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Compliance - definitions

Compliance - A disclipline, set of practices, and/or organizational group that deals with adhering to laws, regulations, standards, and contractual  arrangements. Also, the adherence to requirements. Data Governance programs often support many types of compliance requirements: Regulatory compliance, contractual compliance, adherence to internal standards, policies, and architectures, and conformance to rules for data management, project management, and other disciplines.

[Category=Data Governance ]

Source: The Data Governance Institute, 21 November 2009 10:15:00, External

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Compliance - The state of an organization that meets prescribed specifications, contract terms, regulations or standards.

[Category=Quality ]

Source: American Society for Quality, 12 September 2010 08:59:25, External

Compliance - Compliance means conforming to a rule, such as a specification, policy, standard or law. Master data management and information quality are often a prerequisite for achieving high levels of compliance with requirements such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) and its European counterpart, EUROSOX.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Stibo Systems, 16 May 2011 09:03:57, External 

Compliance - Compliance umfasst die Einhaltung von Gesetzen oder Branchenregularien. Im Bereich Datenmanagement fällt hierunter u.a. das Verbot bzw. die Meldepflicht von Transaktionen mit verdächtigen Personen und Unternehmen. Bei Nichteinhaltung drohen empfindliche Geldbußen und juristische Konsequenzen. Der permanente Abgleich von Kunden-, Lieferanten- und Partnerdaten mit nationalen und internationalen Sanktionlisten ist somit ein Muss für jedes Unternehmen.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Uniserv, 01 January 2014 09:09:58, External




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