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Poste Restante (PR)

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Poste Restante (PR) - definitions

Poste Restante (PR) - Delivery type used in Canada and the USA. Delivery to customers without a post office box, customers without a fixed address or people travelling.

[Category=Database Marketing ]

Source: GRC Database Information, 10 April 2009 08:39:18, External

Post office box information and synonym lists are available in the Global Sourcebook for International Data Management External and in our address elements data file External

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Poste Restante (PR) - (French) International mail sent to general delivery.

[Category=Postal ]

Source: USPS, 21 October 2009 10:32:56, External

general delivery - A service provided at post offices for delivery of mail to customers with no fixed address within the letter carrier delivery area and anyone who cannot receive mail through the normal delivery modes. [poste restante]

[Category=Postal ]

Source: Canada Post, 13 January 2013 09:32:36, External

poste restante - Service de livraison du courrier offert par les bureaux de poste aux personnes sans Adresse fixe dans le secteur de livraison par facteurs ou qui ne peuvent recevoir le courrier selon les modes de livraison habituels. [general delivery]

[Category=Postal ]

Source: Canada Post, 24 March 2013 09:39:17, External 

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