannina - Wikipedia |
490 83-84, 491 00 | Kérkira or Κέρκυρα → Korfu |
Corfu - Wikipedia |
201 00 | Kórinthos or Κόρινθος → Korint |
Corinth - Wikipedia |
231 00 | Sparti or Σπάρτη → Sparta |
Sparta (modern) - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Solun |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Slovene | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Atene |
Athens - Wikipedia |
490 83-84, 491 00 | Kérkira or Κέρκυρα → Krf |
Corfu - Wikipedia |
201 00 | Kórinthos or Κόρινθος → Korint |
Corinth - Wikipedia |
185 | Piraiévs → Pirej |
Piraeus - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Solun |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Spanish | For more information about this place: |
681 00 | Alexandroupoli or Αλεξανδρούπολη → Alejandrópolis |
Alexandroupoli - Wikipedia |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Atenas |
Athens - Wikipedia |
70-72 | Iráklion or Ηράκλειο → Heraclión |
Heraklion - Wikipedia |
490 83-84, 491 00 | Kérkira or Κέρκυρα → Corfú |
Corfu - Wikipedia |
190 07 | Marathonas or Μαραθώνας → Maratón |
Marathon Greece - Wikipedia |
303 | Nafpaktos or Ναύπακτος → Naupactus |
Nafpaktos - Wikipedia |
26 | Patrai or Πάτρα → Patrás |
Patras - Wikipedia |
185 | Piraiévs or Πειραιεύς → Pireo |
Piraeus - Wikipedia |
851 00 | Ródos or Ρόδος → Rodas |
Rhodes (city) - Wikipedia |
680 02 | Samothraki or Σαμοθράκη → Samotracia |
Samothrace - Wikipedia |
370 02 | Skiathos or Σκιάθος → Eskíatos |
Skiathos - Wikipedia |
231 00 | Sparti or Σπάρτη → Esparta |
Sparta (modern) - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Tesalónica or Salónica |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
322 00 | Thiva or Θῆβαι → Tebas |
Thebes Greece - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Swedish | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Aten or Athen |
Athens - Wikipedia |
70-72 | Iráklion or Ηράκλειο → Heraklion |
Heraklion - Wikipedia |
490 83-84, 491 00 | Kérkira or Κέρκυρα → Korfu |
Corfu - Wikipedia |
201 00 | Kórinthos or Κόρινθος → Korinth |
Corinth - Wikipedia |
302 | Mesolongi or Μεσολόγγι → Messolonghi |
Missolonghi - Wikipedia |
303 | Nafpaktos or Ναύπακτος → Naupaktos |
Nafpaktos - Wikipedia |
26 | Patrai or Πάτρα → Patras |
Patras - Wikipedia |
185 | Piraiévs or Πειραιάς → Pireus |
Piraeus - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Thessaloniki or Saloniki |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
32 200 | Thiva or Θήβα → Thebe |
Thebes Greece - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Vietnamese | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Á Thiên or Nhã Điển |
Athens - Wikipedia |
291 00 | Zakynthos or Ζάκυνθος → Xan Tê |
Zakynthos (city) - Wikipedia |
Postal code | Greek → Welsh | For more information about this place: |
10-11, 120 | Athínai or Αθήνα → Athen |
Athens - Wikipedia |
53-56 | Thessaloníki or Θεσσαλονίκη → Thessaloníci |
Thessaloniki - Wikipedia |
Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact the author.
All information copyright Graham Rhind 2025. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.