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Integrated Access Management (IAM)

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Integrated Access Management (IAM) - definition(s)

integrated access management (IAM) - Integrated access management (IAM) is a combination of business processes, policies and technologies that allows organizations to provide secure access to confidential data. IAM software is used by enterprises to control the flow of sensitive data in and out of the network.

Effective integrated access management tools incorporate four elements:

   * A method of providing users access to applications, systems and documents throughout an enterprise that are required for individual job function.
   * The ability to authenticate a user at the proper access level, based upon the principle of least privilege (POLP).
   * A single sign-on (SSO) that easily allows users to access resources to which they have been granted access.
   * A means to generate an audit trail to confirm the IAM system is working properly and meet compliance requirements.

Security experts recommend the use of multifactor authentication (MFA) to validate user identity, including biometric data, smart cards and RFID chips.

[Category=Data Management ]

Source:, 17 August 2013 09:02:20, External

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