Global Sourcebook for International Data Management
by Graham Rhind
For supplementary information, see links to post office home pages here , to postal code pages here
and to other personal name and addressing issues pages here
82 711 282 (2022) [1]
(where , indicates the decimal separator and . the thousands separator)
German is the official language, spoken by 98% of the population. There are several dialects of German spoken: Allemannisch
(similar to Alsatian spoken in France); Bavarian
in Bavaria; Frankish (similar to German spoken in Belgium and to Letzebuergesch); Low German; Mainfränkisch
; Low Saxon; Standard German and Swabian
. Sorbian, also known as Wendish and Lusation, is a Slavic language spoken in Lusatia, which is a small area in the south-east of the former East Germany. There are some 70 000 speakers of two dialects: Upper Sorbian
(around the city of Bautzen), resembling Czech; and Lower Sorbian
, spoken around Cottbus, resembling Polish
Bilingual German/Sorbian thoroughfare name sign in Cottbus
Frisian (21 000 speakers in the mutually unintelligible forms of North and East Frisian
) is spoken in an area around Saterland, postal codes 26640-26689 and around Emden and Oldenburg. In Nord Friesland (near to the Danish border) it is spoken on the peninsula of Sylt (postal code area 25960-25999) except in the far north around List, where Danish
is spoken. It is spoken on the islands of Föhr (except around Wyk and Nieblum); Amrum and Helgoland (postal code areas 27450-27499). It is also spoken along the coastal postal code areas 25890-25959 and 25800-25889. There is a “mainland” dialect and an “island” dialect, and other dialects between villages within these main areas.
Other minority languages include Danish in Jutland (50 000 speakers); Letzebuergesch
around Bitburg near to the Luxembourg border and Romani.
Note: This section last updated 12th May 2024
Until the mid 1990s, it was a legal requirement that a husband and wife share a family name. Before this date it was common for one or other partner to use a double-barrelled family name which incorporated the pre-marriage family names of both partners (e.g. Meier-Müller). Now both partners may keep their pre-marriage family names, and people married before the implementation of the law may also revert to their pre-marriage names, but a name consisting of the pre-marriage family names of both partners is no longer allowed. The new law “encourages the use of a common name”.
Surnames may exist of two hyphenated names, but not more than two (a 1993 law upheld by the constitutional court in 2009).
High court decisions in 2008 overturned laws stating that given names must be “by nature” given names (i.e. may not include family names, common nouns and so on); that they must be gender-specific (or, if the first given name is not gender-specific, a second, gender-specific, name must be given).
Given names may not have the potential to cause harm to the namee (e.g. Mickey Mouse, Kain, Osama bin Ladin).
Indigenous ethnic minorities may choose names based on their own cultural traditions. For example, Danes in Schleswig-Holstein may choose surnames based on patronymics. [2]
Tables of names can be acquired: given names, surnames/family names
, family name prefixes
, forms of address
, job titles
It is more correct to place the words indicating the nature of a company in front of the name of the company, thus:
Bäckerei Klaus Schmidt
You will, however, often find these activity indications after the company name, thus:
Klaus Schmidt, Bäcker Klaus Schmidt (Bäcker)
German company names will also often contain the name of the inhaber(in) (owner), usually indicated by the abbreviation Inh.
Note: This section last updated 20th June 2017
The following company types may be recognized in German company names:
AG (Aktiengesellschaft) AG & Co. KG AG & Co. KGaA BGB Gesellschaft EG/eG (Eingetragene Genossenschaft) eK (eingetragener Kaufmann - sole trader EV (Eingetragener Verein – non profit society/association) Einzelfirma Einzelunternehmen GbR (Gesellschaft burgerlichen Rechts – partnership without a legal name – mainly non-commercial) Genossenschaft gGmbH (gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) GmbH (also often written Gesellschaft mbH) (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) GmbH & Co. GmbH & Co. KG GmbH & Co. KGaA GmbH & Co. OHG HgmbH (Handelsgesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) KG (Kommanditgesellschaft – partnership under a legal name) KGaA (Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien – limited partnership) OHG (Offene Handelsgesellschaft– partnership under a legal name) Partenreederei PartG (Partnerschaftsgesellschaft) Stiftung UG (Haftungsbeschränkt) (Unternehmergesellschaft (Haftungsbeschränkt))
Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see![]()
Note: This section last updated 28th September 2023
In company addresses the name of the company precedes the name of the contact. The house number follows the street name. The form of address of the person or the type of company comes on the top line alone. In 2006, Deutsche Post changed the format to exclude a blank line above the postal code line. Thus:
Form of address Contact name Thoroughfare[ ]number postal code[ ]SETTLEMENT
Company Form of address[ ]Contact name Thoroughfare[ ]number postal code[ ]SETTLEMENT
For example:
Where the company name is a personal name, the word Firma may be used in the address thus:
The general rule is that the thoroughfare name and the thoroughfare type are written as one word, thus:
Hauptstraße Bahnhofstraße
There are two important exceptions. If the thoroughfare name refers to the real name of a place (e.g. a town name, a castle name, a forest name, etc.) or to a surname ending in -er then there is a space between the thoroughfare name and the thoroughfare type, thus:
Mainzer Straße Hamburger Allee Durer Straße
The second exception is where complete personal names are used. In these cases, each component of the street name is separated with a hyphen. Note, however, that surnames only are not covered by this exception. Thus:
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße Albert-Einstein-Straße
Beethovenstraße Einsteinstraße
In street names beginning with prepositions or some adjectives (‘Am’, ‘An’, ‘Alter’, etc.) the preposition or adjective is followed by a space, thus:
Alter Marktstraße
The centre of the city of Mannheim, in postal code area 68, is built on a grid system where few of the streets are named. The building blocks have been given a letter and number between A1 and U6, and buildings are numbered within these blocks. An address in this part of Mannheim will therefore contain a line in the form:
instead of a street name. The whole block may take this form:
Universität Mannheim A5, 6 68159 MANNHEIM
A block address in Mannheim
Companies with a larger-user postal code only require the company name and the postal code + postal town in the address:
German Widgets GmbH 28199 BREMEN
Deliveries to Packstations , where customers can collect packages, have their own address format:
Personal details Customer number [Packstation ]number Postal code[ ]POSTAL TOWN
for example:
Herrn Günther Meyer 85945215 Packstation 987 44009 DORTMUND
Source: Wikipedia
On the island of Helgoland each house number is used once, regardless of upon which of the 108 streets it is situated. In the Unterland area the numbers run from 1 to 299. In Oberland the numbers run from 301 to 762. Buildings in the harbour area are numbered from 1000.
Building numbering on Helgoland. Source: OpenStreetMap
A table containing information about the relevant position of elements within address blocks can be acquired![]()
Below is a list of the most commonly occurring (sub-)building/thoroughfare types, with the abbreviated form(s) which you are most likely to find in address databases:
Thoroughfare type/(Sub-)building | Abbreviation |
Allee | |
Berg | |
Boulevard | Bd |
Bruch | |
Bühl | |
Büro | |
Chaussee | Ch |
Damm | |
Eingang | |
Gasse | |
Gebäude | Geb. |
Graben | |
Hafen | |
Haus | |
Hof | |
Kamp | |
Markt | |
Platz | Pl |
Ring | |
Straße | Str |
Treppe | |
Ufer | |
Wall | |
Weg | |
Weide | |
Zimmer |
Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see![]()
NB: German grammar rules governing articles, prepositions and adjectives are complex, and there is no need to explain them here. It is only necessary to be able to recognise them when and where they occur in addresses. For this reason a list without further explanation is provided. As a very general rule of thumb, the prepositions and adjectives listed may have one of the following endings added: nothing; -e; -er; -em; -en or -es.
der/die/das/den/dem/des | the |
ein/eine/eines/einen/einem/einer | a, an |
und | and |
bis | till, until, up to |
für | for |
von | of, from |
zu, zu der (zur), zu dem (zum), nach | to, towards |
bei, bei der/den/dem (beim) | near, at |
an, an der/den/dem (am) | at, by, towards |
auf, auf der/den/dem | on |
in, in der/den/dem (im) | in |
gegenüber | opposite, facing |
nächst, neben, neben der/dem/den | next to |
hinter, hinter der/den/dem | behind |
vor, vor der/den/dem | before, front of |
zwischen, zwischen der/den/dem | between, amongst |
uber, über der/den/dem | over, above, beyond |
unter, unter der/dem/den | under, beneath, below |
mit | with |
neu/neue | new |
alt/alte | old |
kurz/kurze/kurzen/kurze /kurzem/kurzes (K.) | short |
lang/lange/langen/langer/langem/langes (L./Lge.) | long |
gross/grosse/grossen/grosser/grossem/grosses (G.) | large |
klein/kleine/kleinen/kleiner/kleinem/kleines (K./Kl./Kle.) | small |
nord | north |
ost | east |
süd | south |
west | west |
Sankt (St.) | saint |
Industrieterrein, Industriegebiet | industrial estate |
Note: This section last updated 7th July 2020
This is written as Postfach followed by a number of digits with the digits groups in pairs starting from the final digits
Postfach X XX XX
Post office boxes have their own postal codes, referring to the location of the post office where the box is situated, not of the company itself.
Post office boxes in Germany. Note the postal code for each box range above the boxes. Source: Wikipedia
Note: This section last updated 7th July 2020
The postal code (Postleitzahl or PLZ) is written on the same line, and before, the name of the town.
The 4-digit postal code, valid since 1961, was changed on 1 July 1993. The old 4-digit postal code corresponded to a municipality.
The new postal codes contain 5 digits, and begin with any two digit between 01 and 99 (except 05, 43 and 62). The first digit indicates the area of Germany in which the address is situated:
0 = Dresden/Leipzig 1 = Berlin 2 = Hamburg 3 = Hannover 4 = Düsseldorf/Essen 5 = Köln/Bonn 6 = Frankfurt 7 = Stuttgart 8 = München 9 = Nürnberg/Erfurt
The second digit indicates a smaller region within this area.
In larger urban areas the third digit indicates a city, a part of a city, or a municipality. In other areas the final three digits indicate the whole municipality.
For larger urban areas, the last two digits are split into three categories, each indicating (a) post office boxes; (b) large users (receiving on average more than 2,000 letters per working day); and (c) groups of residences/businesses.
So, for example, a postal code may be built up as follows:
39 Region 390 Musterhausen 39001-39058 Post boxes 39060-39078 Large users 39080-39097 Deliveries (residences/businesses) 391 Bischofstadt
Post office box users now have two postal codes, one referring to their post box (for letters), the other referring to their street address (for packages etc.). Large users may have a third postal code. Any database containing German addresses will need to be able to store three postal codes per company.
The international sorting codes W- and O- (indicating respectively West and East Germany) have been replaced by the single international sorting code D-.
The delivery office number (the number which followed the town name, e.g. 2000 Hamburg 46) is no longer used.
Sorbian, a Slavic language, will be encountered in the following postal code areas:
01916, 01917, 01920, 02625, 02627, 02633, 02692, 02694, 02699, 02906, 02943, 02957, 02959, 02977, 02979, 02991, 02997, 02999, 03042-03055, 03042, 03044, 03058, 03096, 03099, 03130, 03139, 03149, 03172, 03185, 03197, 03205, 03222, 03226, 15907, 15913.
Metadata containing postal code formatting rules, exceptions and regular expressions can be acquired
Note: This section last updated 5th June 2016
Where a town or district name stems from the name of two places which were originally separate, the name components are usually hyphenated:
Berlin-Chalottenburg Willingen-Schwenningen
In virtually all other cases, no hyphenation is used:
Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt an der Oder
Settlement names in Germany will often contain a suffix indicating geographical position such as am Rhein or bei Kamenz. The postal codes incorporate this information and the post prefers that such suffixes are not used in addresses except where two settlements of the same name have the same postal code.
In North Friesland, near the border with Denmark, settlements may have a German, Frisian and/or Danish name.
In the Sorbian-speaking area in the south-eastern part of the former East Germany, most towns and villages have both a German and a Sorbian name.
Refer to Exonyms in Germany for full lists of place names in Germany in other languages.
Alternate place name forms/postal code tables can be acquired at![]()
Other language place name data can be acquired at![]()
Germany has 16 states (Bundesländer ) split into 36 regions (Regierungsbezirke
). These names are not used in addresses. In the following list, the English translations are given in brackets:
State | Region |
Baden-Württemberg |
Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart,Tübingen |
Bayern |
Mittelfranken, Niederbayern, Oberbayern, Oberfranken, Oberpfalz, Schwaben, Unterfranken |
Berlin |
Brandenburg |
Bremen |
Hamburg |
Hessen |
Darmstadt, Gießen, Kassel |
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
Niedersachsen |
Braunschweig, Lüneburg, Hannover, Weser-Ems |
Nordrhein-Westfalen |
Arnsberg, Detmold, Düsseldorf, Köln, Münster |
Rheinland-Pfalz |
Koblenz, Rheinhessen-Pfalz, Trier |
Saarland |
Sachsen |
Chemnitz, Dresden, Leipzig |
Sachsen-Anhalt |
Dessau, Halle, Magdeburg |
Schleswig-Holstein |
Thüringen |
Note: This section last updated 25th November 2016
Mobile numbers area one of these area codes: 15020, 15050, 15080, 1511-1512, 1514-1517, 1520-1523, 1525, 1529, 15555, 15630, 15678, 1570, 1573, 1575, 1577-1579, 160, 162-163, 170-179.
Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact the author.
All information copyright Graham Rhind 2025. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.