Choose Index below for a list of all words and phrases defined in this glossary.
householder mail (Unaddressed AdmailTM) - Mail that is not addressed to specific delivery addresses in Canada but may bear wording such as: "Householder", "Occupant", "Resident", "Business Ownersâ", "Marketing Manager", "Purchasing Manager" or "Boxholder", without any further address. Delivery is made to every household within a defined area. [article sans Adresse]
[Category=Postal ]
Source: Canada Post, 15 January 2013 09:03:01,
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article sans adresse (Médiaposte sans adresseMC ) - Courrier sans Adresse mais qui pourrait porté une des mentions suivantes :à "l'occupant", au "chef de ménage",au "résident", au " Propriétaire de l'entreprise", au "Gestionnaire du Marketing", au "Gestionnaire des achats" ou "locataire de case postale". La livraison se fait à toutes les adresses d'une région donnée. [Householder Mail (Unaddressed Admail)]
[Category=Postal ]
Source: Canada Post, 26 February 2013 10:31:05,
Data Quality Glossary. A free resource from GRC Data Intelligence. For comments, questions or feedback: