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Data Warehouse / Database Warehouse

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Data Warehouse / Database Warehouse - definition(s)

Data warehouse - A collection of software and data organised to collect, cleanse, transform, and store data from a variety of sources, and analyse and present information to support decision-making, tactical and strategic business processes. 

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Larry English, External, 22-Jan-2009 13:54

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Database Warehouse - Short: A copy of transaction data specifically structured for query, analysis and reporting.

Long: The database warehouse, a single repository depicting a logical view of an enterprise's data, accessible to developers and business users alike. Effective database warehousing requires frequent updates and impeccable Data Quality_ to insure business end-users and decision makers are using the same data, at the same extraction level, as everyone else when they run queries and reports or formulate analyses.

[Category=Database Management ]

Source: Northwest Database Services, 08 November 2009 09:52:44, External

Data Warehouse - A physically separate store of data transformed from the operational environment.The warehouse collects data from transaction systems and operational data stores, then combines that data in an aggregate, summary form suitable for enterprise wide data analysis and reporting for predefined business needs  Operational update of data does not occur in the data warehouse environment. Gartner says that the five components of a data warehouse are production data sources, data extraction and conversion, the data warehouse database management system, data warehouse administration and business intelligence (BI) tools.

[Category=Data Governance ]

Source: The Data Governance Institute, 29 November 2009 09:48:05, External

Data Warehouse - Also Known As: Datawarehouse or Information Warehouse

A database where data is collected for the purpose of being analyzed.

The defining characteristic of a data warehouse is its purpose.

Most data is collected to handle a company's on-going business. This type of data can be called "operational data". The systems used to collect operational data are referred to as OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing).

A data warehouse collects, organizes, and makes data available for the purpose of analysis - to give management the ability to access and analyze information about its business. This type of data can be called "informational data". The systems used to work with informational data are referred to as OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing).

Bill Inmon coined the term "data warehouse" in 1990. His definition is:

"A (data) warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant and non-volatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process." Subject-oriented - Data that gives information about a particular subject instead of about a company's on-going operations.

Integrated - Data that is gathered into the data warehouse from a variety of sources and merged into a coherent whole.

Time-variant - All data in the data warehouse is identified with a particular time period.

Non-volatile - Data is stable in a data warehouse. More data is added, but data is never removed. This enables management to gain a consistent picture of the business.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source: SDG Computing Inc., 07 May 2010 07:48:06, SDG Computing, now offline

Data Warehouse - (1) A subject oriented, integrated, time-variant, non-volatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process. A repository of consistent historical data can that can be easily accessed and manipulated for decision support. (2) An implementation of an informational database used to store sharable data sourced from an operational database- of-record. It is typically a subject database that allows users to tap into a company's vast store of operational data to track and respond to business trends and facilitate forecasting and planning efforts.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source:, 26 July 2010 08:32:46, External

Data Warehouse - An implementation of an informational database used to store sharable data sourced from an operational database-of-record. It is typically a subject database that allows users to tap into a company's vast store of operational data to track and respond to business trends and facilitate forecasting and planning efforts.

[Category=Data Management ]

Source: DataMentors, 17 August 2010 09:27:06, External

Data Warehouse - An enterprise structured repository of subject-oriented, time-variant, historical data used for information retrieval and decision support. The data warehouse stores atomic and summary data. The data warehouse is the source data stored in the data marts.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source: Aexis Business Intelligence, 25 November 2010 11:02:13, External

Data warehouse - A specialised database containing consolidated historical data drawn from a number of existing databases to support strategic decision making.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: DAMA UK, 15 July 2011 09:07:40, External

Data Warehouse - A repository of corporate or institutional data that is organized in a way that is meaningful for Business Analysis and Reporting. It may also store historical information.  A data warehouse is a collection of data marts.

[Category=Business Intelligence ]

Source: University of Toronto Business Intelligence, 24 October 2012 09:36:18, External

Data Warehouse - A database that is geared toward the business intelligence requirements of an entire organisation. The data warehouse integrates data from the various operational systems and is typically loaded from these systems at regular intervals. Data warehouses contain historical information that enables analysis of business performance over time.

[Category=Business Intelligence ]

Source: ElegantJ BI Business Intelligence, 29 October 2012 12:00:03, External

Data Warehouse - When data from one or more data sources are brought together in a central store related to a common subject for the purpose of analysis, this is a data warehousing. The data store is called a data warehouse.

For instance, you might collect sales and product data from all lines of business within the company into a data warehouse to provide for analyzing product sales over time, geographic location and product or product category.

[Category=Business Intelligence ]

Source: Deanna Dicken, 07 November 2012 09:44:38, External

data warehouse or information warehouse - A data warehouse is a central repository for all or significant parts of the data that an enterprise's various business systems collect. The term was coined by W. H. Inmon. IBM sometimes uses the term "information warehouse."

Typically, a data warehouse is housed on an enterprise mainframe server. Data from various online transaction processing (OLTP) applications and other sources is selectively extracted and organized on the data warehouse database for use by analytical applications and user queries. Data warehousing emphasizes the capture of data from diverse sources for useful analysis and access, but does not generally start from the point-of-view of the end user or knowledge worker who may need access to specialized, sometimes local databases. The latter idea is known as the data mart.

Applications of data warehouses include data mining, Web Mining, and decision support systems (DSS).

[Category=Data Management ]

Source:, 24 July 2013 08:24:00, External

Data Warehouse - Ein Data-Warehouse ist eine zentrale Datensammlung, deren Inhalt sich aus Daten unterschiedlicher Quellen zusammensetzt. Die Daten werden von den Datenquellen bereitgestellt und in das Data-Warehouse geladen. Sie dienen der Datenanalyse External und der betriebswirtschaftlichen Entscheidungshilfe im Unternehmen.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Uniserv, 02 January 2014 15:38:25, External

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