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Nixie - definitions

Nixie - A nixie is a mailing piece returned to the sender due to an incorrect or undeliverable name or address.

[Category=Database Marketing ]

Source: NextMark, 15 August 2009 12:40:02, ?glossaryTermId=a0800000000F0dYAAS External

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Nixie - A mailpiece that cannot be sorted or delivered because of an incorrect, illegible, or insufficient delivery address. A nixie clerk specializes in handling this mail. (Also see undeliverable as addressed (UAA).)

[Category=Postal ]

Source: USPS, 12 October 2009 10:57:01, External

Nixie - A piece of mail returned as "undeliverable as addressed." In direct mail, nixies always arrive before responses.

[Category=Database Marketing ]

Source: Postcom, 23 March 2010 09:22:17, External

Nixie - A mailed piece that is undeliverable by virtue of being misaddressed or illegibly addressed.

[Category=Direct Marketing ]

Source: Digital Formatting Services, 30 December 2011 09:59:17, External 

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