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Carrier Route Presort Mail

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Carrier Route Presort Mail - definitions

Carrier Route Presort Mail - Mail sorted by carrier route to qualify for discount postage rates. The mail requires no primary or secondary distribution. The term is a general descriptor of the available rates for this type of preparation, which includes Enhanced Carrier Route Standard Mail, automation carrier route First-Class Mail, carrier route Periodicals, and carrier route Bound Printed Matter. Unless mailed at automation rates, carrier route mailpieces usually do not bear a barcode. (Also called Enhanced Carrier Route Standard Mail.)

[Category=Postal ]

Source: USPS, 02 September 2009 07:38:29, External

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Carrier Route Presort (Carrier Rate Postage)  - A subclass of third class bulk mail which qualifies for a substantial postal discount for mailers who code and sort mail to the individual carrier route. Software is widely available that will identify the appropriate carrier route codes, and sort mail by carrier route code in accordance with postal specifications. Carrier rate postage is currently the lowest rate available for all classes of mail.

[Category=Database Marketing ]

Source: Postcom, 15 February 2010 11:43:32, [[$URL:http://|ttp://]]

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