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Application Server

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Application Server - definitions

Application Server - 1. A hardware server designated to run applications (but not a database).

2. System software used to host the business logic tier of applications. In three-tier applications, the application server manages business logic and enables it to be accessed from the user interface tier. In a service-oriented architecture (SOA), an application server hosts the application services and also plays the role of a fundamental enabling technology.

[Category=Data Cleansing ]

Source: X4DB, 13 May 2010 11:13:23, External

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application server - [software] A computer program that receives user requests through a client application and returns results to the client.

[Category=Geospatial ]

Source: esri, 19 January 2012 08:10:11, External

Application Server

1. A hardware server designated to run applications (but not a database).

2. System software used to host the business logic tier of applications. In three-tier applications, the application server manages business logic and enables it to be accessed from the user interface tier. In a service-oriented architecture (SOA), an application server hosts the application services and also plays the role of a fundamental enabling technology.

[Category=Data Cleansing ]

Source: X4DB, 29 November 2012 09:35:37, External 

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