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Manifest Mailing System (MMS)

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Manifest Mailing System (MMS) - definition(s)

Manifest Mailing System (MMS) - A postage payment system that enables the USPS to accept and verify permit imprint mailings that contain nonidentical-weight and/or nonidentical-rate pieces of the same mail class (except Periodicals) and same mail processing category. These pieces are prepared by the mailer according to certain standards.

[Category=Postal ]

Source: USPS, 03 October 2009 10:43:58, External

Manifest Mailing System - An automated postage payment system producing a sequential listing (manifest) used to calculate and document postage. An MMS enables USPS to accept and verify permit imprint mailings that contain nonidentical-weight and/or nonidentical-rate pieces of the same mail class (except Periodicals) and generally the same mail processing category. Pieces are prepared according to certain standards and require specialized documentation.

[Category=Postal ]

Source: USPS, 26 June 2013 09:18:30, External

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