Choose Index below for a list of all words and phrases defined in this glossary.
Postal codes: codes used within postal addresses to indicate a geographic area, point or route or as a pointer to a company or building. Used to improve postal sorting and delivery and to prevent confusion when two streets share the same name within a single populated place.
Postal code information, formats and regex validation expressions can be found in the Global Sourcebook for International Data Management |
Synonyms (for the singular postal code)
Cod poştal (Romanian)
Code Postale (French)
Codice di Avviamento Postale (Italian)
Codificacao de Endereçamento Postal (CEP) (Brazil)
Codigo Postal (Portuguese, Spanish)
Codigo Postal Argentino (Argentina)
Codigo Postal Ecuatoriano (Ecuador)
Iranyitoszam (Hungarian)
Koda Pos (Bahasa Indonesian)
Kodi Posta (Albanian)
Kody pocztowe (Polish)
PIN Code (India)
Poskod (Bahasa Malay)
Postcode (Royal Mail (UK), TNT Post (NL), De Post (B))
Poçt İndeksi (Azerbaijan)
Posta kodu (Turkish)
Postanški broj (Croatian)
Postinumero (Finnish)
Postleitzahl (German)
Postnummer (Swedish)
Postnumre (Danish)
Postovni Smerovaci Cisla (Czech)
Postovni Smerovaci Cisla v SR (Slovakia)
Taxydpomikos Tomeas (Greek)
Zone Improvement Program Code (ZIP Code) (USA and countries and territories served by its postal services)
[Category=Addressing ]
Source: GRC Database Information, 19 October 2009 08:39:41,
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Postal Code - A delivery code used by a foreign country (as compared with ZIP Code used in the United States).
[Category=Postal ]
Source: USPS, 19 October 2009 08:39:12,
postal code - [geocoding] A series of letters or numbers, or both, in a specific format, used by the postal service of a country to divide geographic areas into zones in order to simplify delivery of mail.
[Category=Geospatial ]
Source: esri, 15 July 2012 10:08:35,
Postal CodeOM - A six-character alphanumeric code in the form of ANA NAN, in which "A" represents a letter of the alphabet, and "N" represents a number. It is an integral part of every postal address in Canada and was designed to help sort mail, both mechanically and manually. [Code postalMO]
Note: "Postal CodeOM" is also an official mark of Canada Post.
[Category=Postal ]
Source: Canada Post, 05 February 2013 09:50:20,
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