Practical International Data Management - Householding

Housholding is the practice of identifying people wihtin a data file who are members of the same household. This allows a single communication to be sent to each household, reducing duplication of effort, and can be used to show relationships between people. It can have a negative impact if applied incorrectly. Householding methodologies use scores to show the potential accuracy of any decision made.

The success of this methodology is dependent upon the country and culture in which it is being used. It requires that addressing systems and family composition patterns support the methodology. Thus, in countries where a single address is usually occupied by a single nuclear family, and those family members share characteristics such as an inherited surname, the methodology has uses. It is often used in Anglo Saxon countries. In other countries and societies, though, it will not work well (or at all), and should be used with caution (or not at all).


Potential problems with householding in different cultures:


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