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Noise - definitions

Noise - (1) An uncontrollable common cause factor that causes variability in product quality. (Q) (2) A term used in data mining to refer to data with missing values (where one does exist in the real world object or event), empty values (where no value exists for the real world object or event), inaccurate values or measurement bias or data that may be inconsequential or misleading in data analysis or data mining.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Larry English, External , 03-Feb-2009 13:42

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Noise - Process input that consistently causes variation in the output measurement that is random and expected and, therefore, not controlled is called noise. Noise also is referred to as white noise, random variation, common cause variation, noncontrollable variable.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: iSixSigma, 07 February 2011 07:36:55, External

noise -

   (1) [remote sensing] In remote sensing, any disturbance in a frequency band.
   (2) [Category=Data Quality ] Any irregular, sporadic, or random oscillation in a transmission signal.
   (3) [telecommunications] Random or repetitive events that interfere with communication.
   (4) [Category=Data Quality ] In a raster, irrelevant or meaningless cells that exist due to poor scanning or imperfections in the original source document.

[Category=Geospatial ]

Source: esri, 20 June 2012 09:39:20, External 

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