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Global Sourcebook for International Data Management
by Graham Rhind
For supplementary information, see links to post office home pages here , to postal code pages here
and to other personal name and addressing issues pages here
(where . indicates the decimal separator and , the thousands separator)
The official language is Spanish , spoken by most of the population. There are also 1 500 speakers of Garífuna
; 154 400 of Mískito
(around Puerto Cabezas and along the northern Caribbean coast); 24 speakers of Rama
; 6 700 speakers of Sumo
and 30 000 speakers of Western Caribbean Creole English
(around Bluefields and along the southern Caribbean coast).
The abbreviation used for Señorita in Nicaragua is Srta.
Each person usually has a given name followed by two family names, that of the father followed by that of the mother, for example:
Barbara Betancourt Perez
Upon marriage, females may take their husband’s name as a further given name, in this way:
Barbara Betancourt Perez de Lopez
where the de indicates “(wife) of”. De usually indicates a married female, but may also be part of a name.
Professional people are often referred to by their qualification, followed by the given name and paternal family name (and sometimes the maternal family name):
Doctor (m) / Doctora (f) (Dr/Dra) Doctor Ingeniero (m) / Ingeniera (f) (Ing.) Engineer Licenciado (m) / Licenciada (f) (Lic.) Holder of a university degree Profesor (Prof.) Professor, higher education teachers
This is preceded by the gender form of address in this way:
Señor Ingeniero Domínguez
Tables of names can be acquired: given names, surnames/family names
, family name prefixes
, forms of address
, job titles
Note: This section last updated 5th January 2021
Nicaraguan addresses follow the format:
Person’s name Thoroughfare name[ ]building number {District name} Postal code PLACE NAME{[, ]DEPARTMENT}
for example:
Streets in urban areas are often named based on their position relative to a central point. In Managua, for example, streets are numbered ascending from the Chancellery, near to where calle Central crosses avenida Bolívar. Thoroughfares running approximately east to west are named calle or callejon. Those running approximately north to south are named avenida or pasaje. Diagonal thoroughfares are named diagonal or radial. Thus:
14.a calle Sureste
is the fourteenth numbered thoroughfare south of the calle Central, and is east of avenida Bolívar. In León, the central point from which thoroughfares are named is the Cathedral.
Though most streets are named, an informal system is often used, even in official data, based on directions from a reference point. References may be made to blocks (cuadras, c.), compass directions and distances. Arriba (up) may be used instead of east and abajo (down) instead of west. For example:
Lacmiel, 2 cuadras arriba, ½ cuadra al sur
(meaning 2 blocks east and ½ a block south of the company Lacmiel). Sometimes references are made to points that no longer exist:
Donde fue Lacmiel, 2 cuadras arriba, ½ cuadra al sur
(meaning 2 blocks east and ½ a block south of where the company Lacmiel used to be). Old measurements, such as the vara (vra, vs, equal to 84 cm) are used to show distance along a road:
boulevard El Dorado, Nacatamales el Dorado 1c. al sur, 10 vrs arriba
repto San Juan Igl Santa Martha 75vrs al E
Clearly, this system is impossible to understand for non-natives.
Outside urban areas addresses often show a distance along a road:
km 19 carretera a Ticuantepe
Some more information about this system can be found here: https://vianica.com/nicaragua/practical-info/14-addresses.html
A table containing information about the relevant position of elements within address blocks can be acquired![]()
This is written Apartado Postal in Nicaragua.
Note: This section last updated 9th February 2015
After some experimentation with postal codes (Código Postal) of varying formats and lengths, Nicaragua seems (in 2013) to have settled upon a postal code in the format 99999.
Codes are assigned to 153 municipalities across the country, and to 776 districts of the municipality of Managua.
Postal codes of four digits and of seven digits in the format 999[-]999[-]9 may still be found, though codes are no yet commonly found in Nicaraguan addresses.
Metadata containing postal code formatting rules, exceptions and regular expressions can be acquired![]()
Note: This section last updated 9th August 2014
Refer to Exonyms in Nicaragua for full lists of place names in Nicaragua in other languages.
Alternate place name forms/postal code tables can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/settlements.htm![]()
Other language place name data can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/otherlanguageplace.htm![]()
Note: This section last updated 19th May 2016
Nicaragua has 15 departments (departamentos, singular - departamento) and 2 autonomous regions (regiones autónomistas, singular - region autónomista, shown in the list below with an asterisk).
Departamento | Postal code |
Costa Caribe Norte |
71-72 |
Costa Caribe Sur |
81-82 |
Boaco |
51-52 |
Carazo |
45-46 |
Chinandega |
25-27 |
Chontales |
55-56 |
Estelí |
31-32 |
Granada |
43-44 |
Jinotega |
65-66 |
León |
21-22 |
Madriz |
34-35 |
Managua |
10-16 |
Masaya |
41-42 |
Matagalpa |
61-62 |
Nueva Segovia |
37-38 |
Rio San Juan |
91-92 |
Rivas |
47-48 |
They may be found in addresses.
This regions/postal code data can be acquired as a data file![]()
Nicaraguan telephone numbers have no area codes. Subscriber numbers have 8 digits. Mobile numbers begin with an 8.
Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact the author.
All information copyright Graham Rhind 2025. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.