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Business Performance Management (BPM)

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Business Performance Management (BPM) - definitions

Business Performance Management (BPM) - Applications that help direct modeling or scenario exploration activities. Rather than simply exploring what happened and why, the application can help the user consider the implications of alternative courses of action before they become operational. Performance management suggests an explicit relationship to action, and modeling is the key link to do this.

[Category=Information Management ]

Source:, 03 June 2010 15:39:42, External

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Business Performance Management (BPM) - Applications that help direct modeling or scenario exploration activities. Rather than simply exploring what happened and why, the application can help the user consider the implications of alternative courses of action before they become operational. Performance management suggests an explicit relationship to action, and modeling is the key link to do this.

[Category=Data Management ]

Source: DataMentors, 14 August 2010 11:35:55, External

Business Performance Management (BPM) - Business performance management (BPM) is a set of processes that help organisations direct modeling or scenario exploration activities. BPM is focused on business processes such as planning and forecasting. It helps businesses discover efficient use of their business units, financial, human, and material resources. It helps users to consider the implications of alternative courses of action before they become operational.

[Category=Business Intelligence ]

Source: ElegantJ BI Business Intelligence, 27 October 2012 12:40:18, External 




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