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Theory of Constraints (TOC)

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Theory of Constraints (TOC) - definitions

Theory of Constraints (TOC) - A lean management philosophy that stresses removal of constraints to increase throughput while decreasing inventory and operating expenses. TOC's set of tools examines the entire system for continuous improvement. The current reality tree, conflict resolution diagram, future reality tree, prerequisite tree and transition tree are the five tools used in TOC's ongoing improvement process. Also called constraints management.

[Category=Quality ]

Source: American Society for Quality, 26 October 2010 08:27:58, External

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Theory of Constraints (TOC) - Also called constraints management, it is a set of tools that examines the entire system for continuous improvement. The current reality tree, conflict resolution diagram, future reality tree, prerequisite tree and transition tree are the five tools used in its ongoing improvement process.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: iSixSigma, 27 February 2011 11:12:06, External




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