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County: an administrative district type found in Ireland, Liberia, the United Kingdom, USA
[Category=Addressing ]
Source: GRC Database Information, 21 February 2009 10:31:54,
Administrative district information can be found in the Global Sourcebook for International Data Management |
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County - There are some 3,050 political units called counties in the United States. Some 500 of them have a population of over 50,000. While many businesses are now oriented to do their marketing on zip code lines, some firms still utilize counties to define branches and territories.
[Category=Database Marketing ]
Source: Postcom, 22 February 2010 10:21:13,
county - [federal government] The primary legal subdivision of all U.S. states except Alaska and Louisiana. The U.S. Census Bureau uses counties or equivalent entities (boroughs in Alaska, parishes in Louisiana, the District of Columbia in its entirety, and municipios in Puerto Rico) as statistical subdivisions.
[Category=Geospatial ]
Source: esri, 09 March 2012 09:30:12,
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