Choose Index below for a list of all words and phrases defined in this glossary.
Suppression - suppression is a function where criteria are provided to serve as basis of eliminating duplicate or unwanted records from a list or database order.
[Category=Direct Marketing ]
Source: NextMark, 19 August 2009 16:22:21, ?glossaryTermId=a0800000000F1QSAA0
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Suppression - By screening databases against various industry files it allows customers to remove records that are duplicates, gone-aways, deceased or have invalid name and address details.
[Category=Database Management ]
CNM, 05 November 2009 13:08:28,
Suppression - Utilization of data on one or more files to remove any duplication of specific names that the mailer wishes to be removed before mailing.
[Category=Database Marketing ]
Source: Postcom, 10 April 2010 13:33:23,
Suppression - Removing or flagging contacts that can no longer be marketed to - for example if they have registered with preference services, have moved or are deceased.
[Category=Database Marketing ]
Source: DBG, 11 May 2011 07:43:24,
Data Quality Glossary. A free resource from GRC Data Intelligence. For comments, questions or feedback: