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Loosely Coupled / Loosely-Coupled Service

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Loosely Coupled / Loosely-Coupled Service

Loosely Coupled - A flexible architectural approach to the connection between two or more computer systems that are exchanging data. Loosely Coupled systems are considered useful when either the source or the destination computer systems are subject to frequent changes. This is in contrast to tightly-coupled connections, which are less flexible and more difficult to change.

[Category=Data Governance ]

Source: The Data Governance Institute, 15 December 2009 10:15:29, External

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loosely-coupled service - A service that can be used to operate on multiple, unspecified datasets. Calling application has no structural dependency on the interface of called application. Call is not made in same technology as the interface of the called application.

[Category=Geospatial ]

Source: Open Geospatial Consortium, 23 June 2011 07:37:17, External

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