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Database of Record (DBOR)

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Database of Record (DBOR) - definition(s)

database of record (DBOR) - A database of record (DBOR) is a repository for centralized storage of information about objects or people. This type of database is commonly maintained by businesses to store information about subscribers, clients or customers, facilitating optimal service-oriented management (SOM). Examples of DBOR applications include use by:

   * Internet search engines or Web sites to track user behavior for targeted promotions.
   * Manufacturers to keep track of supplies and product information.
   * Wholesale and retail vendors to keep track of inventory.
   * Hospitals and clinics to manage patient information.
   * Retail stores to keep track of customer shopping habits.

Advantages of using a DBOR to centralize customer data include:

   * Tailoring services to individual users or subscribers.
   * Targeting special promotions to customers most likely to respond.
   * Optimizing customer services and technical support.
   * Personalizing the customer-vendor relationship.

In addition to customer-service applications, a DBOR can be used by law enforcement, security and military agencies to keep track of crime suspects and other potentially dangerous individuals or organizations.

Related glossary terms: Web mining, integration, explicit data, skewness

[Category=Data Management ]

Source:, 26 July 2013 08:57:53, External

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