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E-Business / eBusiness

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E-Business / eBusiness - definitions

E-Business - E-business is simply doing business electronically which in most cases, means doing business on the Internet. The two main types of e-business are business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B). A third, and less talked about, type of e-business is consumer-to-consumer (C2C).

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Source:, 15 June 2010 08:13:25, External

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eBusiness - The process of using Web technology to help businesses streamline processes, improve productivity, and increase efficiencies. Enables companies to easily communicate with partner, vendors, and customers, connect back-end data systems and transact commerce in a secure manner.

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Stibo Systems, 18 May 2011 09:50:45, External

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