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Aggregation, Composition

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Aggregation, Composition - definition(s)

Aggregation : The process of associating objects of different types together in a meaningful whole. Also called composition. 

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Larry English, IAIDQ, External, 11-Jan-2009 14:32

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Aggregation - Summarizing rows of a fact table according to a specific dimension.

[Category=Data Governance ]

Source: The Data Governance Institute, 16 November 2009 08:51:26, External

Aggregations - Information stored in a data warehouse in a summarized form. Instead of recording the date and time each time a certain product is sold, the data warehouse could store the quantity of the product sold each hour, each day, or each week. Aggregations are used for two primary reasons: To save storage space. Data warehouses can get large. The use of aggregations greatly reduces the space needed to store data. To improve the performance of business intelligence tools. When queries run faster they take up less processing time and the users get their information back more quickly.

Some data warehouses store both the detailed information and aggregated information. This takes even more space, but gives users the possibility of looking at all the details while still having good query performance when looking at summaries.

Some systems use aggregations for historical data. Perhaps detailed data is kept on-line for a year. After that the detailed data is kept in a less accessible, permanent storage format, and only the aggregated, summary data is kept on-line.

Aggregations are often created as the sum of the individual records. You can also have aggregations for count, distinct count, maximum value, and minimum value.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source: SDG Computing Inc., 05 May 2010 08:37:09, SDG Computing, now offline

Aggregation - Used in the broad sense to mean aggregating data horizontally, vertically, and chronologically.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source:, 17 July 2010 09:26:37, External

Aggregation - Used in the broad sense to mean aggregating data horizontally, vertically, and chronologically.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source: Aexis Business Intelligence, 01 November 2010 08:23:53, External



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