_____ _____ Armenia

Global Sourcebook for International Data Management

                                         by Graham Rhind



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Global Sourcebook | Index | Properties


For supplementary information, see links to post office home pages here External, to postal code pages here External and to other personal name and addressing issues pages here External.

Table of Contents

Armenia - Country information


Local short name form

Official name



2 932 731 (2022) [1]



International telephone access code


ISO 3166 country codes

Car nationality plate code


Internet country code


GRC Country Code


Armenia - Number format


(where . indicates the decimal separator and , the thousands separator)

Armenia - Date and time formats


   Note: This section last updated 25th March 2021

Armenia - Languages


The national language is Armenian External, with some 3 197 000 speakers. This is written in a unique script. There are 5 000 speakers of Assyrian Neo-Aramaic External; 161 000 of Northern Azerbaijani External and 58 000 speakers of Kurmanji External. The Gypsy language, Lomavren External, is also spoken.

Personal names in Armenia


Armenian family names often end in –ian, meaning “son of”. This can be transliterated either as –ian or as –yan.

Married women do not take their husband’s family name. Personal names tend to follow the pattern given name(s)[ ]family name.

   Tables of names can be acquired: given names External, surnames/family names External, family name prefixes External, forms of address External, job titles External

Armenia - Company legal forms


Armenia has these company types:

   Anpartselskab (ApS) - Limited Liability Company.
   Commercial Co-operative
   General Partnership 
   Joint-Stock Company
   Limited Partnership
   Supplementary Liability Company
   Sole proprietorship
   Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see http:www.grcdi.nl/addresses.htm External

Armenia - Address format


Armenian addresses are written in the format:

   number[ ]Thoroughfare name{[, ]Apartment or floor number
   postal code[ ]Settlement{[-]sorting code}

For example:


Addresses are also often found without a postal code or with the postal code following the settlement name.


They may also be found with the house number following the thoroughfare name:


   A table containing information about the relevant position of elements within address blocks can be acquired External

Armenia - Postal codes


A new postal code (ինդեքս) system, a block of 4 digits, has been developed to replace the Soviet-era block of 6 digits. Introduced in April 2006, the new codes run from 0001 to 4216. Each code refers to a delivery post office.

   Metadata containing postal code formatting rules, exceptions and regular expressions can be acquired External

Armenia - Postal code format graphic


Armenia - Postal code format

Armenia - Postal code specifics

Armenia - Postal code regular expression


Armenia - Postal code level of coverage


Armenia - Postal code map


Click on the map for a larger version

Place names in Armenia


   Note: This section last updated 11th March 2015

Armenian place names should be used in preference to the Russian equivalents.

Refer to Exonyms in Armenia for full lists of place names in Armenia in other languages.

   Alternate place name forms/postal code tables can be acquired at http:www.grcdi.nl/settlements.htm External
   Other language place name data can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/otherlanguageplace.htm External

Armenia - Administrative districts


Armenia has 10 provinces External (marzer, singular - marz) and one city (kaghak, shown below with an asterisk). The province names are not used in addresses:

Province Postal code range
Aragatsotn External 0201-0226, 0301-0311, 0401-0412, 0501-0514
Ararat External 0601-0628, 0701-0737, 0801-0823
Armavir External 0901-0946, 1001-1011, 1101-1149
Geghark’unik’ External 1201-1214, 1301-1318, 1401-1418, 1501-1515, 1601-1626
Kotayk’ External 2201-2228, 2301-2318, 2401-2416, 2501-2506
Lorri External 1701-1731, 1801-1825, 1901-1921, 2001-2042
Shirak External 2601-2626, 2701-2707, 2801-2810, 2901-2911, 3001-3027, 3101-3126
Syunik’ External 3201-3221, 3301-3319, 3401-3408, 3501-3519
Tavush External 3901-3908, 4001-4014, 4101-4116, 4201-4216
Vayots’ Dzor External 3601-3615, 3701-3704, 3801-3810
Yerevan External * 0001-0099
   This regions/postal code data can be acquired as a data file External

Administrative districts graphic


Telephone numbers in Armenia


   Note: This section last updated 7th June 2024

All numbers of Armenia have 8 digits when phoned from abroad. Mobile numbers commence with 33, 41, 43-44, 49, 55, 60, 77, 88 or 9 [2].

   Tables of telephone number information/formats can be acquired – see http://www.grcdi.nl/telephone.htm External 


  1. ^ citypopulation.de/en/armenia/admin/ External 20240220
  2. ^ www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-t/oth/02/02/T020200000A0009PDFE.pdf External 20240607

Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact the author.

All information copyright Graham Rhind 2024. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.