_____ _____ Hungary

Global Sourcebook for International Data Management

                                         by Graham Rhind



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Global Sourcebook | Index | Properties


For supplementary information, see links to post office home pages here External, to postal code pages here External and to other personal name and addressing issues pages here External.

Table of Contents

Hungary - Country information


Local short name form

Official name



9 603 634 (2022) [1]



International telephone access code


ISO 3166 country codes

Car nationality plate code


Internet country code


GRC Country Code



Hungary - Number format

   1 234,45

(where , indicates the decimal separator and a space the thousands separator)

Hungary - Date and time formats


   Note: This section last updated 29th April 2021


Hungary - Languages


Hungarian External is the official language, spoken by 98% of the population. Romany External (1%), German External (1%) and Slovak External (1%) are also spoken. There are smaller numbers of speakers of Romanian External, Serbo-Croatian External. There are some 5 000 Slovenian External speakers living in the area called Slovensko Raba, where the borders of Austria, Slovenia and Hungary meet.

Hungary - Personal names


Personal names External are always written with the surname External first followed by the given name External, without a comma separating them.

A person may have no more than two given names (excluding non-official religious names) and two family names, which may be hyphenated. The given names must be taken from an officially approved list of several thousand names. If the chosen name is not on the list, the parents can apply to get the chosen name approved. The names get approval if they aren’t derogatory, can be written and pronounced easily and can be recognised as either male or female. Recognised minorities may choose names which are not on the official list.

Married women may retain their maiden names upon marriage, take a hyphenated form of both names, or take her husband’s family name. If either partner already has two names, one must be dropped as two family names is the maximum allowed.

Forms of address are written after the name. Please refer to the chapter on forms of address. Widows may add özvegy (övz.) before their family name.

Tables of names can be acquired: given names External, surnames/family names External, family name prefixes External, forms of address External, job titles External

Hungary - Company names, Company legal forms


   Note: This section last updated 5th May 2024

A word indicating the nature of the company always follows the name of the company. The indication of legal company status follows this. So, for example:

   Kovács Pékség Kft.

meaning Smith’s Bakers Ltd. The main legal types found are [2]

   Állami vállalat or Vállalat – State-owned enterprise 
   BT. (Betiti társaság - limited partnership) 
   EC. (egyéni cég - registered sole trader)
   Ege (Európai gazdasági egyesülés - registered sole trader)
   Egyesülés – non-profit organisation 
   Erdőbirtokossági társulut – forest management organisation 
   Európai részvénytárság– European company 
   Európai szövetkezet – European company 
   EV (egyéni vállalkozó - sole trader)
   Kft. (or KFT.) (Korlátolt felelösségû társaság- limited liability company)
   Kht. (közhasznú társaság)
   KKT. (Közkereseti társaság - general partnership)
   Közjegyzői iroda – Public notary’s office 
   Külföldiek magyarországi közvetlen kereskedelmi képviselete – foreigners’ commercial representative office in hungary
   Külföldi székhelyű európai gazdasági egyesülés magyarországi telephelye – Hungarian business premises of a European Economic Interest Grouping with a foreign resistered seat 
   Külföldi vállalkozás magyarországi fióktelepe – Hungarian branch of a foreign company
   KV. (Közös vállalat - joint enterprise)
   Nyrt. (nyilvánosan működő részvénytársaság- public limited company)
   RT (Részvénytársaság - joint stock company)
   Szövetkezet – Co-operative 
   Végrehajtói iroda – Bailiff’s office 
   Vízgazdálkodási társulat – water management organisation 
   Zrt. (zártkörűen működő részvénytársaság- limited company)

Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see http://www.grcdi.nl/addresses.htm External

Hungary - Addresses


   Note: This section last updated 29th April 2024

Addresses may be written in one of the following formats, both of which are in common use and both of which are correct, though the second one is preferred:

   Recipient name
   postal code[ ]TOWN NAME
   Thoroughfare name[ ]thoroughfare type[ ]number

For example:


The alternative form is:

   Recipient name
   Thoroughfare name[ ]thoroughfare type[ ]number
   postal code

For example:


Building numbers are followed by a dot unless directly followed by a suffix. Thus 4. but 4/b. Roman numerals are also followed by a dot.[3]

In Budapest addresses the city name is often found followed by a roman numeral, indicating the section of the city. If the postal code is used, this sorting code is not required.

When the address is split into more than one apartment, this can be indicated by showing the floor number in roman numerals, followed by a slash and then the apartment number in this way:

   Kavics utca 13. II. /3

The slash can be replaced by the word em, meaning floor, and the apartment number can be fol­lowed by the word ajtó, meaning door, in this way:

   Kavios utca 13. II. em 3 ajtó

Though now uncommon, in letters to destinations outside Hungary posted within Hungary, an “X” may be added on its own on the line beneath the postal code (where the street address is normally found):


This “X” may be found in address databases originating or data-entered in Hungary.


A table containing information about the relevant position of elements within address blocks can be acquired External

Thoroughfare types


The thoroughfare type should always be written starting with a lower case letter, and it is written after and separately from the street name. The most commonly occurring thoroughfare types, with their abbreviated forms, are:

körút (krt.)
rakpart (rpt.)
utca (u.)

The genitive forms tere and útja occur where the street name is in the plural, such as Roses Street (útja) or Heroes Square (tere). The types árok, dűlő, kert, lejtő, lépcső, liget, mező, park and sor can also be street names, as in the English Park Lane or Court Street, but their position in the address will always make clear whether it is a thoroughfare name (with a capital letter) or a thoroughfare type (without a capital letter).

Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see http://www.grcdi.nl/addresses.htm External


Other elements commonly found in address databases


a, az, and egy are articles in Hungarian.

In Hungarian, adjectives are added as suffixes to nouns and can therefore not be identified as separate words.

Hungarian English
a (before a consonant), az (before a vowel) the
egy a, an
és and
új new
öreg/régi old
észak north
kelet east
dél south
nyugat west
Szent (Szt.) Saint (St.)

Hungary - Post office box


Post office box is written Postafiók, usually shortened to p.f., P.f., Pf. or pf.

Hungary - Postal codes


Postal codes (Irányítószám) consist of a block of 4 numbers, written either before the town name or on their own on the last line of the address. The first digit cannot be 0. They are sometimes written with spaces between each number.

Most Hungarian settlements have a single postal codes. The larger cities have more than one code. These are: Budapest, Debrecen, Miskolc, Györ, Pécs and Szeged.

Postal codes for Budapest always begin with a 1. The second and third digits indicate the district, whilst the last digit is determined by the post office.

Metadata containing postal code formatting rules, exceptions and regular expressions can be acquired External

Hungary - Postal code format graphic


Hungary - Postal code format

Hungary - Postal code specifics

Hungary - Postal code regular expression


Hungary - Postal code level of coverage


Hungary - Postal code map



Place names in Hungary


   Note: This section last updated 19th July 2016

Budapest is often abbreviated to Bp. in addresses.

Refer to Exonyms in Hungary for full lists of place names in Hungary in other languages.

Alternate place name forms/postal code tables can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/settlements.htm External

Other language place name data can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/otherlanguageplace.htm External

Hungary - Administrative districts

   Note: This section last updated 6th May 2025

Hungary has 19 counties (vérmegyek External, singular - vérmegye External, previously megye [4]), 23 urban counties (vérmegyei város External, shown in the list below with an asterisk), and 1 capital city (föváros External, shown in the list below with §). They are not used in addresses:

Bács-Kiskun External
Baranya External
Békés External
Bekescsaba External *
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén External
Budapest External §
Csongrád-Csanád External
Debrecen External *
Dunaujvaros External *
Eger External *
Érd External *
Fejér External
Győr External *
Győr-Moson-Sopron External
Hajdú-Bihar External
Heves External
Hódmezővásárhely External *
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok External
Kaposvár External *
Kecskemét External *
Komárom-Esztergom External
Miskolc External *
Nagykanizsa External *
Nógrád External
Nyíregyháza External *
Pécs External *
Pest External
Salgótarján External *
Somogy External
Sopron External *
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg External
Szeged External *
Székesfehérvár External *
Szekszárd External
Szolnok External *
Szombathely External *
Tatabánya External *
Tolna External
Vas External
Veszprém External
Veszprem External *
Zala External
Zalaegerszeg External *

Administrative districts graphic

   Note: This section last updated 6th May 2024


Telephone numbers in Hungary

image Note: fixed line and mobile number ranges only.

   Note: This section last updated 6th May 2024

All telephone area codes, with the exception of Budapest (‘1’), have a length of 2 digits when called from abroad. All numbers (including area codes), when called from abroad, have a length of 8 digits (for geographic numbers) or 9 digits (for mobile numbers). Mobile numbers have the area codes 20, 30-31, 50 or 70.


  1. ^ citypopulation.de/en/hungary/admin/ External 20240123
  2. ^ @grin@mastodon.grin.hu – köszönöm! – 20240505; https://www.companyregister.hu/services/company_forms_in_hungary External 20240505
  3. ^ @grin@mastodon.grin.hu – köszönöm! – 20240429; https://helyesiras.mta.hu/helyesiras/default/akh12#292 External 20240429
  4. ^ @grin@mastodon.grin.hu – köszönöm! – 20240506

Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact the author.

All information copyright Graham Rhind 2024. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.