Telephone number information/formats This data table, built by GRC Data Intelligence, contains information about world telephone numbers and systems, designed to allow you to: Parse telephone numbers into their component parts (country code, international trunk code, national destination code (area code), national significant number (subscriber number)) Check the validity of the numbers Identify which numbers belong to mobile (GSM) numbers, allowing, for example, SMS actions to be prepared and executed About five country telephone systems make changes every month. We keep these tables updated and can provide updates as changes occur. The file contains over 36800 records with the international telephone country code, international telephone trunk code, the first digit(s) of the area codes and/or subscriber numbers of assigned number ranges, their minimum and maximum lengths and an indication of their type. Documentation Full file documentation is available here. Formats Data is held in Microsoft Visual FoxPro format, but can be provided also in these formats: FoxPro 2.x (dBase III+), tab delimited text, pipe delimited text, fixed column width text, and Excel. Prices This whole file is available at the price of only EUR 950. For updates for 1 year the price is EUR 395. If have any questions regarding the file, please contact us. This data is offered on a royalty-free basis for use in any way you wish, with this important proviso that the data may not be copied or distributed in any way whatsoever when it can, in normal use, be accessed by other users. In other words, if you would like to use this data in your software package, that is allowed provided users cannot get at, or export, the data themselves. You will be asked to agree to our terms and conditions when purchasing. Our terms, conditions and licensing structure can be viewed here. To order To purchase these files, please contact us by e-mail. Delivery will be by e-mail. If you have any questions about any of our products, or would like to order them, please contact us.
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GRC Data Intelligence Expertise in Global Data