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Data Enrichment

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Data Enrichment - definitions

Data Enrichment - An activity that supplements and/or improves the existing data.

[Category=Data Governance ]

Source: The Data Governance Institute, 25 November 2009 08:28:27, External

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Data Enrichment - Data enrichment is an activity that supplements and/or improves the existing data. Some techniques used to enrich data include: use of fuzzy logic to assist a search activity; accessing related data from other sources and bringing the data into a single virtual (for example, providing a link) or physical location; and, correcting misspellings (for example, if a city name of "New Yrok" is given in combination with a zip code of 10001, the city name may be corrected to "New York".

[Category=Information Management ]

Source:, 10 June 2010 09:07:46, External

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