Global Sourcebook for International Data Management

                                         by Graham Rhind

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Czech Republic

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For supplementary information, see links to post office home pages here External, to postal code pages here External and to other personal name and addressing issues pages here External.

Table of Contents

Czech Republic - Country information


Local short name form

Official name





International telephone access code


ISO 3166 country codes

Car nationality plate code


Internet country code


GRC Country Code


Czech Republic - Number format

   1 234,45

(where , indicates the decimal separator and a space the thousands separator)

Czech Republic - Date formats


Czech Republic - Languages


Czech External is spoken by most of the population. There are 200 000 speakers of Romani External, 200 000 speakers of German External, concentrated along the border with Germany, and some 50 000 Polish External-speakers.

Czech Republic - Personal names


Since 1989, parents have had the right to give their child any name they wish, provided it is used somewhere in the world and is not insulting or demeaning. However, the common practice is that the most birth-record offices look for the name in the book "Jak se bude vaše dítě jmenovat?" ("What is your child going to be called?"). If the name is not found there, officials are often resistant to registering the child's name.

Until 2004, every woman who married in the Czech Republic and wanted to change her name had to adopt a feminine surname, unless her husband was a foreigner whose name ended in a vowel or she was a registered member of a Czech minority group, such as the Germans. A law passed in 2004 allows all foreign women, and Czech women who marry foreign men, to adopt their husband's exact surname. About 70% of women take their husband’s name upon marriage and feminize it by adding the suffix -ová. Thus the wife of Pan Děvečka would be known as Paní Děvečková. They may add their husband's family name to their own.

Personal names tend to follow the pattern:

   Surname[ ]Given name(s) 

though many are also found:

   Given name(s)[ ]Surname

The preposition z ("of") may be used before the surname.

Diminutives as nick names may be used: Petruška instead of Petra.

Tables of names can be acquired: given names External, surnames/family names External, family name prefixes External, forms of address External, job titles External

Czech Republic - Company legal forms


Common Czech company legal types are:

   akciováspolečnost (a.s.) – Joint Stock Company
   komanditní společnost (k.s.) – limited partnership
   společnost s ručením omezeným (s.r.o.) – Limited Liability Company
   veřejna obchodní společnost (v.o.s.) – general partnership

Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see External

Czech Republic - Address format


Addresses are formatted as follows:

   Form of address
   thoroughfare type[ ]Thoroughfare name[ ]number
   postal code[  ]SETTLEMENT{[ ]sorting code}


   Form of address
   Thoroughfare name[ ]thoroughfare type[ ]number
   postal code[  ]SETTLEMENT{[ ]sorting code}

For example:


The general rule for defining the position of the thoroughfare type is:

Two spaces should be left between the postal code and the settlement name. Thoroughfare names often do not contain a thoroughfare type string.

In the larger urban areas two building numbers may be used in addresses in this way:

   ul. Praha 273/42

The first is the číslo popisné (č.p.) (descriptive number), a land registry number with each building within a district having a unique number. The second is the building number, číslo orientační (č.o.) showing its street address. A building on a corner or with more than one front may have more than one building number. Using both numbers improve delivery rates as the building number may change if other buildings in the street are demolished or new ones built.

Temporary housing, holiday homes and so on may have an evidenční číslo (ev. č.) (registration number).

image The číslo popisné is shown here in red and the číslo orientační in blue.

The sorting code (following the city name) is used for addresses in larger cities.

When delivery is to a settlement without a post office, this may be added to the address block above the postal code/postal town line like this:

   Form of address
   thoroughfare type[ ]Thoroughfare name[ ]number
   postal code[  ]SETTLEMENT{[ ]sorting code}

For example:


A table containing information about the relevant position of elements within address blocks can be acquired External

(Sub-)building & Thoroughfare types


Common Czech (sub-) building & thoroughfare types include:

   apartmá (apartment)
   námeští (Square)
   trh (Market)
   trída (Street)
   ulice (Street)


Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see External

Czech Republic - Post office box


Post office box is written poštovní schránka.

Czech Republic - Postal codes


Postal codes (Poštovní směrovací čísla or PSČ in Czech) are formed from five digits in the following format:

   999[ ]99

This code is still that used before the splitting of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia on 1st January 1993. Czech addresses all have postal codes commencing with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The first digit indicates the postal zone, the second the central transport point, the third the district transport point and the final two digits the delivery point. There are currently no codes commencing 20, 21, 23, 24, 42, 45, 48, 49 or 52.

Metadata containing postal code formatting rules, exceptions and regular expressions can be acquired External

Czech Republic - Postal code format graphic



Czech Republic - Postal code format

Czech Republic - Postal code specifics

Czech Republic - Postal code regular expression

\A([1,3,6,7][0-9][0-9]( )[0-9][0-9]|[2][2,5-9][0-9]( )[0-9][0-9]|[4][0-1,3-4,6-7][0-9]( )[0-9][0-9]|[5][0-1,3-9][0-9]( )[0-9][0-9])\Z

Czech Republic - Postal code level of coverage


Czech Republic - Postal code map


Place names in the Czech Republic


Refer to Exonyms in the Czech Republic for full lists of place names in the Czech Republic in other languages.

Alternate place name forms/postal code tables can be acquired at External

Other language place name data can be acquired at External

Czech Republic - Administrative districts


Administrative districts graphic


The Czech Republic consists of 13 regions External (kraje, singular - kraj) and 1 capital city (hlavní mešto, shown in the list below with an asterisk). The region names are not used in addresses:

    Jihočeskýkraj External
    Jihomoravskýkraj External
    Karlovarskýkraj External
    Královéhradeckýkraj External
    Libereckýkraj External
    Moravskoslezskýkraj External
    Olomouckýkraj External
    Pardubickýkraj External
    Plzeňskýkraj External
    Praha, hlavníměsto External *
    Středočeskýkraj External
    Ústeckýkraj External
    Kraj Vysočina External 
    Zlínský kraj External

Telephone numbers in the Czech Republic


Czech numbers have no area codes and all numbers have 9 digits. Mobile numbers commence with 601-608, 702-705, 72-73, 77, 79 or 91.

Tables of telephone number information/formats can be acquired – see External

Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact the author.

All information copyright Graham Rhind 2015. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.