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Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

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Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) - definitions

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) - Hypertext markup language (HTML), a subset of standard generalized markup language (SGML), provides a tag set used to create an HTML document. The tags or elements tell the browser how to display the information. The tags are used to "mark," in a hierarchical format, the different components of the document. If you are going to create your own Web pages, you will need to gain an understanding of the workings of HTML.

[Category=Information Management ]

Source:, 22 June 2010 08:31:49, External

These advertisers support this free service

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) - HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language, a subset of SGML, provides a tag set used to create an HTML document. The tags or elements tell the browser how to display the information. The tags are used to "mark," in a hierarchical format, the different components of the document. If you are going to create your own Web pages, you will need to gain an understanding of the workings of HTML.

[Category=Data Management ]

Source: DataMentors, 21 August 2010 09:01:57, External

HTML - Hypertext Mark-Up Language, An email comprised of HTML code. Essentially, an HTML-based email is the equivalent of emailing a web page, complete with colours, graphics, and other visually appealing methods of delivering content and indicates to a web browser how the text is to be displayed, as well as to enable links, and other features.

[Category=Database Marketing ]

HTML 5 - HTML5 is the latest iteration of the Hyper Text Mark-up Language used to code websites. It improves the HTML standard significantly. Features include simple Audio and Video integration, and the Canvas element for drawing and animation. HTML5 is set to replace HTML4.01 and XHTML 1.1 over the next decade. A process begun by browsers such as Chrome, Firefox and IE9. The term is being banded about in marketing magazines and is being hailed as the next big thing in web marketing.

[Category=Database Marketing ]

Source: DBG, 06 May 2011 07:56:16, External

HTML - HyperText Markup Language, the authoring language used to create documents on the World Wide Web. HTML evolved from SGML, although it is not a strict subset. HTML defines the structure and layout of web document by using a variety of tags and attributes. The HTTP protocol is typically used to deliver and HTML file to a web browser.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Stibo Systems, 20 May 2011 09:51:43, External

HTML - Acronym for HyperText Markup Language - the markup language used to convey the way that a document is presented by a web browser. [Category=Data Quality ]

Source: DAMA UK, 17 July 2011 08:58:51, External

HTML - [Internet] Acronym for Hypertext Markup Language. A markup language used to create Web pages for publication on the Internet. HTML is a system of tags that define the function of text, graphics, sound, and video within a document, and is now an Internet standard maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium.

[Category=Geospatial ]

Source: esri, 12 May 2012 09:11:46, External 






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