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Global Sourcebook for International Data Management
by Graham Rhind
For supplementary information, see links to post office home pages here , to postal code pages here
and to other personal name and addressing issues pages here
Table of Contents |
126 146 099 (2020) [1]
(where . indicates the decimal separator and , the thousands separator)
Note: This section last updated 4th May 2021
Japanese separators are also used (yyyy年mm月dd).
Japan counts 15 languages. Apart from Japanese , most are spoken by only a very small number of people, mainly on the Ryukyu Islands
. Japanese is the mother language of 96% of the population. Korean
is spoken by 0.5%. Okinawan
is spoken by some on Okinawa
This may be transliterated as Atesaki.
Japanese names are written in the order family name+given name. Increasingly, Japanese people write their name in the “Western” style, that is given name+family name. If writing in English, the name is likely to be written in the “Western” manner. Some people capitalise the family name to indicate which it is when confusion can occur.
Modern Japanese do not use middle names.
Given names ending in -ichi or -kazu are male names, the suffix indicating that this is the first-born son -ji indicates the second son and -zo the third son.
Many female given names end in -ko, meaning “child”. Those ending in -mi (meaning “Beauty”) are also female.
Current law states that married couples must share a surname, and this is usually that of the husband.
Tables of names can be acquired: given names, surnames/family names
, family name prefixes
, forms of address
, job titles
株式会社(K.K. - Kabushiki Kaisha or Kabushiki Gaisha) is the legal entity indicator for a corporation in Japan, often translated along with the company name when it is written in Latin script. 有限会社(Y.K.,Yūgen-Kaisha or Yūgen-Gaisha) 合同会社 (G.K., gōdō-kaisha or gōdō-gaisha) - amalgamated company, limited liability company 合資会社 (G.S.K., gōshi-kaisha or gōshi-gaisha) - limited partnership 合名会社 (G.M.K., gōmei-kaisha or gōmei-gaisha) - general partnership 組合 (Kumiai) - partnership 匿名組合 (T.K., Tokumei kumiai) - anonymous partnership 投資事業有限責任組合 (toushi jigyou yūgensekin kumiai) - limited partnership 有限責任事業組合 (yūgen-sekinin-jigyō-kumiai) - limited liability partnership 監査法人 (kansa-hōjin) - audit corporation 税理士法人 (zeirishi-hōjin) - tax accounting corporation 弁護士法人 (bengoshi-hōjin) - legal services corporation 一般社団法人 (ippan-shadan-hōjin) - incorporated association 一般財団法人(ippan-zaidan-hōjin) - incorporated foundation 公益社団法人 (koueki-shadan-hōjin) - incorporated public association 公益財団法人 (koueki-zaidan-hōjin) - incorporated public foundation 特定非営利活動法人 (tokutei-hieiri-katsudou-houjin) - non-profit organisation 学校法人(gakkō-hōjin) - school corporation 宗教法人(shūkyō-hōjin) - religious corporation 社会福祉法人(shakai-fukushi-hōjin) - social welfare corporation 相互会社 (sōgo-kaisha or sōgo-gaisha) - mutual insurer 医療法人(iryō-hōjin) - medical corporation 共同組合 (kyōdō-kumiai) - co-operative 信用組合(shin’yō-kumiai) - credit union 信用金庫 (shin’yō-kinko) - co-operative bank 地方公共団体 (chihō-kōkyō-dantai) - local authority 一部事務組合 (ichibu-jimu-kumiai) - part public service joint venture of local authorities 全部事務組合 (zenbu-jimu-kumiai) - entire public service joint venture of local authorities 特殊法人 (tokusyu-hōjin) - public service corporation 公団 (kōdan) - public investment corporation 公庫 (kōko) - public finance corporation 公社 (kōsha) - public service corporation 独立行政法人 (dokuritu-Gyōsei-hōjin) - public service corporation 国立大学法人 (kokuritsu-daigaku-hōjin) - national university corporation 公立大学法人 (kōritsu-daigaku-hōjin) - public university corporation
Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see http:www.grcdi.nl/addresses.htm![]()
Note: This section last updated 18th August 2011
Increasingly, the address is being written in a reverse format to the one above, with the postal code at the top and the personal name at the bottom, in this way:
The suffixes -ken, -fu (for Kyoto & Osaka), -do (for Hokkaido) or –to (for Tokyo) indicate a province/prefecture. -Ku indicates a ward within a city. -Shi indicates a city and -gun a rural district. The word chome indicates a division within this ward which is numbered. A gaiku is a block divided into ban and jukyo bango. Other area divisions are mura, machi, son, cho, oaza, aza & koaza. (Note: machi and cho may also indicate a town. Cho may be found as jo in Hokkaido.)
Chome and ban numbers are usually assigned by order of proximity to the centre of the municipality.
The house number before the thoroughfare indicates the block number followed by the house number within that block (and not according to their position on the street). Houses are numbered according to their construction date, so that two houses located next to each other may be numbered out of sequence. If the block is built all at once go (house) numbers are usually assigned by clockwise order around the ban.
Street names rarely exist in Japanese addresses. Where there are three numbers separated by hyphens, the first indicates the chome (group of blocks). Otherwise the chome number may be added at the end of the line, as in the example above. A ban is a block, go is a house and biru is a building. -kai means "floor". A final number may indicate an apartment. The number order is therefore essential, even if it appears illogical.
The word prefixes kita, higashi, minami and nishi mean respectively north, east, south and west, and chuo means centre.
Jima and shima mean "island" and shoto a group of islands.
Below is a simplified overview of the hierarchy within Japanese addresses:
A town block indicator plate displaying the address Nakamura-ku, Meieki 4-chōme, 5-banchi (in Nagoya). Source: Wikipedia
A sign displaying the town address Kamimeguro 2 chome; block (banchi) 21, building (go) 9 identifies the residential address. The upper plaque is the chome-name plate and the lower, the residential number plate. Source: Wikipedia
Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see http:www.grcdi.nl/addresses.htm![]()
A table containing information about the relevant position of elements within address blocks can be acquired![]()
Postal codes (郵便番号) consist of seven digits in the following format:
This code was introduced on February 2nd 1998. Before that postal codes had three or five digits. These old postal codes may still be found in address databases. The new seven-digit codes have been created in about 98% of cases by adding two or four digits to the end of the existing three- or five-digit code.
Where the code is in an address block written in a Japanese script it is usually preceded by this symbol:
Metadata containing postal code formatting rules, exceptions and regular expressions can be acquired![]()
Note: This section last updated 29th April 2015
The small number if Ainu speakers of Hokkaido (Northern Japan) have their own names for some settlements.
Refer to Exonyms in Japan for full lists of place names in Japan in other languages.
Alternate place name forms/postal code tables can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/settlements.htm![]()
Other language place name data can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/otherlanguageplace.htm![]()
Japan has 47 prefectures , used in addresses and shown by the suffixes -ken, -fu, -do and -to. They are:
Note: This section last updated 1st November 2013
Japanese geographic numbers, when called from abroad, have a length of 9 digits. Mobile numbers have 10 digits and the area codes 70, 80 or 90.
Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact the author.
All information copyright Graham Rhind 2025. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.