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Stability - definitions

Stability - A characteristic of Information Quality_ measuring the degree to which information architecture or a database is able to have new applications developed to use it with minimal modification of the existing objects and relationships, only adding new objects and relationships.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Larry English, External , 10-Feb-2009 12:48

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Stability - Stability represents variation due to elapsed time. It is the difference between an individual's measurements taken of the same parts after an extended period of time using the same techniques.

Also, PROCESS STABILITY Index_ is often used in SPC where many charts are ranked by the %OOC (instability) due to application of control limits and alarm rules. Stability is not the same as Capability. Stability is based on statistical control limits, while Capability is based on customer specification limits. Often shown as %OOC and Cpk. But of course a Stable process has LOW %OOC near zero, but never zero long term if limits are set correctly due to false alarm rate with good limits and rules.

Stationary (lack of drift) is opposite of Dynamic. Not the same as Stability. Engineers and statisticians argue about these terms.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: iSixSigma, 24 February 2011 11:05:49, External

Stability - is the total variation in the measurements obtained with a measurement system (gage) on the same master or part when measuring a single characteristic over an extended time period. Also known as drift.

[Category=Quality ]

Source: The Quality Portal, 26 April 2011 08:20:11, External 

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