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Subject Matter Expert (SME)

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Subject Matter Expert (SME) - definitions

Subject Matter Expert (SME) : A business person who has significant experience and knowledge of a given business subject or function.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Larry English, External, 11-Feb-2009 14:11

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Subject Matter Expert - The subject matter expert is typically a knowledgeable business analyst whose understanding of the business is necessary to understand data, define business rules, and measure Data Quality_.

Public Schools of North Carolina, 04 May 2010 11:54:49, External

Subject Matter Expert - SME - The Subject Matter Expert is that individual who exhibits the highest level of expertise in performing a specialized job, task, or skill within the organization.

An SME might be a software engineer, a helpdesk support operative, an accounts manager, a scientific researcher: in short, anybody with in-depth knowledge of the subject you are attempting to document. You need to talk to SMEs in the research phase of a documentation project (to get your facts straight) and you need to involve them in the technical validation of your drafts (to make sure that your interpretation of information matches theirs).

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: iSixSigma, 25 February 2011 09:46:00, External

Subject Matter Expert - A subject matter expert (SME) or domain expert is a person who is an expert in a particular area or topic within the business. Since modern master data management solutions are very flexible and may be configured in thousands of ways to meet specific business requirements, a subject matter expert is needed to guide and eventually set up hierarchies, definitions and rules in the master data hub. It is also common that a subject matter expert acts a data steward for a master data management solution, thus executing active data stewardship.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Stibo Systems, 28 May 2011 10:06:14, External 

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