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Server - definitions

Server - The part of a client/server system that holds the database (the back end). The server also holds the server portion of the database management system (DBMS).

[Category=Database Management ]

Source: Northwest Database Services, 14 November 2009 11:14:26, External

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Server - A service that provides standard functions for clients in response to standard messages from clients. Note: A commonly used definition of server also refers to the physical computer from which services are provided.

[Category=Information Management ]

Source:, 07 July 2010 09:35:45, External

Server - A service that provides standard functions for clients in response to standard messages from clients. Note: A commonly used definition of server also refers to the physical computer from which services are provided.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source:, 11 August 2010 08:26:06, External

Server - A service that provides standard functions for clients in response to standard messages from clients. Note: A commonly used definition of server also refers to the physical computer from which services are provided.

[Category=Data Management ]

Source: DataMentors, 27 August 2010 09:14:51, External


(1) [hardware] A computer that manages shared resources, such as disks, printers, and databases, on a network.

(2) [software] Software that provides services or functionality to client software. For example, a Web server is software that sends Web pages to browsers.

[Category=Geospatial ]

Source: esri, 16 August 2012 09:05:15, External

server - A physical or virtual computer that serves requests for a software application and delivers those requests over a network.

[Category=Big Data ]

Source: DataInformed, 10 November 2013 09:02:31, External  



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