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Software Inspection Plan

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Software Inspection Plan - definition(s)

Software Inspection Plan - In Gilb-Graham Software Inspection (see also Fagan Style Software Inspection), the Inspection Plan is created by the Inspection Leader (aka Facilitator or Moderator) and reviewed and amended by the inspection team members. The principal purpose of the plan is for the document being inspected to exit from inspection, at a pre-defined Quality_ level, on its first pass. Other goals (such as training) may also be planned for.

The Plan has six sections:

   1. The Header identifies the document being inspected, the Entry Criteria that have governed entry to the inspection, and the Exit Criteria to be achieved for success.
   2. The Meetings section plans dates, times, and locations of working meetings.
   3. The Documents section specifies which part(s) of the document will be inspected, and what other documents ("oracles") will be used to check its Quality_ and accuracy.
   4. The Participants section identifies the inspection team members and their specific roles in the inspection.
   5. The Standard Rates And Estimates section identifies the work-rates currently mandated for each task of the inspection, and individualises this to the amount of work (hours) required for each inspector.
   6. The data collection section provides space for the individual inspector to record costs (time spent) and benefits (work done, issues recorded).

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: iSixSigma, 23 February 2011 09:16:57, External 

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