GRC Data Intelligence
Expertise in Global Data
© GRC Database Information 2025
Postal code pages
Countries Curaçao to Dominican Republic
For other countries, use the quick jump links on the left of this page
Compiled by Graham Rhind. If you have any comments, corrections or
suggestions for additions, please send a message.
No postal code system
Curaçao ( - address validation, postal code lookup, geocoding, deduplication,
personal data validation, in many formats (native, capitalized, upper case, Latin) directly via
the Web (in the Cloud) for over 250 countries. Egon validation tool: try our FREE DEMO
Curaçao (GRC Data Intelligence) - Global Sourcebook for International Data Management -
Full postal address information
Postal code format: 9999. More information here
Cyprus ( - address validation, postal code lookup, geocoding, deduplication,
personal data validation, in many formats (native, capitalized, upper case, Latin) directly via
the Web (in the Cloud) for over 250 countries. Egon validation tool: try our FREE DEMO
Cyprus (GRC Data Intelligence) - settlement/postal code files, address elements data, job
titles and given name tables and country documentation available
Cyprus (GRC Data Intelligence) - Global Sourcebook for International Data Management -
Full postal code and address information
Cyprus - Wikipedia (in English) - Postal codes in Cyprus
Cyprus - (in English) - Information about the Northern Cyprus postal code system
Cyprus (in English or Greek, from Cyprus Post) - Cyprus postal codes search engine and
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These sponsors support this service
These sponsors support this service
These sponsors support this service
Czech Republic
Postal code format: 999[ ]99. More information here
Czech Republic ( - address validation, postal code lookup, geocoding,
deduplication, personal data validation, in many formats (native, capitalized, upper case,
Latin) directly via the Web (in the Cloud) for over 250 countries. Egon validation tool: try our
Czech Republic (GRC Data Intelligence) - settlement/postal code files, address elements
data, job titles and given name tables and country documentation available
Czech Republic (GRC Data Intelligence) - Global Sourcebook for International Data
Management - Full postal code and address information
Czech Republic Search Engine (in Czech, from Czech Post)
Czech Republic Search Engine (in English, from Czech Post)
Czech Republic - (in English) ( - Search by postal code and produce an aerial
view or map of the chosen area
Bacher Verlag - Postal codes map of Czech Republic available for purchase
Czech Republic - (Wikipedia, in English) - Postal codes in the Czech Republic
Czech Republic - (in English) - Map of Czech postal codes coloured from lowest to highest
Postal code format: 9999. More information here
Denmark ( - address validation, postal code lookup, geocoding, deduplication,
personal data validation, in many formats (native, capitalized, upper case, Latin) directly via
the Web (in the Cloud) for over 250 countries. Egon validation tool: try our FREE DEMO
Denmark (GRC Data Intelligence) - Global Sourcebook for International Data Management -
Full postal code and address information
Denmark (GRC Data Intelligence) - settlement/postal code files, address elements data, job
titles and given name tables and country documentation available
Denmark, Faeroe Islands and Greenland (in Danish) - from Danish Post Office - download the
official Danish postal code list in tab separated format
Denmark (in Danish) - map of postal code regions in Denmark
Denmark, Faeroe Islands and Greenland - search engine (in Danish) - Type in a postal code
at Postnumre and choose Søg, or follow the link under the question mark for better search
Denmark, Faeroe Islands and Greenland - search engine (in English) - from Danish Post
Denmark - (in English) ( - Search by postal code and produce an aerial view
or map of the chosen area
Denmark - (Wikipedia, in English) - Postal codes in Denmark
Denmark - (English) - List of postal codes in the Copenhagen region
These sponsors support this service
Use the quick jump menu on the left of this page to jump to the page
with postal code links for the country you require
Dominican Republic
Postal code format: 99999. More information here
Dominican Republic ( - address validation, postal code lookup, geocoding, deduplication,
personal data validation, in many formats (native, capitalized, upper case, Latin) directly via the
Web (in the Cloud) for over 250 countries. Egon validation tool: try our FREE DEMO
Dominican Republic (GRC Data Intelligence) - settlement/postal code files,
address elements data, job titles and given name tables and country documentation available
Dominican Republic (GRC Data Intelligence) - Global Sourcebook for International Data Management -
Full postal address information
Dominican Republic (in Spanish) - Explanation of Dominican Republic postal code system
and lists of postal codes
Dominican Republic - (in Spanish) - Postal codes search and mapping engine