Articles, blog posts and white papers This page contains a selection of articles, blog posts and white papers concerning data quality and name and address data management. 2023: Solving the Complexities of Global Addresses by Graham Rhind. A blog post in collaboration with Loqate. 2022: Tackling the Complexities of Chinese Addresses by Graham Rhind. A blog post in collaboration with Loqate. 2018: Address encoding versus traditional addressing - the state of play by Graham Rhind, October 2018 The Golden Rule to Internationalisation by Graham Rhind. A blog post in collaboration with Loqate discussing the results of their International Retail Index study. July 2018. Understanding International Data by Graham Rhind. An updated white paper produced in collaboration with Loqate, with practical advice for retailers looking to go global. July 2018. 2016: Eircode, six months on by Graham Rhind. Why takeup of Ireland’s location code is so slow and why I’m jigging on my desk. January 2016. How Google could improve Open Location Codes by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PCAPredict (now Loqate), about how location codes, specifically Google’s, can be made more relevant to human users. January 2016. 2015: Game of Phones - why you need phone validation by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PCAPredict (now Loqate), about the variety of telephone number formats worldwide and why validating them is so important. November 2015. Number fumbles by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PCAPredict (now Loqate), about the variety of building numbering conventions around the world. October 2015. The Eircode is coming by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), about the iminent launch of the Eircode location code in Ireland. July 2015. Do we still need addresses? by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), postulating that the explosion of various location coding services will not remove the need to have and maintain a postal address. March 2015. Where are you? by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at how the world looks depends on where we are looking from. January 2015. Experian DQ - Global Data Quality Research - This annual research exposes the latest data quality trends for 2015 and reveals a growing trend that businesses are increasingly aware of the potential of their data. Equally the cost of getting it wrong is clear with 90% of organisations still finding data quality challenging in some way. This discussion paper features three key chapters in which Experian's experts explore the themes and give advice for organisations looking to tackle the challenges raised. Experian DQ - Dawn of the Chief Data Officer - A comparative view that explores the increased pressure Chief Information Officers (CIOs) face to exploit business data, and how the emerging role of the Chief Data Officer (CDO) is acting as an enabler to change. 2014: Understanding International Data by Graham Rhind. An updated white paper, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), with practical advice for retailers looking to go global. 2014. Streets of Fear by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at spooky place- and street names, to coincide with Hallowe’en. November 2014. Vexing Dialogues by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), discussing confusing program dialogues. November 2014. Drop Down, Drop Out? by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), discussing the rules that form drop downs need to follow. October 2014. Three ways to measure address quality, from AddressDoctor, September 2014 In search of hierarchies by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), about data managers searching for hierarchies within their data which are not there. August 2014. You may have it. But do you know it? by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), about countries with postal code systems which are not used or not known about my its inhabitants. August 2014. Worts’ Causeway by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), about how even the source of data often doesn’t achieve data quality. April 2014. Sorry, you are an invalid character by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at how dynamic naming laws in various countries will affect how you collect personal name data. March 2014. And your point is? by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), providing an example of the costs of a simple number format data quality issue. February 2014. 2013: Obamacare: a lesson in data entry design by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), December 2013. The Politics of Postal Codes by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), November 2013. Out and outliers by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at the issues that people with personal names not fitting the local norm face. October 2013. The balancing act between business and customer by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), about the barriers that businesses place between themselves and their prospects through poor data entry form design. September 2013. Faster to your doormat with the correct format by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate). August 2013. Dynamism and Vanity by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at how data can be expressed in numerous, but not wrong, ways. July 2013. When the Golden Record is Tarnished by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at how bad data at the heart of a system washes down and pollutes data elsewhere. June 2013. Are you in debt to data quality? by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at data quality within financial institutions. May 2013. Global Gateways by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at the problems and pitfalls of designing a website’s global gateway. April 2013. Time to Open Up and Tell All! by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), about postal services’s inclination to hide information that would facilitate the use of those services by their customers. February 2013. Humbug! by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at our tendency to assume that if we celebrate a holiday, so does everybody else. January 2013. Global Shift: Total Data Quality for e-Retailing by Graham Rhind, produced in association with Capscan (now Loqate), December 2012, 11 pages. An article based on a white paper appeared in Database Marketing in January 2013 2012: Borderlands: The Address Conundrum by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), investigating how even an open border between two countries dictates a multitude of data differences (second part). December 2012. Borderlands by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), investigating how even an open border between two countries dictates a multitude of data differences (first part). November 2012. Size Does Matter by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at how short or long global addresses are. October 2012. Validate ... intelligently by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), on the need not just to validate data, but to do so intelligently. September 2012. Global E-Commerce Makes Address Hygiene Critical by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with Loqate. September 2012. The Hidden Returns On Your Data Quality Investment by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with Loqate. September 2012. Stop Blaming the Customer by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), on the need to prevent data entry errors by customer rather than blaming them after the event. August 2012. The Rise and Rise of E-Commerce by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with Loqate. August 2012. What’s in a name? by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at the wide variety of personal name forms and formats throughout the world. July 2012. No Shortcuts to Data Quality in National Addresses by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at the wide variety of building number formats in addresses throughout the world. June 2012. Data Quality Insight by Graham Rhind, produced in association with Capscan (now Loqate), June 2012, 17 pages Taking the High Road with Worldwide Address Formats by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at the wide variety of address formats throughout the world. May 2012. Time to Zap the ZIP by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at the need to localise web form field names. April 2012. Thumbs Up! Spanning the Cultural Divide by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at how what we do with our hands has different meanings according to where you are. March 2012. Betsy Co-ed? Betz ee kowed? by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), looking at how place names are often misspelled. February 2012. Step One: Acquiring the knowledge by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), on the first step to take when working with international data. January 2012. 2011: Effin’ Obscenity Screening by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with PostcodeAnywhere (now Loqate), on how one man’s curse is another man’s place of residence. December 2011. Komerc in Croatia by Graham Rhind. A blog post, in collaboration with Human Inference, looking at the variety of spellings of foreign-language words in company names. November 2011. The Hidden Returns on your Data Quality Investment by Graham Rhind, produced in association with Capscan (now Loqate), March 2011, 14 pages 2010: Acuate Software Ltd - Tips for creating Outstanding International Addresses, white paper, 2010, 5 pages. 2009: Data Quality: Perception versus Reality by Graham Rhind, produced in association with Capscan (now Loqate), January 2009, 15 pages 2008: Experian DQ Global Contact Data Management Report - Contact data: neglected asset seeks responsible owner, from Experian DQ and Dynamic Markets, March 2008, 8 pages Experian DQ Global Contact Data Management Report - Contact data: the profit maker or the neglected asset?, from Experian DQ and Dynamic Markets, January 2008, 8 pages 2007: Naming names - A discussion about data-entry field labels for personal name components by Graham Rhind, August 2007, 2 pages. Poor data quality - the pandemic problem that needs addressing by Graham Rhind, produced in association with PostCodeAnywhere (now Loqate), July 2007, 9 pages 2006: Meeting the Challenge of Data Management from Experian DQ and Dynamic Markets, November 2006, 8 pages International Addressing by Graham Rhind, a review of three address validation and cleansing software packages, published in Database Marketing, October 2006, 5 pages. Kindly note: this article may be viewed but may not be printed, re-posted or further distributed The Hidden Costs of Poor Data Management from Experian DQ and Dynamic Markets, September 2006, 8 pages Toon me uw data en ik vertel u of u succesvol bent by Allard Frederiks, Adforesult, October 2006, 2 pages. An article about Graham Rhind and about data collection on the Internet Ein kleines internationales Postleitzahlen-ABC by Graham Rhind, January 2006. A postal code primer. GfK MACON News, 1/2006, 1 page. This is a jpg file scan of the article. Available also in English: An International Post Code Primer. Reducing the need for scrap and rework with web data collection by Graham Rhind, January 2006. When collecting data on the web, companies must allow diverse visitors to record their information in a way that is familiar and comfortable to them. This paper first appeared in the B-EYE Network newsletter, 2006-1-11, 2 pages . A version of this article appeared as Garbage in, garbage out in Database Marketing, February 2006, 2 pages 2005: A Data Quality Solution? I Can't Even See The Problem by Graham Rhind, January 2005. How do we make people aware that they have data quality problems with their name and address data? This paper first appeared in the IAIDQ newsletter, 2005-1, 3 pages 2004: Addressing the Public - Delivering value with effective address and data management by Graham Rhind, produced in association with Capscan (now Loqate), May 2004, 13 pages 2003: The impact of address systems on mail volumes by Graham Rhind, produced in association with Postal Solutions, 2003, 13 pages. Address validation and United Kingdom Addresses by Graham Rhind, produced in association with Allies Computing Ltd, May 2003, 5 pages 2002: The Case for Address Management by Graham Rhind, September 2002. This paper first appeared in the LISA (Localisation Industry Standards Association) newsletter, Globalisation Insider The Trouble with Standards by Graham Rhind, June 2002, 4 pages. Why you're not likely to be using a standard for your personal name and address data management for some time. This article first appeared in Business Intelligence Report from DM Direct, 30th July 2002 Trends in Address Management by Graham Rhind, April 2002, 9 pages, produced in association with Experian DQ. US version. Why address management is important and how data entry address validation products help to improve address quality Trends in Address Management by Graham Rhind, April 2002, 7 pages, produced in association with Experian DQ. Netherlands version in English. Why address management is important and how data entry address validation products help to improve address quality Trends in Address Management by Graham Rhind, April 2002, 7 pages, produced in association with . Netherlands version in Dutch. Why address management is important and how data entry address validation products help to improve address quality 2001: Addressing and e-commerce by Graham Rhind, December 2001, 3 pages. An article discussing the issues involved in collecting address data on the Internet, and the advantage of using online validation systems The Internet is not printed on paper by Graham Rhind, November 2001, 2 pages. An article discussing the tendency of web page data input forms to be fixed, culturally biassed and unsuitable for a global audience. Reproduced in the IRM UK Strategic IT Newsletter, 30th November 2001 A Guide to International Address Management by Graham Rhind, March 2001, 12 pages, produced in association with . A brochure outlining the basics of international address management
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