- A Decouvert
- A Delai Convenu
- A l’Examen, Sous Condition
- A Language
- A/B Testing
- A3 Report
- AB (Publ)
- Abandoned Calls
- Abandonment
- Abbreviation
- Abbreviation Dictionary
- Abend
- Abgleich
- Abonentny Yashik
- Above-the-Fold
- Abscissa
- Absentee Balloting Materials
- Absolute Accuracy
- Absolute Coordinates
- Absolute Movers
- Absolutely Constrained Adjustment
- Absorption
- Abstract Class
- Abstract Data Type (ADT)
- Abstract, Knowledge Compression
- Abstraction
- Academic Quality Improvement Project (AQIP)
- Accelerated Reply Mail (ARM)
- Accent / Accent Mark
- Acceptable Item
- Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)
- Acceptance
- Acceptance Criteria
- Acceptance Number
- Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL)
- Acceptance Sampling
- Acceptance Sampling Plan
- Acceptance Scan
- Acceptation
- Accepts
- Access
- Access Control
- Access Control List (ACL)
- Access Key
- Access Management
- Access Method
- Access Monitoring
- Access Path
- Access Permission
- Access Provider
- Accessibility
- Accessory Planning
- Account Identifier Code (AIC)
- Account Management
- Account Representative
- Accountability
- Accountable Mail
- Accountable Materials
- Accountable Paper
- Accountbook
- Accounting Error
- Accounting Period (AP)
- Accounting Service Center (ASC)
- Accounts Payable Accounting and Reporting System (APARS)
- Accreditation
- Accreditation Body
- Accredited Authority
- Accredited Registrars
- Accredited Translator
- Accuracy
- Acetate
- Acheminement
- ACID Test
- Acknowledgement file
- ACLASS Accreditation Services
- Across-Track Scanner
- Action Item
- Activation
- Active Attack
- Active Data
- Active Data Warehouse
- Active Language
- Active Metadata Warehouse
- Active Remote Sensing
- Active Server Pages (ASP)
- Active Subscribers
- Active Template Library (ATL)
- Actives
- ActiveX
- ActiveX Connector
- ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)
- Activity
- Activity Analysis
- Activity Code
- Activity Diagram
- Activity Model
- Activity Model (AS-IS)
- Activity Model (TO-BE)
- Activity Network Diagram
- Activity, Non-Valued Added
- Activity, Value Added
- Activity-Based Costing (ABC)
- Activity-Based Management (ABM)
- Actor
- Actual Count (AC)
- Acutance
- Ad Clicks
- Ad Hoc Interpreter
- Ad Hoc Query
- Ad Hoc Query Tool
- Ad Hoc Reporting
- Ad Targeting
- Adaptation
- Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
- AdCard, AdCard Item
- Add-in
- Additional Entry (AE)
- Additional Liability Company
- Additional Mailing Office
- Additions
- Additive Fact
- Address
- Address Accuracy Program
- Address Block
- Address Carrier
- Address Change Service (ACS)
- Address Cleansing
- Address Correction Charges
- Address Correction Requested (ACR)
- Address Correction Service
- Address Correction Source
- Address Data
- Address Data Format
- Address Data Model
- Address Element
- Address Element Correction (AEC)
- Address Entry
- Address Event
- Address Event Table
- Address Field
- Address Format
- Address Formatting
- Address Information System Products
- Address Locator Property
- Address Locator Style
- Address Management (AM)
- Address Matching
- Address Number
- Address Number Prefix
- Address Number Suffix
- Address Range
- Address Scrubbing
- Address Sequencing Service
- Address Service
- Address Standardization / Standardisation
- Address Standardizer / Standardiser
- Address Style
- Address Verification
- Addressable Object
- Addressed Admail (AA)
- Addressee
- Addressing Format
- Addressing Media
- Addressing_
- Adds table
- Adequacy Decision
- Ad-hoc Reporting
- Adjacency
- Adjacency query
- Adjustable Platform Stool
- Adjustable Processing System (APS)
- Adjustment Processing System
- Admail
- Administrative Area
- Administrative Data
- Administrative District
- Administrative Support Facility (ASF)
- Administrative Support Manual (ASM)
- Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR)
- Adoption
- Adressabgleich
- Adressanalyse
- Adressanreicherung
- Adressat
- Adressbereinigung
- Adress-Check
- Adressdaten
- Adressdatenbank
- Adressdubletten
- Adresse
- Adresse Incomplète
- Adresse Postale
- Adressformat
- Adressformatierung
- Adresslisten
- Adressprufung
- Adressvalidierung
- Advance Deposit Account
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm
- Advanced Facer-Canceler (AFC)
- Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)
- Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)
- Adverse Event
- Advertiser
- Advertising
- Advertising Brochure
- Advertorial
- Advice of Receipt (AR), AR Card
- Advocacy
- Adware
- Aerial Photograph
- Aerogramme
- Aeronautical Information Exchange Format (AIXM)
- Affaire Personnelle
- Affiliate
- Affiliate Marketing
- Affiliate Program
- Affine Transformation
- Affinity Analysis
- Affinity Diagram
- Affinity Group
- Affinity Marketing
- Affluents
- Age
- Agent
- Agent-Based model
- Agglutinating Language
- Agglutination
- Aggregate / Aggregation
- Aggregate Data
- Aggregate Field
- Aggregation Functions
- Aggregation, Composition
- Aggregator / Aggregate
- Agile Manufacturing
- Agreement Letter
- Agreement Year
- Agrupamento Complementar de Empresas (ACE)
- Aide-Memoire ou Manuel d'Utilisateur
- Air Contract Data Collection System (ACDCS)
- Air Contract Transportation Tag (ACT)
- Air Mail Sticker
- Air Stage Office
- Airlift
- Airmail, Air Mail
- Airport Mail Center / Airport Mail Facility (AMC/AMF)
- Akcionarsko društvo (Акционарско друштво) - A.D. (А.Д.)
- Akcionersko društvo, Акционерско друштво (AD)
- Akciova Spolecnost (a.s.)
- Aksjeselskaper (AS)
- Aktiebolag (AB)
- Aktiengesellschaft (AG)
- Aktieselskab (A/S)
- Aktionierno drushestwo (AD)
- Aktsiaselts (A.S.)
- A-Label Service
- Alert
- Algorithm
- Alias Data
- Aliasing
- Alidade
- Aligned Dimension
- Alignment
- Alignment Tool
- All Available
- Allmennaksjeselskaper (ASA)
- Allocation
- All-Purpose Dating Stamp
- Allscripts
- Almanac
- Along-Track Scanner
- Alpha Risk
- Alphabetic
- Alphanumeric
- Alphanumeric grid
- Alternate Data Stream (ADS)
- Alternate Delivery Services
- Alternate Delivery Systems
- Alternate Key
- Alternate Mailing System (AMS)
- Alternate Name
- Alternative Addressing Format
- Alternative Delivery
- Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)
- Altitude
- Alumni
- Amalga
- Amalgamation
- Amazon RedShift
- Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
- Amazon Web Services
- Ambiguity
- American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)
- American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)
- American National Standard Institute (ANSI)
- American National Standards Institute-American Society for Quality (ANSI-ASQ)
- American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)
- American Society for Quality (ASQ)
- American Society for Quality Control (ASQC)
- American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
- American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International
- American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
- Amt
- Anaglyph
- Analog / Analogue
- Analog Image / Analogue Image
- Analysis
- Analysis Data Set
- Analysis Extent
- Analysis of Means (ANOM)
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- Analysis Services
- Analyst
- Analyte
- Analytic Applications
- Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
- Analytical Modeling
- Analytical Profiling
- Analytics
- Analytics Platform
- Analytics/Report Developer
- Anchal
- Ancillary Data
- Ancillary Service
- Ancillary Service Endorsement
- Ancillary Source
- Andelslag (Anl.)
- Andelsselskab (AMBA)
- Anderson-Darling Normality Test
- Andon Board
- Andrew File System (AFS)
- Anglophone
- Angular Unit
- Animation
- Anisotropic
- Anisotropy
- Annee de Convention
- Annotation
- Annotation Class
- Annotation Construction Method
- Annotation Feature Class
- Annotation Group
- Annotation Layer
- Annotation Target
- Annual Lease
- Annual or One-Time Publication
- Annual Staffing and Resource Management Simulator (ASRMS)
- Annual Technical Baseline Target
- ANO (Автономная некоммерческая организация, АНО) - Autonomous non-profit organiz
- Anomalies (Data Cleansing and Suppression)
- Anomaly Detection
- Anonim Limited Şirketi (ALŞ)
- Anonim Şirketi (AŞ)
- Anonymization
- Anonymized Data
- Anonymous Eteria (AE)
- Anpartselskab (ApS)
- Anpartsselskab (ApS)
- Anredeschlussel
- Anreicherung
- Anschriftenprufung
- Ansvarlig Selskap (ANS)
- Ant
- Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
- Anti-Phishing Service
- Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG)
- Antipode
- Any-Vertex Connectivity
- Anywhere Fix
- AO Mail, Other Items
- Apache
- Apache HBase
- Apache Hive
- Apache Solr
- Apartado
- Apartado Aereo
- Apartado de Correos
- Apartado Postal
- Apartat de Correus
- Apartment
- Apartment Numbers
- Apostille
- Appearance Item
- Append
- Apple Talk
- Applet
- Applicability Statement 1 (AS1)
- Applicability Statement 2 (AS2)
- Application
- Application Architect
- Application Assembly
- Application Developer
- Application Developer Framework (ADF)
- Application Developer Framework (ADF) runtime
- Application Development
- Application Domain Models
- Application Gap
- Application Integration
- Application Management
- Application Platform
- Application Portfolio
- Application Profile
- Application Program Interface, API
- Application Schema
- Application Server
- Application Service Provider (ASP)
- Application Services
- Application Software
- Application System
- Application Web Service
- Applied Research
- Apportionment
- Apposer le Timbre a Date, Frapper du Timbre a Date
- Appraisal Cost
- Approach
- Approval, Stamp Approval
- Approved Drawing
- Approved Material
- ApS & Co. K/S
- Apskritis
- Arabic Numerals
- Arbitrary Symbol
- Arc
- Arcgisant
- Architectural Framework
- Architecture
- Architecture Document
- Archival database
- Archive
- Archive Robert Jung (ARJ)
- Arc-node Topology
- Are
- Area
- Area Chart
- Area Codes
- Area Control List
- Area Deposit
- Area Distribution Center (ADC)
- Area Mail Processing Center
- Area Maintenance Office (AMO)
- Area of Interest
- Argument
- Arithmetic Expression
- Army Post Office (APO)
- Array
- Arrondissements
- Arrow Diagram
- Article 29 Working Party
- Article 31 Committee
- Article a Remettre en Mains Propres
- Article Admissible
- Article de Courrier
- Article de Promotion et Nouveaute
- Article Interdit
- Article Perissable
- Article Poste-Publications
- Article sans Adresse
- Article Surdimensionne (Surd.)
- Artifact
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Artificial Language
- Artisan Process
- Aruba Vrijgestelde Vennootschap (AVV)
- AS9100
- Ascending
- Ascending Node
- Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC)
- Asociacion
- Asociacion Civil (A.C.)
- Asociacion en Participacion (A. & P.)
- Aspect
- Aspect Ratio
- A-Square
- Assembly
- Assessed Weight
- Assessment
- Assignable Cause
- Assigned Mailing Date
- Assignment Operator
- Associacao (Ass)
- Associate Office Infrastructure (AOI)
- Associate Post Office (AO)
- Associate Program
- Associated Costs
- Association
- Association de Fait
- Association for Quality and Participation (AQP)
- Association Momentanee
- Association of Businesses
- Association Rules
- Association sans But Lucratief (ASBL)
- Association, Relationship
- Associative Entity Type
- Associazione
- Assumed Bearing
- Assumption
- Assurance
- Astrolabe
- Asymmetric Encryption
- Asynchronous
- Asynchronous Java Script and XML (Ajax)
- Asynchronous Replication
- Asynchronous Request
- Atari Mae Hinshitsu
- Atlas
- Atmospheric Window
- Atomic Clock
- Atomic Data
- Atomic level
- Atomic Value
- Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability (ACID)
- Atomiki Epihirisi
- Attack
- Attention Line
- Attenuation
- Attitudinal Data
- Attractiveness
- Attribute
- Attribute Data
- Attribute Domain
- Attribute Query
- Attribute Table
- Attribute Type
- Attribution
- Attribution Theory
- Attributive Entity Type
- Attrition Rate
- Audio
- Audio Processing
- Audit
- Audit Bureau of Circulation
- Audit Criteria
- Audit Evidence
- Audit Findings
- Audit Plan
- Audit Report
- Audit Scope
- Audit Trail
- Auditee
- Auditor
- Augmentation
- Authenticate
- Authentication
- Authenticity
- Authoring
- Authoritative Data Element
- Authoritative Source Data Business Unit
- Authoritative Source System
- Authority
- Authorization
- Authorization File
- Authorization Request
- Authorization Rules
- Authorized Pouch
- Authorized Representative, Recognized Representative of an Addressee
- Authorized User
- Autocorrelation
- Automated Area Distribution Center (AADC)
- Automated Barcode Evaluator (ABE)
- Automated Business Mail Processing Systems (ABMPS)
- Automated Cartography
- Automated Enrollment System
- Automated Feature Extraction
- Automated Individual Decision
- Automated Mapping / Facilities Management (AM/FM)
- Automated Operation
- Automated Process
- Automated Publishing
- Automated Translation
- Automatic Container Unloader
- Automatic Data Partitioning
- Automatic Data Replication
- Automatic Density Analysis Profile Technique (ADAPT)
- Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC)
- Automatic Recognition
- Automatic Text Placement
- Automatic Translation
- Automation
- Automation Discount
- Automation Scale
- Automation-Compatible Mail
- Autonomation
- Autonomna pokrajina
- Autonomous non-profit organisation
- Autonomous oblast
- Autonomous okrug
- Autonomous Province
- Autonomous region
- Autonomous Republic
- Autonomous Transaction
- Autovectorization
- Autre Article ou Article Surdimensionne Mediaposte sans Adresse
- Autre Article Poste-Lettres
- Autres Objets (AO)
- Aux
- Aux Soins de (A/S)
- Auxiliary Route
- Auxiliary Service Facility (ASF)
- Auxiliary Truck Schedule
- Availability
- Availability Management
- Availability Quotient (AQ)
- Availability Report
- Average Chart
- Average Incoming Quality
- Average Outgoing Quality (ADQ)
- Average Outgoing Quality Limit (AOQL)
- Average Point Spacing
- Average Run Lengths (ARL)
- Average Sample Number (ASN)
- Average Total Inspection (ATI)
- Avis de Changement d’Adresse (ACA)
- Avis de Reception (AR), Carte AR
- Avis de Renouvellement
- Avoin Yyhtio (Ay)
- Avtom respublika
- Avtonomnaya Oblast’
- Avtonomnaya respublika
- Avtonomnyy okrug
- Axis
- Aymag
- Azienda
- Azimuth
- Azimuthal Projection
- C
- C++
- C2JK
- Cache
- Cachet
- Cachet Postal, Marque Postale
- Cadastral Data
- Cadastral Map
- Cadastral Survey
- Cadastre
- Caddy Cart
- Cage
- Caixa Postal
- Cajon Postal
- Calculated Field
- Calculated Member
- Calendriers
- Calibration
- Calibration Curves
- Calibration Drift
- California AB 1950 and SB 1386
- Call Center/Centre
- Call Center/Centre Assist
- Call Detail Record (CDR) Analysis
- Call for Communities
- Call For/Envoi a reclamer au comptoir (CF)
- Caller Box
- Caller Service
- Callout Line
- Call-to-Action (CTA)
- Campaign Management
- Canada Gazette, Part II
- Canada Post
- Canada Post Corporation (CPC)
- Canada Post Corporation Gazetted Regulations
- Canada Post's Responsibility for Mail
- Canadian Forces Post Office (CFPO)
- Canadian Forces Postal Service (CFPS)
- Cancel
- Canceling Machine
- Cancellation
- Cancellation fee
- Candidate key
- Canton
- CAP Theorem
- Capabilities Document Service Profile
- Capabilities XML
- Capability
- Capability Analysis
- Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
- Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
- Capacity
- Capacity Constraint Resources
- Capital District
- Capital Territory
- Captioning
- Car Owner
- Caracteristique
- Carbon Copies
- Card Deck
- Card File
- Card for Pickup
- Card Management System (CMS)
- Card Skimmer
- Card Verification Value (CVV)
- Cardinal Point
- Cardinality
- Cardinality Notation
- Cards, 3" x 5"
- Cardvertiser
- Care of (C/O)
- Care of Post Office (Care PO)
- Carrier
- Carrier Alert
- Carrier Associate
- Carrier Hotel (Colocation Center)
- Carrier Route (CR)
- Carrier Route Code
- Carrier Route File
- Carrier Route Information System (CRIS)
- Carrier Route Information System (CRIS) File
- Carrier Route Information System (CRIS) Tape
- Carrier Route Presort Mail
- Carrier Route Sack
- Carrier Route Scheme
- Carrier Sequence Barcode Sorter (CSBCS)
- Carrier-Aided Tracking
- Carrier-Phase GPS
- Carry-by
- Carrying Contour
- Carry-out
- cart
- Carte Avis de Livraison
- Cartes et Affiches
- Cartes ou Enveloppes du Service Correspondance-Reponse d'Affaires
- Cartesian Co-ordinates
- Cartesian Product
- Cartogram
- Cartographer
- Cartographic Generalization
- Cartography
- Cartouche
- Cartouche de Titre
- Cartridge
- Cascading
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Case
- Case Analysis System (CAS)
- Case Definition
- Case Label
- CASE Management
- Case Postale
- Case Study
- CASE Tool
- Case/Casing
- Casella Postale
- Case-Sensitive
- Cash Buyer
- Casilla de Correo
- Casilla Postale
- Casing
- Cassandra (Apache Cassandra)
- Castello
- Castle
- Căsuţă Poştală (CP)
- Catalog Buyer
- Catalog Requests
- Catalogue / Catalog
- Catalogue / Catalogue Services
- Categorisation
- Category
- Causal Dimension
- Causation
- Cause
- Cause and Effect Diagram
- cc:Mail
- Cecogramme
- Celestial Sphere
- Cell
- Cell Phone Data
- Cell Selection
- Cell Size
- Cellset
- Cellular Automaton
- Cellular Manufacturing
- Census Block
- Census Bureau Statistical Area (CBSA)
- Census Geography
- Census Tract
- Center for Leadership Development
- Centerline
- Centerline Vectorization
- Centerpoint
- Central Meridian
- Central Point Delivery
- Central Repair Facility (CRF)
- Central Repository
- Central Tendency
- Central Time Theorem
- Central Warehouse
- Centralized Data Warehouse
- Centralized Mail Delivery
- Centralized Postage Payment
- Centralized Postage Payment System (CPP)
- Centre de Desserte Postale (CDP)
- Centre de Regroupement du Courrier d’Acheminement (CRCA)
- Centre de Regroupement Urbain
- Centre de Tri Preliminaire Douanier
- Centre des Envois Non Distribuables (CEND)
- Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI)
- Centre Points / Center Points
- Centre Postale Communautaire (CP
- Centre/Center
- Centroid
- Cercle
- Certificat d’Origine
- Certificate
- Certificate Authority, Certification Authority (CA)
- Certificate Chain
- Certificate of Mailing
- Certificate of Origin
- Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
- Certification
- Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT)
- Certification of Data Quality
- Certified (labelled) Web Resources
- Certified Interpreter
- Certified Mail
- Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB)
- Certified Translation
- Chain
- Chain Code
- Chain of Custody
- Chain Reaction
- Chain Sampling Plan
- Chained Data Replication
- Chairman of the Board
- Chaku Chaku
- Champion
- Chance Interpreter
- Change
- Change Acceleration Process
- Change Agent
- Change Control
- Change Data Capture (CDC)
- Change Detection
- Change Management
- Change Management Facility (CMF)
- Change of Address Notification (COAN)
- Change of Address Processing
- Change of Address Service
- Change(d) Data Capture
- Change-of-Address (COA)
- Change-of-Address Order
- Changeover
- Changeover Time
- Changing Dimensions
- Changwat
- Channel Sorter
- Character
- Character Encoding
- Character Set
- Characteristic
- Characteristic Matrix
- Charge Buyers
- Chart
- Chart Updating Manual (CHUM)
- Charter
- Chartered City
- Check Digit
- Check Errors
- Check Sheet
- Check Standard
- Checking Copy
- Checklist
- Cheshire Labels
- Cheshiring
- Chi Square Test
- Chief Data Officer (CDO)
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
- Chief Information Officer (CIO)
- Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
- Chief Operating Officer (COO)
- Child
- Child Table
- Children
- Chip and PIN
- Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID)
- Chord
- Choropleth Map
- Christian Name
- Christmas Casual
- Chroma
- Chromatograph
- Chromatography
- Chronometer
- Chuan-shih
- Chuchotage
- Chunk
- Churn
- Circ
- Circle
- Circular
- Circular Arc
- Circular Sorting Rack
- Circular Variance
- Circulation
- Circulation List
- Circumstance
- Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee
- City
- City Carrier
- City Consolidation
- City Corporation
- City Delivery Establishment
- City Delivery Extension
- City Delivery Service
- City Directories
- City Mail
- City Route
- City Size
- City Time and Attendance Processing System (CTAPS)
- City with Provincial Status
- Civil Association
- Civil Partnership
- Civilian Code
- C-label Service
- Clarity
- Class
- Class Identifier (CLSID)
- Class Interval
- Class Word
- Classic Data Warehouse Development
- Classification
- Classification Analysis
- Classification of Defects
- Classification Scheme
- Classified Advertising
- Classified Branch
- Classified Directories
- Classified Unit
- Classroom Rate
- Clean Data
- Cleaning
- Cleanse
- Cleansing Rule
- Clearance
- Clearance Time
- Clearinghouse
- Clear-Wrapped
- C-Level
- Click & Mortar
- Click Fraud
- Clickstream / Clickstream Data
- Clickstream Analysis
- Clickthrough / Click-Through
- Click-Through Rate (CTR)
- Client
- Client Commercial Titulaire d’une Convention
- Client du Service Correspondance-Reponse d'Affaires
- Client/Server
- Client/Server Architecture
- Client/Server Model
- Client/Server Processing
- Client/Server System
- Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS)
- Clinometric Map
- Clockwise Dammit
- Clojure
- Cloning
- Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
- Closed Corporation (CC)
- Closed Joint-Stock Company
- Closed Loop Traverse
- Closed Transit Dispatches
- Closed-Loop Corrective Action (CLCA)
- Closure Error
- Cloud
- cloud audit
- Cloud Computing
- Cloud Data Management Interface
- Cloud Disaster Recovery (Cloud DR)
- Cloud Storage
- Cloud Storage API
- Cloud Storage Service
- Cloud Storage SLA
- Club Plan
- Clubs
- Cluster
- Cluster Analysis
- Cluster Box Unit
- Cluster Sampling
- Clustering
- Cmk
- Coarse-Grained Translation Memory (TM)
- Cockpit
- Coclass
- Cod poştal
- Code / Coding
- Code a Barres a Quatre Types de Traits
- Code a Barres Binaire
- Code de Mode de Livraison (CML)
- Code de Verification du Mode de Livraison
- Code Line
- Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
- Code Page
- Code Postal
- Code Postale
- Code ZIP
- Code-Phase GPS
- Codice di Avviamento Postale
- Codificacao de Endereçamento Postal (CEP)
- Codigo Postal
- Codigo Postal Argentino
- Codigo Postal Ecuatoriano
- Codigo Postal Ecuatoriano (CPE)
- Coding
- Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS)
- Coefficient of Variation
- Coffre-Fort Priorite
- Cognates
- Cognition
- Cognos
- Coherence
- Coil
- Coincident
- Cokriging
- Cold Backup (Offline Backup)
- Cold Data Storage
- Cold List
- ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML)
- Colis Acceleres
- Colis Acceleres E.-U
- Colis du Regime International
- Colis Postaux (CP)
- Colis Standard
- Collaboration Data Objects (CDO)
- Collaborative Master Data Management (CMDM)
- Collaborative Sketch (C-Sketch)
- Collaborative Translation
- Collaborative-Commerce (C-Commerce)
- Collate
- Collation
- Collation Sequence
- Collect
- Collect on Delivery (COD)
- Collection
- Collection Box
- Collection Box Insert
- Collection Mail
- Collection Route
- Collection Size
- Collection Time
- Collective Intelligence
- Collector
- College Student
- Collocated Samples
- Collocation
- Colophon
- Color Composite / Colour Composite
- Color Map / Colour Map
- Color Ramp / Colour Ramp
- Color Separation / Colour Separation
- Column
- Columnar Database
- COM Contract
- COM Interface
- COM+
- Comandita por acciones
- Comandita Simple
- Combination Route
- Combinatorial Operator
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Combined Data
- Combined Mailing
- Combo Box
- Comerciante Individual
- Comma-Delimited File
- Command
- Command Line
- Command Line Interface
- Command Prompt Window
- Commande Postale
- Commanditaire Vennootschap op Aandelen (CVA)
- Comma-Separated Values File (CSV)
- Commemorative Stamp
- Commendite Partnership by Share
- Comment
- Commercial Association
- Commercial Co-operative
- Commercial Dealership Outlet (CDO)
- Commercial Invoice
- Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA)
- Commercial Mailing Agent (CMA)
- Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS)
- Commingle / Commingling
- Commission
- Commit
- Commitment
- Committed Space
- Committee for Normalization (CEN)
- Common Carrier
- Common Cause
- Common Cause Variation
- Common Data Architecture
- Common Data Model / Common Data Modeling
- Common Data Modeling Method
- Common Data Structure
- Common Getaway Interface (CGI)
- Common Language Runtime (CLR)
- Common Metadata
- Common Object Model (COM)
- Common Object Request Broker Architecture (COBRA/CORBA)
- Commune
- Communication
- Communications Consolidation Strategy
- Communications Integrity
- Communications Service Interface (CSI)
- Community / Participation
- Community Interest Company (CIC)
- Community Interest Public Limited Company (Community Interest PLC)
- Community Interpreting
- Community Mail Agent
- Community Mail Bag
- Community Mail Centre (CMC)
- Community Mailbox (CMB)
- Community Mailbox (CMB) Service
- Community Post Office (CPO)
- Community Postal Agent
- Community, Crowdsourced and Collaborative Translation (CT3)
- Compact Disc/Disk
- Compania Anonima (CA)
- Company Culture
- Company Limited (Co. Ltd)
- Company Limited by Guarantee
- Company Limited by share
- Company Name
- Company Type
- Company Without Share Capital
- Comparability
- Comparable
- Comparative Analysis
- Comparison Threshold
- Compass
- Compass Point
- Compass Rose
- Compass Rule
- Competitive Advantage
- Competitive Monitoring
- Competitor Intelligence
- Compiere
- Compiled Data
- Compiled database
- Compiled List / Compiled Mailing List
- Compiler
- Complaint
- Complaint Tracking
- Complete Address Number
- Complete Landmark Name
- Complete Place Name
- Complete Street Name
- Complete Subaddress
- Completeness
- Complex Event Processing (CEP)
- Complex Post Office
- Complex Structured Data
- Compliance
- Compliance Review
- Compliance-Prufung
- Component
- Component Category
- Component Category ID (CATID)
- Component Object Model (COM)
- Componentware
- Composite Curve
- Composite Domain
- Composite Key
- Composite Map
- Composite Match Code
- Composite Record
- Composite Relationship
- Composition
- Compound Element
- Compound Key
- Compound Match Code
- Comprehensive Data Definition
- Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (CLASS)
- Comprehensive-Interactive Information Strategy (CIIS)
- Comprehensiveness
- Compressed File
- Compression
- Compromise Projection
- Comptoir de Vente au Detail
- Comptoir Postal
- Comptoire Service Postal (CSP)
- Computational Geometry
- Computational Linguistics
- Computational Viewpoint
- Computed Attribute
- Computer Acronyms
- Computer Aided Design (CAD)
- Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Environment
- Computer Generated Data
- Computer Letters
- Computer Network
- Computer Operations Service Center (COSC)
- Computer Personalization
- Computer Program
- Computer Service Bureau
- Computer-Aided Design Drawing / CAD Drawing
- Computer-Aided Design Staging Geodatabase / CAD Staging Geodatabase
- Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
- Computer-Aided Systems Engineering (CASE)
- Computer-Aided Translation
- Computer-Assisted Interpretation (CAI)
- Computer-Assisted Keyboard Training (CAKT)
- Computer-Assisted Learning
- Computer-Assisted Scheme Training (CAST)
- Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT)
- Computer-Assisted Translation Software
- Computerized Forwarding System (CFS)
- Computerized Forwarding System II
- Computerized Meter Resetting System (CMRS)
- Computerized On-Site Data Entry System (CODES)
- Comunidad autonoma
- Concatenated Key
- Concatenation
- Concelho
- Concentration Center
- Concept Engineering
- Conceptual Architecture
- Conceptual Data Model
- Conceptual Schema
- Conceptual View
- Concession
- Concession Commerciale (CC)
- Conciseness
- Concomitant Variable
- Concordance
- Concurrency
- Concurrency Assessment
- Concurrency Control
- Concurrency Management
- Concurrent Access
- Concurrent Engineering (CE)
- Concurrent Use
- Condition
- Conditional Operator
- Conditional Relationship
- Conditional Statement
- Conditionnement Commun
- Confabulation
- Conference Interpreting
- Confidence Interval / Confidence Interval of the Mean
- Confidence Level
- Confidentiality
- Confidentiality Procedure
- Configuration
- Configuration Baseline
- Configuration Item
- Configuration Management
- Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
- Confirmation
- Confirmation de Livraison
- Conflation
- Conflict
- Conflict of Interest
- Conflict Resolution
- Conformal Projection
- Conformality
- Conformance
- Conformed Dimension
- Conformite Europeenne Mark (CE Mark)
- Conformity
- Conformity Assessment
- Confounding
- Congressional District
- Conic Projection
- Conjoint Analysis
- Conjoint Measurement
- Connaissement
- Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC)
- Connection Line
- Connectivity
- Connectivity Group
- Connectivity Policy
- Connectivity Rule
- Connector
- Consecutive Interpretation
- Consensus
- Consensus Standard
- Consent
- Consequential Metrics
- Consignee
- Consistency
- Consistent Data Quality
- Console
- Consolidation
- Consolidation Point
- Consorzio
- Constraint
- Constraint Analysis
- Consultant
- Consumer
- Consumer Advocate
- Consumer List
- Consumer Profile
- Consumer Service Card
- Consumers' Choice Program
- Consumers Risk / Consumer's Risk
- Consumer-to-Business (C2B)
- Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
- Contact Name
- Contact Point
- Contact Strategy
- Container
- Container Cart
- Container Label
- Container Pouch
- Container Transport System
- Containerization
- Containerized Office
- Containment
- Contenant Prepaye
- Conteneur
- Conteneur a Grands Objets Plats (CGOP)
- Conteneur a Lettres
- Conteneur Direct
- Conteneurisation
- Content Addressable Storage (CAS)
- Content Delivery Application
- Content Identifier Number (CIN)
- Content Management (CM)
- Content Management Application (CMA)
- Content Management System (CMS)
- Content Standard
- Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
- Conterminous
- Context
- Context Diagram
- Contextualisation
- Contextualiser
- Contiguity
- Contiguous
- Contingency Plan
- Contingency Table
- Continuation
- Continuing Calibration
- Continuity Program
- Continuous Availability
- Continuous Data
- Continuous Feature
- Continuous Flow Production
- Continuous Forms
- Continuous Improvement (CI) / Continual Improvement
- Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
- Continuous Raster
- Continuous Sampling Plan
- Continuous Tone Image
- Contour Interval
- Contour Line
- Contour Tagging
- Contract
- Contract Customer
- Contract Postal Unit
- Contracting Officer Representative (COR)
- Contractor
- Contrast
- Contrast Ratio
- Contrast Stretch
- Contre Remboursement (CR)
- Contributors
- Control
- Control Chart
- Control Data
- Control Framework
- Control group
- Control Limits
- Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT)
- Control package
- Control Plan (CP)
- Control Point
- Controle Douanier
- Controlled Circulation
- Controlled Language
- Controlled Vocabulary
- Controlling Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN-SPAM)
- Convenience
- Convention 108 (Council of Europe)
- Convention Postale Bilatérale
- Convention Relative au Service de Retour
- Conventional Adhesive
- Conventional Alternative Hypothesis
- Convergence Angle
- Conversion
- Conversion of a List
- Conversion Rate
- Convex Hull
- Convex Polygon
- Conveyor
- Convoy
- Cooked Data
- Cookie
- Co-op Mailing
- Cooperatie
- Cooperatieve Vennootschap
- Cooperativa
- Co-operative (co-op) database
- Co-operative (co-op) mailing
- Co-operative / Cooperative
- Cooperative de responsabilidade limitada (CRL)
- Cooperative Mailing
- Cooperative Processing
- Co-ordinate Geometry (COGO)
- Co-ordinate/Coordinate Conversion
- Co-ordinate/Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
- Co-ordinate/Coordinate Reference System (CRS)
- Co-ordinate/Coordinate System
- Co-ordinate/Coordinate Transformation
- Co-ordinated Universal Time / Coordinated Universal Time
- Co-ordinates / Coordinates
- Co-packaging
- Copalletize
- Copie de la Signature
- Copy
- Copy Management
- Copyright
- Cord Fastener
- Core Banking System
- Core Technology
- Corner Block
- Corner Set
- Corporate Call Management Program
- Corporate Champion
- Corporate Data Model
- Corporate Database (CDB)
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Information Factory
- Corporate Intelligence
- Corporate Performance Management
- Corporate Semantic Web
- Corporate subscriber
- Corporate Telephone Service (CTPS)
- Corporation (Corp.)
- Corpus
- Correction
- Correction versus Corrective Action
- Corrective Action
- Corrective Action Plan
- Corrective Action Recommendation (CAR)
- Corrective Action Report
- Corrective and Preventative Action
- Correctness
- Correlation
- Correlation Analysis
- Correlation Coefficient (r)
- Correspondance-Reponse d’Affaires (CRA)
- Corridor
- Corridor Analysis
- Cost
- Cost Ascertainment Grouping (CAG)
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Cost Model
- Cost of Acquisition
- Cost of Conformance (COC)
- Cost of Information Quality Assessment
- Cost of Money
- Cost of Non-Conformance (CONC)
- Cost of Nonquality Information
- Cost of Ownership
- Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)
- Cost of Quality (COQ)
- Cost of Quality Information
- Cost of Retention
- Cost per Click (CPC)
- Cost per Inquiry (CPI)
- Cost per Order (CPO)
- Cost per Thousand (CPM)
- Cost Raster
- Cost Target
- Cost to Buy
- Council Working Party on Data Protection
- Count
- Count Chart
- Count per Unit Chart
- Countermeasure
- Country
- Country Code
- Country Name
- Counts
- Counts Through Date
- County
- County Subdivision
- Coupage
- Coupon Clippers
- Coupon-Reponse International
- Coupons
- Courier
- Courrier Affranchi a la Machine
- Courrier Avarie
- Courrier d’Acheminement
- Courrier d’Arrivee
- Courrier de Surface
- Courrier Depose a l'Etranger
- Courrier du Regime Interieur
- Courrier du Regime International
- Courrier Insuffisamment Affranchi
- Courrier Mecanisable
- Courrier Non Affranchi
- Courrier Prioritaire
- Courrier Recommande
- Courrier-Avion
- Court et Long (CL)
- Court Interpreting
- Courtesy Box
- Courtesy Reply Mail (CRM)
- Couverture pour Perte ou Dommages
- Covariance
- Covariate
- Cover
- Coverage
- Coverage Domain Model
- Coverage Error
- Coverage for Loss or Damage (Liability Coverage)
- Coverage Model
- Coverage Units
- Cp
- Cpk Index
- Craft Employee
- Crandall Rule
- Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) Cycle
- Creative Cost
- Credentials, Credential Store
- Credit Card Buyers
- Credit Card Reports
- Credit Sale
- Credit Screening
- Creole
- Crisis Management
- Criteria
- Criteria of information quality
- Criterion
- Critical Characteristics
- Critical Element
- Critical Entry Time
- Critical Information
- Critical Infrastructure
- Critical Processes
- Critical Success Factor (CSF)
- Critical to Customer (CTC)
- Critical to Quality (CTQ)
- Critical Value
- Crop Marks
- Cross Boundary
- Cross Correlation
- Cross Covariance
- Cross Functional
- Cross Tabulation
- Cross Validation
- Cross Variogram
- Cross-Channel Analytics
- Cross-Join
- Cross-Media
- Cross-Section
- Cross-Selling
- Crosstab
- Crowdsourcing
- Crow's Foot Notation
- Crutch File
- Cryptography
- C-Suite
- Cube
- Cubic Convolution
- Cuideachta Phoibli Theoranta (CPT)
- Cull
- Culling and Facing Conveyor
- Cultural
- Cultural Adaptation
- Cultural Assessment
- Cultural Brokering
- Cultural Competence
- Cultural Feature
- Cultural Geography
- Cultural Resistance
- Cultural Sorting
- Culturally-Sensitive Translation
- Culture
- Culture Change
- Cumulative summation (CUSUM)
- Cumulative Sun Control Chart (CUSUM)
- Curation
- Curb Approach
- Curbline Box
- Curbline Delivery
- Curbside Delivery
- Currency
- Currency Date
- Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP)
- Current Reality Tree
- Curtailed
- Curtailed Inspection
- Curve
- Curve Fitting
- Curve Segment
- Custom Behavior / Custom Behaviour
- Custom Code
- Custom Compiled List
- Custom Feature
- Custom Functionality
- Custom Object
- Customer
- Customer Acquisition
- Customer Advocacy
- Customer Data Integration (CDI)
- Customer Delight
- Customer Engagement
- Customer Experience Level (CEL)
- Customer Focus
- Customer Information Control System (CICS)
- Customer Intelligence (CI)
- Customer Life Cycle
- Customer Lifetime Revenue
- Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)
- Customer Loyalty Programs
- Customer Market Analysis
- Customer Number
- Customer Profile / Customer Profiling
- Customer Prospecting
- Customer Relationship Analysis (CRA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Analytics
- Customer Relationship Support
- Customer Requirements
- Customer Retention
- Customer Satisfaction
- Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI)
- Customer Segment
- Customer Segmentation
- Customer Valuation
- Customer, Output, Process, Input, Supplier (COPIS)
- CustomerPerfect!
- Customer-Supplier Model (CSM)
- Customer-Supplier Partnership
- Customs Clearance
- Customs Declaration
- Customs Duty
- Customs Examination
- Customs Label
- Customs Mail
- Customs Primary Screening Centre
- Cutoff Time
- Cwmni Buddiant Cymunedol (CBC)
- Cwmni Buddiant Cymunedol Cyhoeddus Cyfyngedig (Cymni Buddiant CCC)
- Cybermarketing
- Cycle
- Cycle Line Layout (CLL)
- Cycle Time
- Cylindrical Projection
E |
- Enforcement Notice
- Engagement
- Engineer Change Order (ECO)
- Engineering Change Board (ECB)
- Engineering Change Request (ECR)
- Engineering Data Management (EDM)
- Engineering Viewpoint
- Engineers
- Enhanced Carrier Route Standard Mail
- Enhanced List
- Enhanced Metafile (EMF)
- Enhancement
- Enliassement
- Enlistment
- Ensemble de Coin
- Enskild Firma (EF)
- Ente Morale
- Enter Customer Experience Level (CEL)
- Enterprise
- Enterprise Application
- Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
- Enterprise Architecture (EA)
- Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
- Enterprise Data
- Enterprise Data Architect
- Enterprise Data Fabric (EDF)
- Enterprise Data Management (EDM)
- Enterprise Data Model
- Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)
- Enterprise GIS
- Enterprise Information Integration (EII)
- Enterprise Information Management (EIM)
- Enterprise Information System / Executive Information System (EIS)
- Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
- Enterprise Modeling
- Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
- Enterprise Portal
- Enterprise Process Architect
- Enterprise Relationship Diagram (ERD)
- Enterprise Relationship Management (ERM)
- Enterprise Reporting
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software
- Enterprise Resources
- Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
- Enterprise Search
- Enterprise Storage
- Enterprise Structure Data
- Enterprise Support Systems
- Enterprise System Connection Architecture (ESCON)
- Enterprise Systems
- Enterprise Technical Architecture (ETA)
- Enterprise Viewpoint
- Entitlement
- Entity
- Entity Identification
- Entity Integrity
- Entity Life Cycle
- Entity Relationship Diagram / Entity Relationship Diagramming (ERD, ER Diagram)
- Entity Relationship Model (ERM or ER Model)
- Entity Structure Chart
- Entity Subtype
- Entity Supertype
- Entity Type
- Entity/Process Matrix
- Entrepreneur Postal
- Entreprise Unipersonelle a Responsabilite Limitee (EURL)
- Entry BMC (Bulk Mail Center)
- Entry Criteria
- Entry Facility
- Entry Page
- Entry Post Office (EPO)
- Entry SCF (Sectional Center Facility)
- Enumeration Districts
- Envelope
- Envelope Stuffers
- Enveloppe de Retour
- Environment
- Environment Variable
- Environmental Conditions
- Environmental Data
- Environmental Data Operations
- Environmental Model
- Environmental Monitoring
- Environmental Processes
- Environmental Programs
- Environmental Technology
- Envoi
- Envoi a Decouvert
- Envoi a Decouvert a Feuilles Multiples
- Envoi Collectif
- Envoi Direct
- Envoi Non Distribuable
- Envoi Supplementaire
- Envois en Nombre
- Envois en Vrac
- Envois Transmis en Franchise pour le Gouvernement, Privilège de Franchise Postal
- Epaisseur
- Ephemeris
- Epithet
- E-Privacy Directive 2009/136/EC
- Equal Competition Area
- Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
- Equal-Area Classification
- Equal-Area Projection
- Equal-Interval Classification
- Equator
- Equatorial Aspect
- Equidistant Projection
- Equipment Availability
- Equipment Blanks
- Equivalence
- Erasure Coding
- Erroneous
- Error
- Error Cause Removal
- Error Detection
- Error Event
- Error Mode Effects Analysis (EMEA)
- Error Proofing
- Error Propagation
- Escort Interpreting
- E-Security
- Estado
- Estimate
- Estimation
- Etablissement de traitement du courrier (ETC)
- Etablissement Postal, Installation Postale
- E-Tailer
- Eteria Periorismeris Efthinis (EPE)
- Eterrorrythmos, Eterorithmi Etairia (EE)
- Ethernet
- Ethics
- Ethnic Lists
- Ethnic Marketing
- Etiquette de Conteneur
- Etiquette de Douanes
- Etiquette de Liasse
- Etiquette de Monoteneur
- Etiquette de Palette
- Etiquette de Retour, Etiquette du Service de Retour
- Etiquette Par Avion
- Etiquette Prepayee
- Euclidean Distance
- Eurodac
- European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA)
- European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
- European Economic Interest Group (EEIG)
- European Economic Interest Grouping
- European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) ID
- European Union (EU) Data Protection Directive
- Europeisk Ekonomisk Intressegruppering (EEIG)
- Evaluation
- Evaluator
- Evaporating Cloud
- Event
- Event Analysis
- Event Data
- Event Frequency
- Event Handling
- Event Overlay
- Event Table
- Event-Based Execution Rules
- Event-Driven Architecture
- Events per Second (EPS)
- Evidentiary Records
- Exabyte
- Exact Date of Birth
- Exact Match
- Examined Equipment
- Example-Based Machine Translation
- Excart
- Excel
- Exception Information
- Exception Reporting
- Exceptional Address
- Exceptional Dispatch
- Exchange
- Exchange Balance
- Exchange Conversion
- Exchange Fee
- Exchange Office
- Exciter
- Exclave
- Exclusive Privilege
- Executable File
- Executive and Administrative Schedule (EAS)
- Executive Committee
- Executive Dashboard
- Executive Information System (EIS)
- Executive Leadership Program
- Executive Sponsor
- Executives
- Exemplaire
- Exemplar Implementation
- Exempt Company
- Exempt Insurance Company
- Exempt Investment Scheme
- Exempt Partnership
- Exempt Private Company
- Exempted Limited Partnership
- Exigences Lisibilite
- Exigences Mecanisable
- Exigences Techniques Relatives aux Données sur le Mode de Livraiso
- Existing Data Quality Criteria
- Exit Criteria
- Exit Page
- Expanded ZIP Code
- Expectations
- Expedited Change
- Expedited Parcel
- Expedited Parcel-USA
- Expedited Plant Load Shipment
- Expedited Preferential Mail Program
- Expediter
- Expediteur de Courrier
- Expedition
- Experimental Design
- Expert
- Expert System
- Expire
- Expires
- Exploratory Analysis
- Exponent
- Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA)
- Export
- Export Control List
- Export Permit
- Exposure Station
- Expres
- Express Mail
- Express Mail Collection Box
- Express Mail International Service (EMS)
- Express Mail Military Service (EMMS)
- Expression
- Extended Attributes
- Extended Binary-Code Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC)
- Extended Characters
- Extended Entity Data
- Extended Intelligent Enterprise (XIE) Architecture
- Extended Managed Mail Tray (EMM)
- Extendibility
- Extensibility
- eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)
- eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML)
- eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
- Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
- eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT)
- Extension
- Extent
- External Company
- External Customer
- External Data
- External Data Source
- External Failure
- External First-Class Measurement
- External List
- External Schema
- External Setup
- Extra Edition/Issue, Special Edition/Issue
- Extract
- Extract Data
- Extract Date
- Extract Frequency
- Extract Specification
- Extract, Load, Transfer (ELT)
- Extract, Transform, Load (ETL)
- Extraction
- Extraction Bars (Business Reply Mail™)
- Extraction Guide
- Extranet
- Extrapolation
- Extreme Globalization
- Extrinsic Resource
- Extrusion
- Eyeball a List
- Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (GR&R)
- Gain Sharing
- Gains Chart
- Galley Listing
- Gamification
- Gantt Chart
- Gap Analysis
- Garantie de Livraison a Temps
- Garbage In, Garbage Out
- Gatekeeper
- Gateway
- Gateway Service
- Gating
- Gauge
- Gauss-Kruger Projection
- Gazette du Canada, Partie II
- Gazetteer
- Gazetteer Model
- GB 18030
- Gedanken
- Gemba
- Gemeinde
- Genchi Genbutsu
- Gender Definition
- Genderization
- General (full liability) partnership
- General and Limited Partnership
- General Delivery (GD)
- General Feature Model
- General Linear Model
- General Mail System (GMS)
- General Models
- General Partnership
- General Post Office (GPO)
- General Post Office Box (GPO Box)
- General Purpose Mail Container (GPMC)
- General Scheme
- Generalisation / Generalization
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
- Generator
- Generic Algorithm
- Generic Coding
- Generic Data Architecture
- Generic Information Quality Criteria
- Generic Key Code
- Genjitsu
- Genossenschaft (Gen.)
- Geocentric
- Geocentric Coordinate System
- Geocentric Datum
- Geocentric Latitude
- Geocentric Longitude
- Geocode
- Geocoded Feature Class
- Geocoder
- Geocoder Service
- Geocoding
- Geocoding Process
- Geocoding Rule Base
- Geocomputation
- Geodata
- Geodatabase
- Geodesic
- Geodesy
- Geodetic Datum
- Geodetic Latitude
- Geodetic Longitude
- Geodetic Reference System of 1980 (GRS80)
- Geodetic Survey
- Geofence
- Geographic
- Geographic Application
- Geographic Base Files (GBF) / Dual Independent Map Encoding (DIME)
- Geographic Coordinate System
- Geographic Coordinates
- Geographic Data
- Geographic Feature
- Geographic Information Science (GIScience)
- Geographic Information System (GIS)
- Geographic Model
- Geographic Objects
- Geographic Primitive
- Geographic Reference System
- Geographic Transformation
- Geographics
- Geography
- Geography Level
- Geography Markup Language (GML)
- Geoid
- Geoid Height
- Geoid-Ellipsoid Separation
- Geokodierung
- Geo-Koordinaten
- Geolocation
- Geomarketing
- Geometric Correction
- Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T)
- Geometric Element
- Geometric Object
- Geometric Transformation
- Geometry
- GeoMobility Server
- Geomorphology
- Geoparser Service
- Geoprocessing
- Geoprocessing Applications
- Georectification
- Georectified Gridded Data
- Georeference
- Georeferencing
- Georelational Data Model
- George M. Low Trophy
- GeoRSS
- Geospatial Data
- Geospatial Data Loading
- Geospatial Data Repository
- Geospatial Fusion Services
- Geospatial Information
- Geospatial Information System (GIS)
- Geospatial Portal
- Geospatial Technology
- Geospatial_
- Geospecific Model
- Geostationary
- Geostatistics
- Geosynchronous
- Geotypical Model
- Gesellschaft burgerlichen Rechts (GbR)
- Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung (GmbH)
- Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung und Co. Offene Handelsgesellschaft (GmbH &
- Gesellschaft nach burgerlichem Recht (GesnBR)
- Gewone Commanditaire Vennootschap (GCV)
- Gift Buyers
- Giftees
- Girth
- GIS Application
- Gist Translation
- Given name
- Glenday Sieve (GS)
- Global Analysis
- Global Business Company 1 (GBC 1)
- Global Business Company 2 (GBC 2)
- Global Business Models
- Global Content Management System
- Global ePOST
- Global Information Management
- Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS)
- Global Package Link
- Global Polynomial Interpolation
- Global Positioning System (GPS)
- Global Priority Mail (GPM)
- Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI)
- Globalization / Globalisation (G11N)
- Globalization Content Management System
- Globalization Management System
- Globalization Service Buyer (GSB)
- Globbing
- Globe
- Glocal
- Glyph
- GML Application Schema
- Gnomonic Projection
- Go / No Go
- Goal
- Goals, Roles, Processes and Interpersonal Relationships (GRPI)
- Gobolka
- Golden Copy
- Golden Record
- Gondola
- Goneaway Suppression
- Goodman-Kruskal Gamma
- Goodness-of-Fit Test
- Google Analytics
- Google Analytics Dashboard
- Google App Engine
- Google Health
- Gore
- Gorod
- Gossip
- Governance, Rick and Compliance (GRC)
- Governance, Risk Management, Compliance, Security, and Data Quality (GRC-SQ)
- Government Mail Free of Postage, Franking Privilege
- Governments
- Governorate
- Governors
- GP or GUP (Государственное унитарное предприятие, ГП or ГУП)
- Grad
- Grade
- Graded Approach
- Gradian
- Gradient
- Gradient of Gravity
- Graduated Color Map / Graduated Colour Map
- Graduated Symbol Map
- Grain
- Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
- Grand Objet Plat (GOP)
- Grandfather-Father-Son Back-Up
- Granularity
- Graph Database
- Graph Oriented Databases
- Graphic
- Graphic Interchange Format (GIF)
- Graphic Representation
- Graphical Device Interface (GDI)
- Graphical Identification and Authentication (GINA)
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Graphs
- Graticule
- Graticule Alignment of Labels
- Gravimeter
- Gravimetric Geodesy
- Gravity Model
- Gravity Roller Conveyor
- Gray Scale / Grey Scale
- Great Circle
- Green Belt
- Greenwich Mean Time
- Greenwich Meridian
- Greylisting
- Grid
- Grid Computing
- Grid North
- Grid Reference
- Grid Test
- Gros Destinataire de Courrier (GDC)
- Gros Expediteur de Courrier (GEC)
- Gross Combined Weight (GCW)
- Ground Control
- Ground Query
- Ground Receiving Station
- Ground Truth
- Group
- Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)
- Group Dynamic
- Group Interview
- Group Mailbox (GMB)
- Groupement d'Interet Economique (GIE)
- Grouping Level
- Groupthink
- Groupware
- Gruppen
- Guarantee
- Guess Definition
- Guidance
- Guide du Consommateur, Guide d’Achat ou Guide Source
- Guide Source
- Guideline
- Gummed Labels
- Gurney
- Gwangyoksi (Metropolitan City)
- Gwilliam Motivational Model
- Gzip (GNU Zip)
- IBAN-Check
- Iceberg Effect
- Icon
- ID
- Ideation Brainstorming
- Ideell forening
- Identical Piece
- Identificateur de Mode de Livraison
- Identification Definition
- Identification Error
- Identifier
- Identify, Design, Optimize, Validate (IDOV)
- Identity
- Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Identity Link
- Identity Theft
- Ideographic Language
- IDispatch
- Idle Vehicle Time
- Il
- Illumination
- Image
- Image Coordinate
- Image Data
- Image Division
- Image Metadata
- Image Resolution
- Image Scale
- Image Space
- Imagery
- Imagineering
- Immediate Processing
- Impact Analysis
- Impedance
- Imperfection
- Impersonation
- Implement
- Implementation
- Implementation Profile
- Implementation Questionnaire
- Implementation Specification
- Implementation View
- Import
- Import Restrictions
- Imposition
- Impressions
- Imprint (to)
- Improperly Returned
- Improvement
- I-MR Chart
- Inactive Buyers
- Inadvertent Error
- Inbound Interface
- Inbound Marketing
- Inbound Text
- Incentive Lettermail
- Incentive Pricing, Incentive Rate
- Incident Energy
- Incident Management (IcM)
- Includes / Excludes
- Incode
- Income
- Incoming Calls
- Incoming Goods Inspection (IGI)
- Incoming Mail
- Incoming Mail Processing Center (IMPC)
- Incoming Secondary Sorting Program (ISSP)
- Incomplete Address, Address Incomplete
- Inconnu
- In-Control Process
- Incorporated
- In-country Review
- Increment
- Increment Integration
- Incremental Back-Up
- Incremental Development
- Incremental Improvement
- Incremental Load
- In-Database Analytics
- Indemnity Claim
- Independent Assessment
- Independent City
- Independent Variable
- Indeterminate Flow Direction
- index
- Index Contour Line
- Index Map
- Index_
- Indexation
- Indexing
- Indicators
- Indicia
- Indifference Quality Level (IQL)
- Indirect Cost
- Indirect Speech Interpretation
- Individual
- Individual Subscriber
- Industrial Trailer
- Industry
- Inferential Statistics
- Influentials
- Infographic
- Informate
- Information
- Information Access Model
- Information Administrator
- Information Appliance
- Information Architecture
- Information Architecture Quality
- Information Asset Management
- Information Assurance Standard 6 (IAS 6)
- Information Chaos
- Information Chaos Quotient
- Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)
- Information Community
- Information Consumer
- Information Criteria
- Information Customer-Supplier Relationship
- Information Directory
- Information Discovery and Delivery (IDD)
- Information Extraction
- Information Float
- Information Flow
- Information Governance
- Information Group
- Information Infrastructure
- Information Lifecycle Management
- Information Management (IM)
- Information Management System (IMS)
- Information Model
- Information Myopia
- Information Needs Analysis
- Information Notice
- Information Overload
- Information Policy
- Information Presentation Quality
- Information Preventive Maintenance
- Information Process Improvement
- Information Producer
- Information Product Improvement
- Information Product Specifications
- Information Quality Assessment
- Information Quality Characteristic
- Information Quality Contamination
- Information Quality Decay
- Information Quality Decay Rate
- Information Quality Management
- Information Quality Measure(s)
- Information Quality_
- Information Resource Management (IRM)
- Information Retrieval
- Information Schema
- Information Scrap and Rework
- Information Security Management
- Information Service Center (ISC)
- Information Space
- Information Stakeholder
- Information Steward
- Information Stewardship
- Information Stewardship Agreement
- Information Storage Interface (ISI)
- Information System
- Information Systems Architecture
- Information Systems Service Center (ISSC)
- Information Systems Strategies (ISS)
- Information Technology (IT)
- Information Technology (IT) Portfolio Management
- Information Technology (IT) Utility
- Information Technology Auditor (IT Auditor)
- Information Technology Governance (IT Governance)
- Information Technology Infrastructure (IT Infrastructure)
- Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) (IT Technology Infrastructu
- Information Technology Operator (IT Operator)
- Information Technology Portfolio Management (IT Portfolio Management)
- Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) (IT Service Management)
- Information Technology Service Management Forum (itSMF) (IT Service Management F
- Information Value
- Information Value/Cost Chain
- Information View
- Information View Model
- Information Viewpoint
- Information Warehouse
- Informational Database
- Informative
- Informative Inspection
- Infrared Scanner
- Infrastructure
- Infrastructure Tool Kit (ITK)
- Inheritance
- In-House List Manager
- In-House Transfer
- In-House Translator
- Initial Calibration
- Initial Deliverable
- Initial Extent
- Initial Load
- Initial Source Code
- Initialism
- Ink Jet
- In-Language Review
- Inline Deduplication
- In-Memory Analytics
- In-Memory Data Grid (IMDG)
- In-Memory Database
- Inner Join
- In-process
- Input Data
- Input Feature
- Input Method Editor
- Input Table
- Input-Process-Output (I-P-O)
- Inputs
- Inquirer
- Inquiry
- Insert
- Inset Map
- Inspection
- Inspection Cost
- Inspection Lot
- Inspection Plan
- Inspection Service
- Installation
- Installation de Depot, Emplacement pour le Depot, Bureau d'Origine
- Installation de Destination
- Installation de Livraison (IL)
- Installation de Traitement en Vrac
- Installation pour le Depot du Courrier
- Installation Type
- Installment Buyers
- Instance
- Instance Identification
- Instant Messaging (IM)
- Instant Pudding
- Instantiation
- Institutional Environment
- Institutional Performance Management (IPM)
- Institutional Repository
- Institutionalization
- In-Store Display
- Instructions per Second (IPS)
- Instrument Detection Limit (IDL)
- Insurance Company
- Insurance Lists
- Insured Mail
- Intangible Benefits
- Integrate
- Integrated Access Management (IAM)
- Integrated Definition (IDEF)
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- Integrated Historical Data
- Integrated Operational Data
- Integrated Retail Terminal (IRT)
- Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
- Integration
- Integration Middleware
- Integration Testing / Integration Test
- Integrity
- Intellectual Property
- Intelligence Analysis
- Intelligent Agent
- Intelligent Database
- Intelligent Matching
- Intelligent Questioning
- Intelligent Video
- Intensity
- Intentional error
- Interaction
- Interactional Data
- Interactive Media
- Interactive Processing
- Interactive Vectorization
- Interactivity
- Interchange Format
- Interessentskab (I/S)
- Interested Party
- Interface
- Interface Definition Language (IDL)
- Interface Identifier (IID)
- Interface Program
- Interfaceation
- Interferogram
- Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR)
- Inter-File Duplicate
- Interim Approval
- Interline Movement
- Interliner
- Interlist Duplicate
- Intermediary
- Intermediary (NT)
- Intermediate Customers
- Intermediate Data
- Intermediate Document (iDoc)
- Intermodal
- Internal Audit
- Internal Customer
- Internal Failure
- Internal Number
- Internal Setup
- Internal Standard
- Internal View
- Internal Web
- International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
- International Business Company (IBC)
- International Business Reply Service (IBRS)
- International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
- International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM)
- International Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
- International Company
- International Components for Unicode (ICU)
- International Data Warehousing Association, The
- International Date Line
- International Electronic Post (INTELPOST)
- International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
- International Exchange Office (IEO)
- International Exempt Trust
- International Holding Company
- International Limited Partnership
- International Mail
- International Mail Manual (IMM)
- International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card (IMPAC)
- International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) _ International Organisatio
- International Package Consignment Service (IPCS)
- International Parcel
- International Priority Airmail (IPA)
- International Reply Coupon
- International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- International Surface Air Lift (ISAL)
- International Trading Company
- International Trust
- Internationalization / Internationalisation (I18N)
- Internet
- Internet Buyer
- Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
- Internet of Things
- Internet Protocol (IP) Address
- Internet Service Provider (ISP)
- Interoperability
- Interoperability Program
- Interoperability Program Report (IPR)
- Interpolation
- Interpretability
- Interpretation
- Interpretation Business Management System (IBMS)
- Interpretation Error
- Interpretation Memory (IM)
- Interpreter
- Interpreting
- Interquartile Range (IQR)
- Interrelationship Diagram
- Interrelationship Digraph
- Interrupted Projection
- Intersect
- Intersection
- Intersection Connector
- Intertransporteur
- Interval Data
- Intervention
- Interviews
- Intra-File Duplicate
- Intranet
- Intrinsic Resource
- Intrinsic Stationarity
- Intrusion
- Intuitive Data Warehouse
- Invalid Records
- Inventory
- Inverse Distance
- Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation
- Inverted File Indexes
- Investigation
- Investment Limited Partnership
- Invoice Declaration
- Involvement
- Ioničko Društvo (d.d.)
- IP Security (IPSec)
- IP Surveillance
- Iranyitoszam
- Irregular Parcel
- Irregular Parcels and Pieces (IPP)
- Isanormal
- Isarithm
- Ishikawa Diagram
- Ism
- ISO 14000
- ISO 26000
- ISO 2603
- ISO 27002
- ISO 3166
- ISO 4043
- ISO 639
- ISO 8859
- ISO 9000
- ISO 9000 Series Standards
- ISO 9001
- ISO/IEC 10646
- ISO/IEC 17799
- ISO/IEC 20000
- ISO/IEC 27001
- ISO/IEC 38500
- ISO/TS 16949
- Isobar
- Isochrone
- Isohyet
- Isoline
- Isometric Line
- Isopleth
- Isotherm
- Isotropic
- Isotropy
- Issue
- Issue Framing
- Issue Resolution
- Item
- Item Non-Response
- Iteration
- Iterative Development
- Iterative Procedure
- Iterative Process
- Itineraire Motorise (IM)
- Itineraire Non Desservi par Facteur
- IUnknown
P |
- Sachet de Produit de Beauté
- Sack
- Sack and Parcel Sorting Machine
- Sack Rack
- Sack Routing System
- Sack Sorting and Dispatch System
- Sack Sorting Machine (SSM)
- Sacs Vides (SV)
- Safe Drop
- Safe Harbour / Harbor Principles
- Saharr
- Salability
- Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)
- Sales Tax
- Sales/Service Information System (S/SIS)
- Salience (of Information)
- Salting
- Salutation
- Same Period Last Year (SPLY)
- Sameignarfelag (SF)
- Samenwerkende Vennootschap (SV)
- Sample
- Sample Copy
- Sample Mail Piece
- Sample Mailing Piece
- Sample Size Calculator
- Sample Size n
- Sample Standard Deviation Chart (S Chart)
- Sampling
- Sampling and Analysis Plan
- Sampling frame
- Sampling Plan
- Samvinnufelag (SVF) & Samlagsfelag
- Sandbox
- Sangen Shugi
- Sanitizing
- Sanktionslisten
- Sanktionslistenabgleich
- Sanktionslistenprüfung
- SAP Integration Repository
- Saratoga
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
- Satchel
- Satchel Cart
- Satellite Constellation
- Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre (SPOT)
- Satisfier
- Saturated Design
- Saturation
- Saturation Mailing
- Sawtooth Platform
- Sawzall
- SC21
- Scalability
- Scalable
- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
- Scale
- Scale Bar
- Scale Factor
- Scale Range
- Scam
- Scanned Map
- Scanner
- Scanning
- Scatter Diagram / Scatter Plot / Scatter Chart
- Scedasticity
- Scenarios
- Scent Strip
- Schedules and Schemes Information System (SSIS)
- Scheduling
- Schema
- Schéma de Tri Préliminaire National (STPN)
- Schéma de Tri Préliminaire National (STPN) Niveaux de Regroupement
- Scheme
- Scheme Distribution
- Scheme Knowledge
- Scheme Sort
- Schengen Information System (SIS)
- School Districts
- Science-of-Agriculture Rate
- Scientific Management/Approach
- Scientific Method
- Scientists
- Scope
- Scope Change
- Scope Creep
- Scope Statement
- Scoping Workshop
- Scorecard
- Scoring
- SCOT Analysis
- Scrap and rework
- Scratch File
- Scratching
- Screen
- Screening Design of Experiment (DOE)
- Screenline
- Script
- Scroll
- Scrubbing
- Se Tenant
- Seamless integration
- Search
- Search Data
- Search Engine
- Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
- Search Engine Optimization / Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
- Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
- Search Radius
- Search Tolerance
- Searchandising
- Searching Neighborhood
- Seasonal Occupancy
- Seasonality
- Seat
- Secant
- Secant Projection
- Second
- Second Normal Form (2NF)
- Secondary
- Secondary Address Identifier
- Secondary Address Information / Secondary Address
- Secondary Addressable Object Name (SAON)
- Secondary Case
- Secondary Data Site
- Secondary Data Source
- Secondary Key
- Secondary Range
- Secondary Reference Data
- Secondary Unit Designator
- Secondary Unit Indicator
- Second-Class Mail
- Second-Order Stationarity
- Secteur de Livraison
- Secteur Rural
- Secteur Urbain
- Section
- Sectional Center Facility / Sectional Centre Facility (SCF)
- Sector
- Securability
- Secure Hash Algorithm v1 (SHA1)
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME)
- Security
- Security (of Information)
- Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
- Security Breach
- Security File
- Security Information Management (SIM)
- Security Profile
- Seed / Seeding
- Seed Record
- Segment
- Segmentation
- Segregate
- Segregated Accounts Company
- Segregation of Duties
- Seiban
- Seichi
- Seigisei-Gaido-Risuto
- Sekkei-Tejun-Sho
- Select, Selection
- Selection Cap
- Selection Charge
- Selection Criteria
- Selective Availability
- Selects
- Self Mailer / Self-Mailer
- Self-Adhesive
- Self-Assessment
- Self-Directed Work Team
- Self-Service Postal Center (SSPC)
- Self-Standing Stuffers
- Selskap med delt ansar (DA)
- Selvage
- Semantic Mapping
- Semantic Translation/Translator
- Semantic Web
- Semantics
- Semimajor Axis
- Semiminor Axis
- Semi-Structured Data
- Semivariogram
- Sender Reputation
- Sender Score Certified
- Sendirian Berhad
- Senior Citizens
- Senior-Level Editing
- Sense of Place
- Sensitive Data
- Sensitivity
- Sensitivity analysis
- Sensor
- Sensor Collection Service (SCS)
- Sensor Domain Model
- Sensor Model Language
- Sensor Web
- Sensor Web Enablement
- Sentiment Analysis
- Sentinel Event
- Separation
- Separator Element
- Séparer
- Sequence
- Sequence Diagram
- Sequence Loading
- Sequence Number
- Sequential Analysis
- Sequential Questions
- Serialization
- Serialization File
- Server
- Server Account
- Server Cluster
- Server Core
- Server Directory
- Server Object Container (SOC)
- Server Object Manager (SOM)
- Server Product
- Server-Side Address Locator
- Service
- Service Bureau
- Service Catalogue
- Service Chain
- Service Control Manager (SCM)
- Service Day
- Service de Boîtes Postales Communautaires
- Service de Distribution Motorisée
- Service Delivery
- Service des Clés et des Cartes-Clés
- Service Desk
- Service Desk Ticket
- Service Interface
- Service Level Agreement (SLA)
- Service Metadata
- Service Model
- Service Motorisé
- Service Postal des Forces Canadiennes (SPFC)
- Service Provider
- Service Request
- Service Standards
- Service Suburbain
- Service Week
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Services des Colis
- Services Spéciaux
- Serving Post Office (SPO)
- Servlet
- Servlet Engine
- Session State
- Settlement
- Set-up
- Set-up Charge
- Seven Tools of Quality
- Several Sources
- Sex
- Sextant
- Shaded Relief Image
- Shading
- Shadow Board
- Shainin System
- Shake Out
- Shall
- Shallowly Stateful Application
- SHAPE / Shape
- Sharding
- Share of Wallet
- Shared Boundary
- Shared Dimension
- Shared Mail
- Shared Server
- Shared Vertex
- Shareholder Co-operative
- S-hat Model
- Sheet
- Sheng
- Sherkat
- Shi
- Shield
- Shift
- Shift-JIS
- Shih
- Ship Date
- Ship to Address
- Shipment
- Shipper
- Shipper Paid Forwarding (SPF)
- Shipping Management Company
- Shipping Time
- Shop Customer Experience Level (CEL)
- Short and Long (S/L)
- Shortage
- Shortcut Menu
- Shortest Path
- Short-Interval Schedular (SIS)
- Shortpaid Mail
- Short-Range Variation
- Short-Run Statistical Process Control (SPC)
- Showcase Application
- Shrinkwrap
- Shuttle Service
- Si
- Side effect
- Side Offset
- Sidewalk Delivery
- Sifting
- Sight Translation
- Sigma
- Sigma Level
- Sign Language
- Signal
- Signal Analysis
- Signal to Noise Ratio (S/N Ratio)
- Signature Copy
- Signature Option
- Significance Level
- Significant Characteristic
- Significant Condition
- Significant Difference
- Signing
- Sign-off Agreement
- Sill
- Similarity Searches
- Simple API for XML (SAX)
- Simple Feature
- Simple Feature Model
- Simple Kriging
- Simple Linear Regression
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
- Simple Market Area
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
- Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
- Simple Relationship
- Simplification
- Simplified Address
- Simplified Chinese
- Simulation
- Simulation Analysis
- Simultaneous Conveyance
- Simultaneous Engineering
- Simultaneous Interpretation
- Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment
- Simultaneous Shipment (SimShip)
- Single Deposit
- Single Language Vendor
- Single Line Queue
- Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED)
- Single Point Delivery
- Single Precision
- Single Sampling
- Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Single Source Concept
- Single Sourcing
- Single Threaded Apartment (STA)
- Single Use
- Single-Byte Character Set
- Single-Byte Encoding
- Single-Family Household
- Single-Piece Flow
- Single-Piece Rate
- Single-Position Letter Sorting Machine (SPLSM)
- Singles
- Singleton
- Single-User Geodatabase
- Sink
- SIPOC Diagram
- Site Location Planning
- Site Prospecting
- Six Sigma
- Six Sigma (SS) Process Report
- Six Sigma (SS) Product Report
- Six Sigma Quality
- Six Sigma Strategy
- Sketch
- Skew
- Skewness
- Skid
- Skin Sack
- Skin The Rack
- Skip
- Skrzynka Pocztowa
- Sleeper
- Sleeve
- Slice and Dice
- Slice, Slicer, Slicing
- Sliver Polygon
- Sliver Removal
- Slogan
- Slope
- Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD)
- Slug
- Small Circle
- Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)
- Small Office Home Office (SOHO)
- Small or Medium Sized Enterprise (SME)
- Small Packet
- Small Parcel and Bundle Sorter (SPBS)
- Small Parcels and Rolls (SPR)
- Small Scale
- Smart Badging
- Smart Card
- Smart Chip
- Smart Grid
- Smart Meter
- Smart Pointer
- Smashups
- Smiles, Frowns, and Upside Downs
- Smoothing
- Smurfing
- Snapping
- Snapping Tolerance
- Snapshot
- Snorkel Collection Box
- Snowflake Schema
- Snowflaking
- Social Commerce
- Social Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Social Interpreting
- Social Network
- Social Network Analysis
- Social Network Service
- Sociedad Anônima (S/A)
- Sociedad Anónima (SA)
- Sociedad Anónima de Capital Variable (S.A. de C.V.)
- Sociedad Anónima Española (SAE)
- Sociedad Anónima Financiera de Inversión (SAFI)
- Sociedad Anónima Inscrita de Capital Abierto (SAICA)
- Sociedad Anónima Laboral (SAL)
- Sociedad Civil
- Sociedad Colectiva (SNC)
- Sociedad Comanditaria (SC)
- Sociedad Cooperative Limitada (SCL)
- Sociedad de Cartera
- Sociedad de Responsabilidad (SRL)
- Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (S. de R.L.)
- Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada de Capital Variable (S. de R.L. de C.V.)
- Sociedad en Comandita (S. en C.)
- Sociedad en Comandita Simple (S.C.S.)
- Sociedad en Nombre Colectivo (S.N.C.)
- Sociedad gestora de participações socialis (SGPS)
- Sociedad Limitada
- Sociedad Regular Colectiva (Srl)
- Sociedade Anonima - SARL
- Sociedade Anõnima (SA)
- Sociedade em Comandita Simples (SCS)
- Sociedade em Conta de Participacão (SCP)
- Sociedade por Ações (SA)
- Sociedade por Quotas - Lda
- Sociedade por Quotas de Responsabilidade Limitada (LTDA)
- Società
- Società a responsabilità Limitada (SrL)
- Società Anonima (SA)
- Società Consortile
- Società Cooperativa
- Società di Fatto
- Società Estera
- Società in accomandita per Azioni (SapA)
- Società in accomandita semplice (Sas)
- Società in nome Collettivo (SnC)
- Società Individuale
- Società per Azioni (SpA)
- Società semplice
- Societat Colectiva
- Societat de Responsabilitat Limitada
- Societat per Accions
- Societate cu răspondere limitată (SrL)
- Societate in còmandita pe actiuni (SCA)
- Societate in comandita simpla (SCS)
- Societate in nume colectiv (SNC)
- Societate pe Acţiuni (SA)
- Société a responsibilité limitée (Sarl)
- Société Anonyme (SA)
- Société Canadienne des Postes (SCP)
- Société civile (SC)
- Société Cooperatieve (SC)
- Société de Participation Financière (SOPARFI)
- Sociéte de Personne a Responsabilité Limitée (SPRL)
- Société en Commandité par Actions (SCA)
- Société en Commandité Simple (SCS)
- Société en nom collectif (SNC)
- Société en participation (SP)
- Société Etrangère
- Société par actions simplifiée (SAS)
- Société par actions simplifiée unipersonelle (SASU)
- Société Privée a Responsibilté Limitée (SPRL)
- Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)
- Society with Restricted Liability
- Socioeconomic Status
- Soft Bounce
- Soft Data
- Soft Savings
- Software
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Software Asset Management
- Software Developer
- Software Development
- Software Development Kit (SDK)
- Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- Software Engineering
- Software Inspection
- Software Inspection Plan
- Software Life Cycle
- Software Localization
- Software Quality Assurance (SQA)
- Software-Defined Storage
- Sole Proprietorship
- Sole Proprietorship with Limited Liability
- Solid-State Drive (SSD)
- Solution
- Solver
- Sondage
- Sort Plan
- Sort Scheme
- Sort, Sorting
- Sortation
- Sorting
- Sorting Code
- Sorting Conveyor
- Sorting Rack
- Sound Navigation and Ranging (Sonar)
- Source
- Source Code
- Source Count
- Source Database
- Source Deduplication
- Source File
- Source Guide
- Source Information Producer
- Source Language
- Source Module
- Source Reduction
- Source System
- Source Text
- Source Text Analysis
- Soutien des Relations avec la Clientèle
- Souvenir Sheet
- Space
- Space Available Mail (SAM)
- Space Buyer
- Space Coordinate System
- Space Sold Records
- Spaghetti Data
- Spaghetti Diagram
- Spaghetti Digitizing
- Spam
- Span
- Span Check
- Spanish Lists
- Sparse
- Sparsity and Density, Sparse and Dense
- Spatial
- Spatial Analysis
- Spatial Autocorrelation
- Spatial Cognition
- Spatial Data
- Spatial Data Engine (SDE)
- Spatial Data Hierarchy
- Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)
- Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS)
- Spatial Database
- Spatial Domain
- Spatial Grid
- Spatial Join
- Spatial Modeling
- Spatial Overlay
- Spatial Overlay Analysis
- Spatial Query
- Spatial Reference System
- Spatial Statistics
- Spatial Web
- Spatial Weights Matrix
- Spatialization
- Special Cause Variation
- Special Causes
- Special Delivery
- Special Die-Hub Cancellation
- Special Edition/Issue, Extra Edition/Issue
- Special Effects (SFX)
- Special Handling
- Special Licence Company
- Special Mailing
- Special Municipality
- Special Postage Payment System
- Special Process
- Special Rate
- Special Region
- Special Request Cancellation
- Special Service
- Special Zone
- Specialisation
- Special-Issue Stamp
- Speciation
- Specific List Source
- Specific Order Decoy
- Specification
- Specification Program
- Spécifications Techniques Visant le Tri Préliminaire (STTP)
- Specifier
- Specimen, Scientific
- Spectral Resolution
- Spectral Signature
- Spectrophotometer
- Spectroscopy
- Speedy Bag
- Spelling Sensitivity
- Spend Management
- Sphere
- Spherical Coordinate System
- Spheroid
- Spider Diagram
- Spike
- Splay Tree
- Spline
- Spline Interpolation
- Split / Merge
- Split Run
- Split Test(ing)
- Spol
- Společnost s Ručením Omezeným (s.r.o.)
- Spółka akcyjna (SA)
- Spółkạ jawna (Sp.j.)
- Spółkạ komandytowa (Sp.k.)
- Spółkạ komandytowa-akcyjna (S.K.A.)
- Spółka prawa cywilnego (s.c.)
- Spółkạ z o.o. (Sp. z o.o. - Spółka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnościạ)
- Sponsor
- Spoofing
- Spot Elevation
- Spread
- Spreadsheet
- Spyware
- SQL Azure
- SQL Query Tool
- SQL Server
- SQL Server 2012
- SQL Server Analysis Services
- SQL-Compliant
- Stability
- Stability (of information)
- Stable Base
- Stable Process
- Stack
- Stacker
- Stage Name
- Stages of Team Growth
- Staging Area
- Staircase
- Stakeholder
- Stakeholder Deviation
- Stamp Credit
- Stamp Distribution Office (SDO)
- Stamp Tagging
- Stamp Vending Machine (SVM)
- Stamped Card
- Stamped Envelope
- Stamped Paper
- Stamps by Mail (SBM)
- Stamps on Consignment
- Stamps to Go
- Standard
- Standard Classifications
- Standard Container Mail
- Standard Contractual Clauses
- Standard Deviation
- Standard Deviation Calculation
- Standard Deviation Classification
- Standard Distance
- Standard Error
- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
- Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
- Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Count
- Standard In-Process Stock
- Standard Interchange Format (SIF)
- Standard Lettermail
- Standard Line
- Standard Mail
- Standard Mail (A)
- Standard Mail (B)
- Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA)
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
- Standard Operating Sheet (SOS)
- Standard Order
- Standard Parallel
- Standard Query
- Standard Rate & Data Service
- Standard Reference Material
- Standard Work
- Standard Work Instructions
- Standardization
- Standards Based Commercial Off-the-Shelf Software (SCOTS)
- Standards Development Organization (SDO)
- Standpoint Scheme
- Star Diagram
- Star Route
- Star Schema
- Starter Application
- State
- State and Municipal Enterprise
- State Case
- State Code
- State Count
- State Dispatch List
- State Name
- State Plane Coordinate System (SPC)
- State Transition Diagram
- Stated Needs
- Stateful Operation
- Stateless
- Stateless Operation
- Statement of Account
- Statement Stuffer
- State-Owned Joint Stock Company
- Static Elements
- Static Positioning
- Static Printing
- Static Query
- Station (STN)
- Stationarity
- Stationing
- Statistical Analysis
- Statistical Analysis System (SAS)
- Statistical Confidentiality
- Statistical Control
- Statistical Machine Translation (SMT)
- Statistical Model
- Statistical Probability
- Statistical Process Control (SPC)
- Statistical Quality Control (SQC)
- Statistical Range
- Statistical Surface
- Statistical Thinking
- Statistics
- Statutory Holiday
- Statutory Requirements
- Steepest Path
- Stem and Leaf Plot
- Step Increase
- Steradian
- Stereocompilation
- Stereographic Projection
- Stereometer
- Stereomodel
- Stereopair
- Stereoplotter
- Stereoscope
- Stereoscopy
- Stichting
- Stiftelse
- Stiftung
- Stille Gesellschaft (St. Ges.)
- Stochastic Model
- Stock Company
- Stock Corporation
- Stock Firm
- Stock Limited Company
- Stop Impedance
- Stop the Line Authority
- Stoplighting
- Storage
- Storage Area Network (SAN)
- Storage Array
- Storage Conveyor
- Storage Resource Management (SRM)
- Storage Vehicle
- Store Market Analysis
- Store Prospecting
- Stored Procedure
- Storey
- Storm
- Stove Pipe/Stove Piped
- Strap Out
- Straßenzeile
- Strategic Alliance
- Strategic Information Steward
- Strategic Planning
- Strategy
- Stratification
- Stratified Sampling
- Strawman
- Stream
- Stream Mode Digitizing
- Stream Processing
- Stream Tolerance
- Streaming
- Street Addressing
- Street Mailbox, Street Letter Box (SLB)
- Street Name
- Street Name Post Directional
- Street Name Post Modifier
- Street Name Post Type
- Street Name Pre Directional
- Street Name Pre Modifier
- Street Name Pre Type
- Street Network
- Street-Based Mapping
- Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) Analysis
- Stretch
- Stretch Goals
- Streuverluste
- String
- String- or Twine-Tying Machine
- Stringer
- Strip Label
- Striping
- Strong Authentication
- Structural Variation
- Structure
- Structure Line
- Structured Code
- Structured Data
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Stuck
- Student Lists
- Study Area
- Stuffer
- Style
- Style Guide
- Style Sheet / Stylesheet
- Styled Layer Descriptors (SLD)
- Sub Query
- Subaddress Element
- Subaddress Identifier
- Subaddress Type
- Sub-Assembly
- Subblock
- Sub-Building
- Sub-Building Number
- Subclass
- Sub-Group
- Subgrouping
- Subject Access Request
- Subject Area
- Subject Database
- Subject Matter
- Subject Matter Expert (SME)
- Subject Orientated Database
- Subjective Rating and Ranking
- Submission Level
- Suboptimisation / Suboptimization
- Subschema
- Subscriber
- Subscription Account Number (SAN)
- Subsidiaries
- Subsystem
- Subtitling
- Subtractive Primary Colours
- Subtype / Sub-type
- Suburb
- Suburban Service / Service Suburbaine (SS)
- Success Criteria
- Succursale (SUCC)
- Succursale Postale
- Sucursal
- Sufficiency
- Suffix
- Suitability Model
- Summarization Table
- Summarize, Summarizing
- Summary Data
- Summary Field
- Summary Function
- Summary Tables
- Super-type
- Supervisory Training System (STS)
- Supplemental Contour
- Supplemental Mail Service
- Supplemental Mailing, Supplementary Mailing
- Supplementary Liability Company
- Supplementary Mail Service
- Supplier
- Supplier Quality Assurance
- Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Output, Customers (SIPOC)
- Supply
- Supply Chain
- Supply Chain Analytics
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Supply Chain Planning (SCP)
- Support Customer Experience Level (CEL)
- Suppress Files
- Suppression
- Suppression Cleansing
- Suppression List
- Suppression of Previous Usage
- Suppression of Subscribers
- Surcharge
- Surface
- Surface Airlift Mail
- Surface Configuration Model
- Surface Fitting
- Surface Mail
- Surface Model
- Surface Preferential Mail
- Surge Conveyor
- Surname
- Surname Selection
- Surrogate Key
- Surrogate Spike or Analyte
- Surrogate Standard
- Surrounding Context
- Surtaxe
- Surtaxe pour Article Surdimensionné
- Surveillance
- Survey
- Survey Data
- Survey Station
- Surveying
- SURVIVAL for Quality Professional
- Suspect
- Suspense Account
- Sustain
- Sustained Success
- Sweep
- Sweeper
- Sweepside
- Sweepstakes Lists (Sweeps)
- Swing
- Swing Room
- Swing Time
- Sworn Translator
- Sybase
- Symbol
- Symbol ID Code
- Symbol Library
- Symbolization
- Symbology
- Symmetric Algorithm
- Symmetric Key Cryptography
- Symmetrical Multi-Processing (SMP)
- Symptom
- Synchronisation / Synchronization
- Synchronous
- Synchronous Replication
- Syndication
- Synectics
- Synonym
- Syntactic Mapping
- Syntagm
- Syntax
- System
- System Audit
- System Integration
- System Integrator
- System Internal Interface (SII)
- System Kaizen
- System Log
- System of Profound Knowledge (SoPK)
- System of Record
- System Restore
- System Test
- Systematic Sampling
- Systems Approach
- Systems Architecture
- Systems Development
- Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- Systems Engineering
- Systems Thinking
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