GRC Data Intelligence Expertise in Global Data
© GRC Database Information 2024
Links These link pages have been compiled by Graham Rhind and are the most complete postal code and addressing resources list currently available on the Internet. If you have any comments, corrections or suggestions for additions, please send a message. Postal Codes and Related Issues (1222 links, last updated 29th April 2024) Location encoding systems (39 links, last updated 25th March 2024) Post Office Home Pages (137 links, last updated 25th March 2024) Companies dealing with International/Postal data (90 links, last updated 29th January 2024) Languages (25 links, last updated 25th September 2023) Telephone Numbers (132 links, last updated 29th January 2024) Maps and mapping (41 links, last updated 29th April 2024) Data quality (55 links, last update 25th March 2024) Other Addressing Issues (174 links, last updated 29th January 2024) If you cannot find what you are looking for in one of the pages listed above, you might like to try one of these other links pages: Kai Hamm's page (in German) - amongst other things, he has an excellent collection of postal code links and lists. Universal Postal Union (links to post office home pages) Postal Information Resources (a number of postal code links, mainly US). World Postal Codes and Other Useful Links - as the name suggests. (in Hungarian) - postal code and post office links page. Links to post office and postal code pages - (from - includes some postal code downloads. Links to postal code pages - (from World postal codes - (from Lanka Link) - post office page links. - postal, mapping and gazetteer links - post office and postal code links. - some pages list postal codes for certain countries.
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