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HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

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HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - definitions

HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol, the underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web. HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what action web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Stibo Systems, 20 May 2011 09:52:45, External

These advertisers support this free service

http - Hypertext Transfer Protocol, the World Wide Web protocol for moving hypertext (HTML) files across the Internet. OGC has defined a suite of Web Service interfaces that have explicit bindings for HTTP. Specifically, there are two HTTP bindings for invoking operations of a service (i.e., Sending a message): GET and POST.

[Category=Geospatial ]

Source: Open Geospatial Consortium, 19 June 2011 08:23:53, External

HTTP - [Internet] Acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The protocol maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium for communicating between servers and clients to exchange HTML documents across the Internet.

[Category=Geospatial ]

Source: esri, 13 May 2012 09:23:13, External

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