Choose Index below for a list of all words and phrases defined in this glossary.
Business intelligence (BI) : The ability of an enterprise to act intelligently through the exploitation of its information resources.
[Category=Data Quality ]
Source: Larry English, , 13-Jan-2009 13:56
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Business intelligence (BI) - An interactive process for exploring and analyzing structured, domain-specific information (often stored in data warehouses) to discern trends or patterns, thereby deriving insights and drawing conclusions. The BI process includes communicating findings and effecting change. Domains include customers, suppliers, products, services and competitors. (Gartner definition)
Source: The Data Governance Institute, 19 November 2009 12:50:38,
Business Intelligence (BI) - An interactive process of exploring and analyzing customer data in order to discern trends or patterns resulting in gains such as identifying new sales opportunities and employee commitment.
[Category=Data Cleansing ]
Source: X4DB, 14 May 2010 11:58:22,
Business Intelligence (BI) - Business intelligence is actually an environment in which business users receive data that is reliable, consistent, understandable, easily manipulated and timely. With this data, business users are able to conduct analyses that yield overall understanding of where the business has been, where it is now and where it will be in the near future. Business intelligence serves two main purposes. It monitors the financial and operational health of the organization (reports, alerts, alarms, analysis tools, key performance indicators and dashboards). It also regulates the operation of the organization providing two- way integration with operational systems and information feedback analysis.
[Category=Information Management ]
Source:, 03 June 2010 14:58:50,
Business Intelligence (BI) - Business intelligence is actually an environment in which business users receive data that is reliable, consistent, understandable, easily manipulated and timely. With this data, business users are able to conduct analyses that yield overall understanding of where the business has been, where it is now and where it will be in the near future. Business intelligence serves two main purposes. It monitors the financial and operational health of the organization (reports, alerts, alarms, analysis tools, key performance indicators and dashboards). It also regulates the operation of the organization providing two- way integration with operational systems and information feedback analysis.
[Category=Data Management ]
Source: DataMentors, 14 August 2010 11:01:15,
Business intelligence (BI) - Het concept dat beoogt dat gebruikers op de juiste locatie tijdige, betrouwbare, begrijpelijke en eenvoudig te manipuleren informatie ontvangen waarmee eventueel ook analyses uitgevoerd kunnen worden. Deze informatie heeft tot doel de gebruikers in staat te stellen om inzicht te verkrijgen in voor de bedrijfsvoering belangrijke factoren gericht op verleden, heden en toekomst. Met dit inzicht kunnen gebruikers (gefundeerde) beslissingen nemen en processen (bij)sturen.
Definitie van BI als proces: BI is het continu proces waarmee organisaties op gerichte wijze data verzamelen en registreren, analyseren en de daaruit resulterende informatie en kennis in besluitvormingsprocessen toepassen om de prestaties van de organisatie te verbeteren.
Definitie van BI als technologie: BI is de verzameling van ICT-hulpmiddelen dat BI als proces in organisaties ondersteunt en daadwerkelijk vorm en inhoud geeft.
Definitie van BI als fenomeen of discipline: BI is het geheel aan concepten, processen, strategieën, cultuur, structuur, methodieken, standaarden en ICT-hulpmiddelen die er voor zorgen dat organisaties zich intelligenter kunnen gedragen en ontwikkelen.
[Category=Business Intelligence ]
Source:, 21 October 2012 09:52:41,
Business Intelligence - Business Intelligence is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data to help clients make better business decisions.
[Category=Business Intelligence ]
Source: University of Toronto Business Intelligence, 24 October 2012 09:31:28,
Business Intelligence (BI) - A set of business applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analysing, and converting data into information enabling future business strategies and decisions to be made . Business intelligence allows users (employees, customers, suppliers, and partners) to receive information that is reliable, consistent, understandable, easily manipulated, and timely. BI includes decision support systems, querying and reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), statistical analysis, forecasting, and data mining.
[Category=Business Intelligence ]
Source: ElegantJ BI Business Intelligence, 27 October 2012 12:38:26,
Business Intelligence – the theories, methodologies and processes to make data understandable.
[Category=Big Data ]
Source: BigData-Startup, 21 September 2013 09:40:42,
business intelligence (BI) - The general term used for the identification, extraction, and analysis of data.
[Category=Big Data ]
Source: DataInformed, 16 October 2013 09:21:37,
Data Quality Glossary. A free resource from GRC Data Intelligence. For comments, questions or feedback: