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Operational Data Store / Datastore (ODS)

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Operational Data Store / Datasore (ODS) - definitions

Operational Data Store (ODS) : A collection of operation or bases data that is extracted from operation databases and standardised, cleansed, consolidated, transformed, and loaded into a enterprise data architecture. An ODS is used to support data mining of operational data, or as the store for base data that is summarised for a data warehouse. The ODS may also be used to audit the data warehouse to assure the summarised and derived data is calculated properly. The ODS may further become the enterprise shared operational database, allowing operational systems that are being reengineered to use the ODS as their operations databases.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Larry English, External, 04-Feb-2009 10:50

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Operational Data Store - A database designed to integrate data from multiple sources, for the purposes of facilitating operations, analysis and reporting. Because the data originates from multiple sources, the integration often involves cleaning, redundancy resolution and business rule enforcement. Whereas a data warehouse generally stores aggregated data, an ODS is usually designed to contain low level or atomic (indivisible) data such as transactions.

[Category=Data Governance ]

Source: The Data Governance Institute, 17 December 2009 09:56:03, External

Operational Data Store (ODS) - An operational data store (ODS) is an integrated database of operational data. Its sources include legacy systems and it contains current or near-term data. An ODS may contain 30 to 60 days of information, while a data warehouse typically contains years of data.

[Category=Information Management ]

Source:, 30 June 2010 09:31:57, External

Operational Data Store (ODS) - An ODS is an integrated database of operational data. Its sources include legacy systems and it contains current or near term data. An ODS may contain 30 to 60 days of information, while a data warehouse typically contains years of data.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source:, 09 August 2010 07:13:10, External

Operational Data Stores - Data which is kept to support Operational Applications. This class of data is usually transaction oriented.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source:, 09 August 2010 07:17:44, External

Operational Datastore (ODS) - A database structure that is a repository for near real-time operational data rather than long term trend data.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source: Aexis Business Intelligence, 21 December 2010 08:17:54, External 

operational data store (ODS) - An operational data store (ODS) is a type of database that's often used as an interim logical area for a data warehouse.

While in the ODS, data can be scrubbed, resolved for redundancy and checked for compliance with the corresponding business rules. An ODS can be used for integrating disparate data from multiple sources so that business operations, analysis and reporting can be carried out while business operations are occurring. This is the place where most of the data used in current operation is housed before it's transferred to the data warehouse for longer term storage or archiving.

An ODS is designed for relatively simple queries on small amounts of data (such as finding the status of a customer order), rather than the complex queries on large amounts of data typical of the data warehouse. An ODS is similar to your short term memory in that it stores only very recent information; in comparison, the data warehouse is more like long term memory in that it stores relatively permanent information.

Related glossary terms: repository, Multidimensional Database (MDDB) (MDB) / Multi-Dimensional Database

[Category=Data Management ]

Source:, 30 August 2013 09:13:10, External

operational data store (ODS) - A location to gather and store data from multiple sources so that more operations can be performed on it before sending to the data warehouse for reporting.

[Category=Big Data ]

Source: DataInformed, 05 November 2013 09:21:57, External

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