_____ _____ Portugal

Global Sourcebook for International Data Management

                                         by Graham Rhind



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Global Sourcebook | Index | Properties


For supplementary information, see links to post office home pages here External, to postal code pages here External and to other personal name and addressing issues pages here External.

Table of Contents

Portugal - Country information


Local short name form

Official name



10 343 066 (2021) [1]



International telephone access code


ISO 3166 country codes

Car nationality plate code


Internet country code


GRC Country Code


Portugal - Number format

   Note: This section last updated 13th December 2020

(where , indicates the decimal separator and . the thousands separator). A space is also used as a thousands separator.

Portugal - Date and time formats


   Note: This section last updated 1st June 2021

The 24-hour clock notation is used.


Portugal - Languages


Portuguese External is spoken by the most of the population. There are 5 000 Caló External-speakers; 15 000 Galician External-speakers in Tras Os Montes; 10 000 speakers of Mirandesa External, also in Tras Os Montes; and 500 Vlach Romani External-speakers.

Portugal - For the attention of


This is written à atenção do Exmo. Senhor ... for men and à atenção do Exma. Senhora ... for women in Portuguese. It may be abbreviated to A/c.

Portugal - Personal names


The Portuguese each have four names: two first names and two surnames, which will differ within the same family. The first surname comes from the mother, the second from the father. When addressing women, the first name should be used after the form of address. When addressing men, a first name or a surname may be used after the form of address. First names are more important in Portugal than in many other countries. The whole name should be written in addresses.

Upon marriage, Portuguese women may retain their maiden surnames; add their husband’s paternal surname (or both surnames, sometimes with the connector de) to her maiden surname(s); or drop her maternal surname and add her husband’s paternal surname. For example, if Ana María Goncalves Gorguiera marries Luiz Pazos Silva she may become one of the following:

   Ana María Goncalves Gorguiera
   Ana María Goncalves Gorgueira Silva
   Ana María Goncalves Gorgueira de Silva
   Ana María Goncalves Gorgueira Pazos Silva
   Ana María Goncalves Gorgueira de Pazos Silva
   Ana María Gorgueira Silva

Children may take all of their parents’ surnames or only the paternal surnames:

   Carlos João Gorguiera Silva
   Carlos João Gorguiera Pazos Silva
   Carlos João Goncalves Gorguiera Pazos Silva
   Carlos Silva
   Tables of names can be acquired: given names External, surnames/family names External, family name prefixes External, forms of address External, job titles External

Portugal - Company legal forms


   Note: This section last updated 2nd January 2020

C.a in a company name means Companhia (Company). Other company types found in Portuguese address are:

   ACE (Agrupamento Complementar de Empresas – association of businesses)
   Associação (Ass) - association
   CRL (Cooperative de responsabilidade limitada)
   EIRL (Single shareholder company)
   Empresa Publicas
   Lda (Sociedade por quotas)
   SA (Sociedade Anõnima orSociedade Aberta)
   SF (Sociedade Fechada)
   SGPS (Sociedad gestora de participações socialis – holding enterprise)
   Unipessoal Limitada - single member company
   Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see http://www.grcdi.nl/addresses.htm External

Portugal - Addresses


   Note: This section last updated 28th March 2021

Addresses consist of three or four lines, comprising the following:

  1. The recipient’s name
  2. The street name and number
  3. The district/locality (not obligatory)
  4. The postal code and town.

Addresses are written in this format:

   Recipient name
   Thoroughfare type[ ]Thoroughfare name[ ]number{[ ]number suffix details/staircase/floor etc.}
   {District/zone/estate etc.}
   postal code[ ]TOWN NAME

For example:


Addresses may be found where the house number is preceded by a comma, like this:

   Rua Conde Redondo, 80

As in Spain, the house number is often followed by a series of letters and punctuation to indicate floor numbers, stairway numbers and so on. The name and address of the sender should not be written on the back but on the top left-hand corner of the front of the envelope.

For post office box or box addresses, the format is:

   Recipient name
   Box number
   Post office name
   postal code[ ]TOWN NAME

For example:


EC is the abbreviation of Estaçao de Correios and CDP of Centro de Distribuição Postal.

The exact form of the thoroughfare type and any prepositions within the address will be determined by grammar. For example, you will find the following:

   Rua de            masculine singular before a proper noun
   Rua do            masculine singular before any other noun
   Rua da            feminine singular
   Rua dos           masculine plural
   Rua das           feminine plural

Portuguese addresses often contain indications of floor or staircase number and so on, which are needed for the correct delivery of a package. The following words give these indications:

   andar                     floor
   anexo                     annex  
   bloco (bl.)               block      
   casa                      house   
   direito (dto.)            right
   entrada (ent.)            entrance      
   esquerdo (esq.)           left
   frente                    front   
   lote                      lot       
   porta                     door     
   rés-do-chão (r/c)         ground floor
   trás                      behind

The words ‘first’, ‘second’ and so on are written as a number followed by a superscript ‘o’ (o), for example:

   1°, 2° 


The CTT (Portuguese postal services) prefer that the complete address is written in upper case.

When abbreviation is required, follow these guidelines:

   - Thoroughfare types (Rua, Avenida etc.) may be abbreviated
   - Prepositions (de, da, das, do, dos) may be suppressed
   - Forms of address (Doutor, Engenheiro etc.) may be abbreviated or suppressed.
   - CTT prefers that full stops should not be used in abbreviations
   - For thoroughfare and place names:
      - No abbreviations should be used when they consist of only one word
      - When they consiste of more than one word, the first and last words should not be abbreviated (except where these are a form of address).
   - No abbreviations should be used on the postal code line.

These tables contain CTT-approved abbreviations. Other, commonly found, abbreviations found within addresses are listed in the sections below.

   A table containing information about the relevant position of elements within address blocks can be acquired External

Portugal - Forms of address used in addresses


Form of address Postally preferred abbreviation
Alferes Alf
Almirante Alm
Arquitecto Arq
Brigadeiro Brig
Capitão Cap
Comandante Cmdt
Comendador Comend
Conselheiro Cons
Coronel Cor
Dom D
Dona D
Doutor Dr
Doutora Dr
Duque Dq
Embaixador Emb
Engenheira Eng
Engenheiro Eng
Frei Fr
General Gen
Infante Inf
Marquês Mq
Padre Pe
Presidente Presid
Professor Prof
Professora Prof
São S
Sargento Sarg
Tenente Ten
Visconde Visc

Building types


Building type Postally preferred abbreviation
Bloco Bl
Edifício Edf
Lote Lt
Torre Tr
Vivenda Vv

Sub-building types


Sub-building type Postally preferred abbreviation
Cave Cv
Direito Dto
Esquerdo Esq
Frente Ft
Habitação Hab
Loja Lj
Rés-do-Chão Rc
Sobre-Loja Slj
Sub-Cave Scv

Here is a list of the most commonly occurring (sub-)building types with their common (not necessarily postally preferred) abbreviations:

Portuguese English
andar Floor
apartamento Apartment
Bloco (Bl) Block
Cave (Cv) Cellar
Centro Comercial (C. Com.) Commercial Centre
Direito (Dto) Right-hand
Esquerdo (Esq) Left-hand
Edifício (Edif., Edf) Building
Frente (Ft) Front
Habitação (Hab) Residence
Loja (Lj.) Shop
Lote (Lt.) Plot, site
Res-do-Chão (Rc) Ground floor (UK); First floor (US)
Sala Suite
Sobre-Loja (Slj) Mezzanine
Sub-Cave (Scv)  
Torre (Tr) Tower
Vivenda (Vv) Residence

Thoroughfare types


Thoroughfare type Postally preferred abbreviation
Alameda Al
Avenida Av
Azinhaga Az
Bairro Br
Beco Bc
Calçada Cc
Calçadinha Ccnh
Caminho Cam
Casal Csl
Escadas Esc
Escadinhas Escnh
Estrada Estr
Gaveto Gav
Jardim Jrd
Largo Lg
Loteamento Loteam
Parque Pq
Pátio Pto
Praça Pc
Praceta Pct
Prolongamento Prolng
Quinta Qta
Rotunda Rot
Rua R
Transversal Transv
Travessa Tv
Urbanização Urb
Vila Vl
Zona Zn

Thoroughfare types are written before and separately from the thoroughfare name. Here is a list of the most commonly occurring thoroughfare types with their common (not necessarily postally preferred) abbreviations:

Thoroughfare Type Commonly found Abbreviations
Alameda Al.
Avenida Av., Avda., Ave.
Azinhaga Az
Bairro Ba., Br.
Beco Bc
Calçada Cc.
Calçadinha Ccnh
Caminho Cam.
Casal Csl
Escadas Esc
Escadinhas Escnh
Estrada Est., Estr
Estrada Nacional Estr. Nac.
Gaveto Gav
Jardim Jrd
Largo L., Lgo., Lg.
Larguinho Larg.
Loteamento Loteam
Lugar Lug.
Parque Pq
Pátio Pto
Praça Pr., Pç., Pc
Praceta Pct.
Prolongamento Prolng
Quarto, Quarta Qt., Qto., Qta.
Quinta Qu., Qta
Rotunda Rot
Rua R.
Rua Particular  
São, Santa, Santo S.
Transversal Transv
Travessa Tv.
Urbanização Urb.
Vila Vl
Zona Zn

Other indicators


Other type Postally preferred abbreviation
Associação Ass
Instituto Inst
Lugar Lug
Ministério Min
Projectada Proj
Sem Número SN
Sociedade Soc
Universidade Univ
   Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see http://www.grcdi.nl/addresses.htm External

Other elements commonly found in address databases


NB: The form of each word can change according to whether the following word is masculine or feminine, singular or plural, or the definite article. Where more than one form is given, they are in the order masculine singular, feminine singular, masculine plural and feminine plural.

Portuguese Word Translation
o, a, os, as the
um, uma a, an
e and
até till, until, up to
para for
de of, from
do, da, dos, das of the, from the
a to, towards
ao, á, aos, ás to the, towards the
perto near, by
em on, in
no, na, nos, nas on the, in the
defronte de opposite (proper noun)
defronte do, da, dos, das opposite (other noun)
junta a next to (proper noun)
junta ao, á, aos, ás next to (other noun)
atrás de behind (proper noun)
atrás do, da, dos, das behind (other noun)
em frente de in front of (proper noun)
em frente do, da, dos, das in front of (other noun)
entre between
sobre over
debaixo de under (proper noun)
debaixo do, da, dos, das under (other noun)
com with
nova, nova, novos, novas new
velho, velha, velhos, velhas old
curio, curta, curtos, curtas short
longo, longa, longos, longas long
grande, grandes large
pequeno, pequena, pequenos, pequenas small
norte, do norte, setentrional north, northern
leste, este, do leste, do este, oriental east, eastern
sul, do sul, meridional south, southern
oeste, do oeste, ocidental west, western
São (male saint), Santa (female saint) Saint

Post office box


This is written as Apartado. The old designator, Case Postale, may still be found in addresses.

Portugal - Postal codes


The Portuguese postal service (C.T.T.) has changed the postal code (Código Postal) system in 1999-2000. The old codes consisted of a block of 4 digits, starting with a number between 1 and 9, and are always followed on the last line of the address by the town name in upper case.

In 1999, three extra digits were added to this code to identify smaller areas (streets, blocks, districts, small settlements or groups of small settlements) or large-users within these large postal code districts.

In the codes, the seven digits is formatted:


The first four digits will correspond to the old postal code. Where the fourth digit is a 0 or 5, the code is usually that of a central distribution point.

When the old four-digit code was still in use, large users were indicated by the word CODEX after the name of the town. Now that the seven-digit code is used, the word CODEX should no longer be found in or used for addresses.

   Metadata containing postal code formatting rules, exceptions and regular expressions can be acquired External

Portugal - Postal code format graphic


Portugal - Postal code format

Portugal - Postal code specifics

Portugal - Postal code regular expression


Portugal - Postal code level of coverage


Portugal - Postal code map


Place names in Portugal


   Note: This section last updated 16th June 2015

Refer to Exonyms in Portugal for full lists of place names in Portugal in other languages.

   Alternate place name forms/postal code tables can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/settlements.htm External
   Other language place name data can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/otherlanguageplace.htm External

Portugal - Administrative districts


Portugal has 18 districts ( distritos External, singular - distrito)and the two autonomous island groups ( regioes autonomas External, singular - regiao autonoma) of Ilhas dos Açores External (Azores) and Ilha de Madeira External:


    Aveiro External
    Beja External
    Braga External
    Bragança External
    Castelo Branco External
    Coimbra External
    Évora External
    Faro External
    Guarda External
    Leiria External
    Lisboa External
    Portalegre External   
    Porto External
    Santarém External
    Setúbal External
    Viana do Castelo External
    Vila Real External
    Viseu External

Administrative districts graphic


Telephone numbers in Portugal


Portuguese mobile numbers have area codes commencing with a 9.

Properties with value Portugal


  1. ^ citypopulation.de/en/portugal/admin/ External 20230121

Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact the author.

All information copyright Graham Rhind 2025. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.