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Passenger Name Record (PNR)

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Passenger Name Record (PNR) - definition(s)

PNR - PNR is the acronym for "Passenger Name Record".

This information is collected by airlines or travel agencies at the time a passenger makes a reservation, before travelling. It differs from Advanced Passenger Information (API), which is collected later at the time of boarding.

In addition to the name of the passenger, PNR includes all information necessary for the reservation, such as:

   the travel agency responsible for the booking;
   the itinerary (including connections);
   the flights (number, date, time);
   groups of persons registered under the same booking;
   the passenger's contact details (telephone number, address, etc);
   payment/billing information;
   hotel or car booking;
   special service requests (such as seat number, special meal, medical assistance);
   "frequent flyer" information.

Enforcement authorities have shown interest in the collection of PNR data, with a view to fighting terrorism and other forms of crimes. The European Union has concluded agreements with third countries requesting such information, in order to establish minimal data protection safeguards on the use of this information. The Article 29 Working Party and the EDPS have adopted official opinions on these agreements.

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European Data Protection Supervisor, 30 July 2011 08:42:42, External 

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