United States of AmericaPostal code format: 99999, 99999[-]9999. More information hereUnited States of America (EGON.com) - address validation, postal code lookup, geocoding, deduplication, personal data validation, in many formats (native, capitalized, upper case, Latin) directly via the Web (in the Cloud) for over 250 countries. Egon validation tool: try our FREE DEMOUnited States of America (GRC Data Intelligence) - settlement/postal code files, address elements data, job titles and given name tables, and country documentation availableUnited States of America (GRC Data Intelligence) - Global Sourcebook for International Data Management - Full postal code and address informationUnited States Postal codes - Search Engine - (in English) from the USPSUnited States Postal codes - (in English) - postal search and address correction softwareUnited States - (in English) ZIP code / address verification / telephone number searching. US users only allowedUnited States - (in English) Have you ever had the urge to decode a USPS bar code? Test and buy the software hereUnited States Postal codes - online validation - (in English) - (from UPS) - download their online validation tools for validating US addressesUnited States Postal codes - Search Engine - (in English) from Melissa - search by postal code or city nameUnited States Postal codes - Search Engine - (in English) from Melissa - search by address, city, ZIP code and/or stateUnited States - (in English) from Melissa - Street name lookup. List names of streets within a ZIP code areaUnited States - (in English) from Melissa - List ZIP codes by countyUnited States - (in English) from Melissa - Show distance between two 5-digit ZIP codesUnited States - (in English) from Melissa - List the ZIP codes within a given radius in milesUnited States - (in English) from Melissa - List nearest post offices accepting bulk mail from a given ZIPO codeUnited States Zip codes (in English, based in Provo, UT, USA) - Zipcodedownload.com - Sells postal code files including provinces and latitude/longitudeUnited States postal codes - search engine (in English) - search for ZIP code on city and state or city and state on ZIP codeUnited States postal codes (in English, based in Altona, FL, USA) - Quentin Sager Consulting - Sells postal code files including provinces, latitude/longitude and other informationUnited States of America - (in English) (Globefeed.com) - Search for postal codes by place nameUnited States of America - (in English) (Geonames.org) - Search by postal code and produce an aerial view or map of the chosen areaUnited States of America - (SmartyStreets) (in English) - Address data hygiene and enhancementUnited States of America (from Mongabay.com) - list of postal codes and telephone area codes per stateUnited States of America - (in English - ZipWho) - Enter a postal code for extensive demographic information about that ZIP code areaUnited States of America - (in English - University of Southern California) - parse and normalise United States' addressesUnited States of America - (in English - Ben Fry) - Maps postal code centroid points for the United StatesUnited States of America - (in English - Great Data) - Free Area Code / ZIP Code Lookup Gadget for Windows United States of America - (in English - Great Data - Commercial) - USA ZIP code data for saleUnited States of America - (in English - qpzm) - ZIP code finder and listings by state and county. Shows map of found ZIP code areaUnited States of America - (Wikipedia, in English) - ZIP codeUnited States of America - (in English - Ziptastic) - Javascript API for city and state autocomplete from ZIPUnited States of America - (in English - United States Zip Codes.org) - ZIP Codes search engine - search by address, city or countyUnited States of America - (in English - United States Zip Codes.org) - ZIP Code database, free for non-commercial useUnited States of America - (in English - United States Zip Codes.org) - Printable ZIP Code mapsUnited States of America - (in English - Zipcode.org) - ZIP code lookup engine, post office locator etc.United States of America - (in English, Zipdatamaps) - USA ZIP postal code maps and economicand demographic information about that ZIP Code areaUnited States of America - (in English, YouTube) - Zip Codes with the Swingin’ 6 - Public information film from about 1967 about the introduction of ZIP codes
Use the quick jump menu on the left of this page to jump to the pagewith postal code links for the country you require
Postal code maps and mapping linksUnited States of America - "The travelling salesman problem" - a map showing the shortest route through all ZIP codesUnited States of America - ZipScribble Map - a map showing links between each ZIP code area in ascending orderUnited States of America - Zipdecode - a java map of Zip codes. Enter postal code to zoom in to the code's positionUnited States of America (in English) - Creative Force - postal code and carrier route mapsUnited States of America - (in English, from CCCarto) - United States' counties custom census Zip Code MapsUnited States of America - (in English - Market Maps) - ZIP code maps for saleUnited States of America - (in English) - Map of United States’ ZIP Codes coloured from lowest to highestUnited States Virgin IslandsPlease also refer to United States of AmericaPostal code format: [008]99, [008]99[-]9999. More information hereUnited States Virgin Islands (EGON.com) - address validation, postal code lookup, geocoding, deduplication, personal data validation, in many formats (native, capitalized, upper case, Latin) directly via the Web (in the Cloud) for over 250 countries. Egon validation tool: try our FREE DEMOUnited States Virgin Islands (GRC Data Intelligence) - Global Sourcebook for International Data Management - Full postal code and address informationUnited States Virgin Islands (GRC Data Intelligence) - address elements data, job titlesand given name tables, and country documentation available