Choose Index below for a list of all words and phrases defined in this glossary.
Merge/Purge - A merge/purge is the process of identifying and eliminating duplicate names within and among a number of mailing lists selected for a given Direct Marketing_ campaign. The merge/purge is typically performed by the mailer's service bureau. The goal of the merge/purge process is to produce a unique set of names to send the promotional materials. One goal is to cut down on waste by only sending one piece to each person. Another goal is to better understand the relationship among the lists that enter the merge/purge process. The names that appear on more than one list are called "multi-buyers" or "multis" and are often a more responsive and desirable segment of the merged list. The results of the merge/purge are also used to calculate the final price of rented mailing lists where there is a net name arrangement on the order.
[Category=Database Marketing ]
Source: NextMark, 15 August 2009 11:58:45, ?glossaryTermId=a0800000000DiAZAA0
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Merge-Purge - When two files are merged together to form one net mailing file. In this scenario, identifying duplicates and upon what level, is essential.
[Category=Database Management ]
CNM, 05 November 2009 11:05:02,
Merge-Purge - A process to combine two or more lists and at the same time unduplicate the output files required for third class or carrier-route coded mailing. A quite simple step for consumer lists which are ordinarily overkilled to guarantee very small residential duplication. But the process for business lists is highly technical and difficult.
[Category=Database Marketing ]
Source: Postcom, 20 March 2010 10:00:02,
Merge-Purge - The process of compiling multiple data records, retaining the desired data, and removing unwanted data. This process may be invoked during the data acquisition process.
[Category=Data Warehousing ]
Source: Aexis Business Intelligence, 19 December 2010 10:24:24,
Merge and purge - Industry term for combining multiple lists, removing supplicate records and creating a single master file.
[Category=Database Marketing ]
Source: DBG, 08 May 2011 09:40:02,
Merge-Purge - The merging of two or more databases (or mailing lists) by some predetermined process and the subsequent deletion (purge) of duplicate records.
[Category=Direct Marketing ]
Source: Digital Formatting Services, 29 December 2011 09:48:27,
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